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Everything posted by Captain_MacNamara

  1. Odd... all I get is the following:
  2. Me and both my sisters grew up driving motorboats, but that never felt "right". In stormy weather or fair, made no difference. The most fun about it was when Lake Texhoma was churning with 5+ foot swells... gave us good "sea legs" so to speak. More recently, we've been messing about in our 13 1/2 foot boat, the 'Sea Mist', which is still in the process of being converted to something more proper and pyratey.
  3. True enough, but you don't put smoke detectors and banana peels in barrels... nor will they give you radiation poisoning... (To clarify, that is under normal circumstances. Sure, if you are buried in just the radioactive parts of say, several thousand smoke detectors, then yes you might get sick.)
  4. VERY good article. And yet another vivid illustration of the misleading nature of "mainstream" news media. I've heard from alot of people about these pirates, but never once until this article the reasons... and valid ones at that, that made these men turn to piracy. "There are Pirates and Emperors, but they're really the same thing." Another thing that I often point out, as alot of the time "pirate personae" are ridiculed and frowned upon in the local SCA circles, is that one nation's hero is another nation's criminal... or Pirate.
  5. It depends... I'm about to start a set for oderlesseye. His will come out alot more proportionate, because I am getting all-new materials for his. After I finish his, I'll let you know. Thanks Here's the same becket, tarred, with the (still not quite dry dammit)cleat sitting on the axle:
  6. Thanky... I went with the edge design I did on the lid because I always liked the look of Long John Silvers' tables... that is, before they changed styles. Chest update... The spar varnish on the chest is taking forever to dry because of the damnable humidity here lately. After an all-nighter, however, I managed to nearly finish one of the beckets: 3-lead coxcombing on the eyes, mirrored continuous crown sennits on the upper portion of the becket, and 33-lead grafting in hemp for the handle. 2-lead 5-bight 1/4" cotton turks heads just below the eyes, with 2.4mm hemp wormed into the middle for contrast. The handle is flanked by 3-lead 5-bight 2.4mm hemp turk's heads on either side. The "washers" are 1/8" vegtable-tanned leather, pinked(the edge notches), and stained black. I broke with "tradition" on the bolt. I used 4-point star knots for the ends, with a 4-lead continuous crown sennit for the axle. Normally, there would be a leather "sleeve" covering the axle, but the thing is already too fat. Before anyone asks, yes they are disproportionate... they came out too fat because I used what I had on hand instead of buying new material. Un-tarred 2.4mm hemp and 1/4 cotton line make up the bulk of the work. My next set will come out more proper, as I'll have proper materials.
  7. More update pictures: Becket in progress, with 3 strand coxcombing on the spliced eyes, and 3-strand cotton line wrapped in several layers to build up the tapering handle. Below that, the becket cleats, carved and painted with my SCA coat of arms. Close-up of one of the eyes. Close up of the becket cleat.
  8. Here's the lid now that I'm finished carving it... The design was originally a tattoo design Pynch did for me, which then became the symbol of the Iron Lotus. It is relief carved, and the raised portions are painted in a very watered down matte black acrylic. The lid, as with the rest of the chest, is stained in red oak.
  9. PM me with some ideas, and I'll get to work
  10. What do you need in the way of leather? I am interested in something like this: Except that I'd want it with shorter quillions, with the ends of the quillions shaped like this kind of cross: I would also want a bronze skull pommel (no gemstones), and the blade to only be about 6-8 inches long, with the hilt proportionate to the blade. And it would need to be sharp. IF that's do-able... and if you need enough leatherwork to justify it.
  11. Mere words cannot express nor fathom... I may just have to send you the Iron Lotus log... Seriously, nice work
  12. Aye, welcome mate! An' I'll 'ave a double rum... with more rum, sez I!
  13. As am I... This being the "test run" chest so to speak, I am staining it in red oak. But for my "real" chest, I was thinking maybe a black milk paint finish with a purple trim... Edit: More progress pics I opted to make copper nails out of copper rivets, though you can't see them all that well in the pic. I also finished shaping the lid, and cut out recesses for hinges. The design in progress on the lid is my tattoo, designed by our very own Pynch. I made the till box from an old cedar jewelry box. A bit of a shortcut, but it works beautifully.
  14. And for the love of the sea, shop around! I failed to do so and put down nearly $1000 on our cannon, which came from Wild Imports. She's a damn nice piece, but I really wish I had shopped around for a better price.
  15. Glued together with gorilla glue... Word of warning, this stuff gets everywhere and is tougher than the wood. And it doesn't wash off hands.
  16. I like that I decided to get some pine and make my first chest out of pine just to get a feel for it. I compromised between straight and slanted sides, coming up with a slight slant. So far, I just have the pieces rough cut, but I'll be throwing her together over the next few days. Still working on the beckets as well... and then once she's together save for the beckets, I plan to do a bit of carving before I stain her in red oak to start. Haven't decided if I am going to do any painting or not yet... my choice of colors aren't exactly "period friendly". Edit: The tape's just to hold her together for the picture.
  17. I hate you. LOL Seriously... people around here want anywhere from $500-$800 just for little 8 foot Jon boat, and those aren't worth spitting on. The 13 1/2 foot Jon I have right now is going to have ALOT of work done to transform it into a dory-like mini-sloop, but I'd REALLY like to have something I can get my whole crew aboard, which right now is about 18 people.
  18. I'm working on mine... Well, the beckets at least. The wood itself is going to cost me upwards of $75, because I want mine in oak. I haven't decided yet if I am going to "cheat" and make copper nails out of copper nail rivets, or if I want to fire up the forge and try to make some square headed nails. Either way, I plan to glue it together as well, and even though it's not "correct", I prefer the slanted sides.
  19. Pyrate rum... or in a pinch, Cap'n Morgan's Private Stock.
  20. I could see what I can come up with as well. I'm not up to forging a curved blade, but if I can come by a blade, I can hammer out a decent looking custom guard. Here's mine: http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=12685&hl= And I am here in Oklahoma as well.
  21. I 'kin make ye beckets. PM me with details and an offer if'n ye so desire. I 'kin even make the wood cleats that attach them tae yer chest.
  22. The Iron Lotus - Captain Duncan Patrick "Mad Dog" MacNamara We're located in Oklahoma, and our MySpace is http://www.myspace.com/ironlotuspirates We're still transitioning from our old website, whose host is closing down all their webhosting services, to Myspace... so check our MySpace for updates. Full SCA Name: Lord Captain Duncan Patrick "Mad Dog" MacNamara Nevarsson Seamus O'Dohmnaill of Clan Haddock, Pirate Lord of Northern Ansteorra
  23. Unfortunately, no. I forgot to grab not only the mainmast, but the camera as well. Went back out to the lake today, which has calmed down considerably. After about 45 minutes of bailing, I had her floating again, and got her dragged ashore. There was a pint-sized White Crappie in the boat as well. She's pretty banged up, but she still floats. With our maiden voyage of the unfinished boat, we figured out what all needs to be added to her not only for aesthetics, but to make her more stable as well. Hopefully, we'll have her back out for a second run in a month or so.
  24. Oh, it was a blast, up until the loss of the boat. Hopefully I'll be able to get her out later this week. We're all still laughing about it though.
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