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Everything posted by privateer

  1. sounds good to me.. starting to valet again on fri and sat so no drinking till after ten thirty on those days. ahh well I guess I'll just have to sprain my liver tonight.
  2. I like kids. watching there faces light up when you teach them something is great. I'm just way to unstable to have them. wait........ that didn't sound right. I meant financially and I have a tendency to move to other ports. I plan to be running a sailboat charter in the next two years.
  3. one of my more used sayings. " if you live right, things just come together "
  4. there's that cursed w word again. *throws back on the shirt and pants, toss' the cape over the shoulder and heads for the bar. * see ya all at the pub later. If not, I'll be back for the sunset.
  5. I agree more plunder cherries fer all if all else fails .... drink your way thru it. I do agree with your points on raising kids. wouldn't mind it so much but finding the right woman that can deal with 'where you going ? don't know . tell you when I get back '
  6. now don't get me wrong.... I enjoy spending time with the lovely lass', laughing together , curled up on the couch. or haveing someone to hold as we watch the sunset. I'm just very set in my ways and very freespirited. the only time I really miss not being single is the time right before you fall asleep and there is no one to cuddle up to.
  7. here here *says without lifting the hat* got to be careful though........ a sunburn in the wrong spot hurts!!
  8. * slowly walks back in * aaahh love that feeling . slightly tired but on top of the world. * lays out cape and lounges in the sun with hat over the face *
  9. drop a line if'n ya are. I wont be in full garb. dont really have a whole lot of me stuff yet.
  10. *strips down ta shorts and shallow dives in* nothing like the calming energy of the ocean. its relaxing but............. energetic. hard ta put into words. *swims out to the breakers to do a little body surfing*
  11. may it never end !!!!!
  12. I would have to say seahawk. or maybe the black swan or against all flags.... or....or.... oh hell put me down for the any Errol Flinn sea movie.
  13. sounds like fun !! what days are you going ? sundays are usually my sailing days. if anyone is going to go on saturday we should meet somewhere.
  14. mind if I join you ? a nice swim in the surf is one of my favorite ways to relax after a long day.. or a great way to wind down after a hard night o' party'n
  15. my all time favorite song ever... I am loseing respect for the man lately.
  16. WOW !!! dat there place has some right pretty items !!! I know where my money's going to ( other than new running rigging )
  17. * lazily strolls up humming 'pirate looks at forty ' watches christine swim for a little bit * how's the water ?
  18. congratulations on yer new found freedom !!! never been able ta tie the knot me self.. came close once. here's ta being single
  19. do they offer diffirent sole types ? leather soles on a boat is just a bad idea.
  20. check out talesofthesevenseas.com look under there costume section.
  21. I don't supose you know where to get a hat like will turner is wearing at the end of PoC ? I always loved the muskateer style. or hell even that whole outfit. I'm in socal and would love to actually try the stuff before I buy it.
  22. I still say there is nothing sexier than a lass with a poets shirt/dress shirt and nothing else!!! ok maybe a sword. no more no less. course the finger food is for ..........later.
  23. a fair night to ye all . I've a bottle o rum and a berth call'n me name. * helps set and light the torches then wonders twords the docks humming ' fairwell and adue you fine spanish ladies' *
  24. already ate love. a tankard of rum and some cheese 'ill be all I'm have'n.
  25. bacon wrapped filet mignon, baked potato , and a fresh garden salad ?
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