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Everything posted by privateer

  1. cozamel is a blast the have a beach just up the road from the main docks that has all sorts of water toys snorkle gear and a beutiful beach all gratis. and the waiters are quick with the drinks and good food. grand caymen (tortuga) is spectacular. their dollar is worth more than ours so be prepared. jamaica. take only taxi's with the red license plates. we took a diffrent one in ocho's rios to the falls and it ended up costing almost twice as much. oh and margaritaville in ochos rios is a BLAST. free shots and a gendarme outside to keep the dealers out and see that no one is hasseled.
  2. there be a few hotels in Ojai. most are pretty spendy. resort/health spa sorta things. it's been about two years since I've been there. so it might be a bit different by now. ya could take the amtrack ta ventura and take a city bus up from there or give me a call and we could meet in ventura. its about a two hour drive (at night) from L.A. ..day time , double that time.it's maybe twenty minutes from ventura. where is the faire at exactly ?
  3. aye I'll be there. I need ta expand me wardrobe a wee bit before then or maybe there. me brother has a house in ventura so it won't be such a drive.
  4. give 'em hell jack. remember ............it's only illegal if ya get caught. oh and I wouldn't plan on makeing as much money this time. osifers get REAL grumpy if they catch you a second time. have a blast !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. here ye be lass. http://www.kalmarnyckel.org/bookasail.asp not to sure of it's acuracy but tis a start.
  6. aye take im all!! that training ship be a handfull, and the america's cup boats arnt good fer much but going fast in a pertected harbor. now if'n ye 'old'm ransom you'll be set fer life.
  7. here ya go http://www.cmt.com/artists/az/clark_terri/videos.jhtml
  8. cool. I usually double back the last two wraps. basically what ya do is make the loop and twist the loop half a turn before ya drop it over one end of the cleat. so line goes under its self on the return trip across the cleat.kind of hard ta discribe but easy ta do. it keeps the line from slipping and loosening up.
  9. and waste a good hull? nay a well trained cannon crew, a few good pistols and two short cutlasses be my favorite.
  10. I drop sail in the south end of santa monica bay in gloomy southern califorina . most weekends ye best be look'n west ta find me I did a fair amount of time in spokane though .
  11. 'ell that sounds like a perfect vacation ta me well........maybe not number three .
  12. dang that does sound like a load o' fun. I'm thinking of sailing into dana point when they have their tall ship event. I figure as long as I give the tall ships a wide berth there shouldn't be to many complaints. 'n oh well if'n there is. it be easier to beg for fogiveness than ask fer permission.
  13. hey who's the lil guy ? did he just wander in, or was he part of the battle?
  14. here here. sounds like a fine country ya got there. I'd honored ta sail against all 'er enemys fer ya. 'ell , ya could even give bilge monkey a safe port. betwixt loose'n most o' is rum and the jack boots breathing down 'is neck I'm sure he'd vote fer ya . maybe even twice.
  15. ay woot? they be given out letters o'marque !!!??? now that sounds a little more fun. aaaaahh....just think ........ fully licensed ta have a sixty cal. mounted ta the bow. and no hassles about the fifty cal. rifle and the deck sweepers an ,an, an, wait dis is da part where ye be waking me up ,huh?
  16. I'm in need of a Jolly roger (or rackham) in the six foot by 10 foot range . maybee bigger. or is it possible to get just the skull and crossbones really big by themselves? gearing up for buccaneer days in october. thinking of making a jolly roger out of an old mainsail and sailing in with the BIGGEST jolly roger ta ever fly in these parts.
  17. aye those arrrrr some beuts. to bad he don't come ta the west coast
  18. thank ye kindly . that was drive'n me nuts
  19. finally a govt. not afraid of 'world opinion' I see nothing wrong with shooting these guys on site. ifn ya be hijacking tankers and such be prepared to except the consequince's . there was a reason most pirates had a SHORT run of it. about time someone said " look if ya do this , we're going to shoot you."
  20. rum ?........................ where ?..... lovely word lass. me thinks tis' time ye took some down time 'n head fer open water.
  21. aye lass I'v that feel'n ever time I lay me head down ta sleep. the only release I'v found is the open ocean. when ya come out of the harbor and the sails catch the wind. she leans over to about 25 degrees and starts ta roll with the swell...................aahhh. that's when ya know ye was born for the sea. the trick is doin that more than workin.I was definitly born two hundred years to late. one day I will hoist sails and n'er come back. build a robinson carusoe house some where just inside the tropics.
  22. I thought all bodice's were woth a peak?
  23. wow dem some dang fine pictures. lookin like I might just 'ave ta plan a trip out next year. thank ye kindly fer posting that. gave me a few new ideas fer costomes as well.
  24. I be anchored in the southbay. there are two or three 'salles' I found through the help I got here ( thanks again ) one in torrance and the one in culver city looks interesting. I would love to learn from swordplay but it's not werth venturing out on the world largest parking lot ... the 405. thanks again fer the help. I'll 'ave ta start a thread an let ya all know how the classes go once I decide on which one and get started.
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