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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Aye Capt. Flint, Hehehe.... Raw, eh? I suppose yer right, they go quite mad watching the critters outside th' windows at home... Be they birds, squrrels, raccoons, etc... I done some research, findin' that crows are quite the hearty feather-faces, and would be able ta handle the felines... They's also a bird that will imprint on more than one person, are very intellegent, and quite the talkers... Dunno, we'll see in th' future....
  2. Aye Lass, A fine welcome to ye! Pyrates is always friendly to a fine lass such as yerself... :) But don't take it from me... Th' rest o' the crews will chime in... Again, Welcome Aboard!!!!
  3. Laddie, I nay be one, but I have in th' know several modern Navy folk..... Go 'head, air it out....
  4. Surley ya can!!! SCA has Authenticity nazis... There!!! An' th' truth be known.... I find 'em offensive... 'specially when they complain 'bout what yer wearin' "isn't period" whilst they drink a cup o' SODA WITH ICE IN IT..... Ooooh, did Isay tha' out loud? Nay, I'm not bitter....
  5. Aye Redhand, A fine list o' scribblin's... How 'bout some more info? Authors, n' isbn #s if'n possible... I'd particularly like ta know that about the Pirates of the Chesapeake... Thankee Kindly.....
  6. Ah, Hells Bells Lass!!! I reckon yer in for a voyage ta yer favorite bookpeddler... I canna' say wot should be yer first aquisition... Asside from some good non-fiction pyracy books!
  7. Aye Royaliste, Yer punishment sounds more like doin' a Lad or Lass a a favor, sounds like how ta take a bath whilst under way... I suppose it could be a good or bad punishment... Dependin' on the punishee.... A Lass inna thin chemise... Methinks whilst this punishment would be underway, the crew would be lax in their duties.... But Idigressssss.....
  8. A'righty, I suppose I'll be needin' ta pick up a few books... I been plannin' on procurin' "Under th' Black Flag", an' sounds like I'll be gettin' that "Captured Pyrates" book that Lady Claire Suggested... Somat along those lines I do have, tho not so excitin' "Life before the Mast" By Jon E Lewis isbn 0-7858-1517-1 Letters written home an other scribblin's of sailors...
  9. Aye Lass, Yer quite welcome....
  10. Aye Lass, My knowledge of Keelhaulin' is; A line is run from the end o' one yardarm under th' waist o' th' ship an' up ta th' opposin' yardarm... Yer maggot whom is ta be given said punishment is tyed by th' wrists n' ankles, then "hauled" from side ta side... Or starboard ta larboard an' back a certain number o' times... Dependin' on how many trips an' th' size o' th' ship, th' survival rate is low..... kinda like a severe floggin'..... Ah, heer it be in a dictionary; Keelhauling - naval discipline; all seas; 17th century A punishment in which the victim was hauled over or along the keel, the lowest lengthwise timber of a wooden ship. A rope was passed under the bottom of a ship from side to side or, in a small vessel, from the front to the back. The man was secured to it, suddenly dropped into the water, and dragged along to the other side, where the process might be repeated. Keelhauling was particularly painful probably lethal when the ship's hull was fouled with barnacles and other sharp growths that lacerated the skin. Some ancient greek pictures may show pirates being killed in this way. Seventeenth century dutch and english naval captains sometimesimposed keelhauling, which was replaced after 1700 by Flogging with the Cat-o-nine-tails. There is no record of its use on board merchant ships or by pirates. However, the word is used as a threat or curse in pirate fiction and movies. Lovely, ain't it?
  11. Come now Ladds n' Lassies, Wot, nun o' ye can read?!?!?! I find that hard ta believe... Any books ya got, or would like ta share yer personal reviews of? Like; "Women Sailors & Sailors' Women; an untold maritime history" by David Cordingly isbn 0-375-50041-3 Excellent book, the title says all... Definitely a book all you Lasses should read, it'll give ya new ideas n' ways ta look at things... I give it 5 outta 5
  12. I wonder, How would me six cats deal wi' a bird r' two? As I said I'm thinkin' on a crow... or two... dunno who would be the more intelligent, th' birds or th' cats...?
  13. Why is it tha' most govrnments don't ha' th' brains god gave geese.... I know I won't get a real answer ta tha' one.... I'll be bettin' yer fine caoono are in someones backyard or on their deck or somat thing... And they call -US- Bloody Pyrates!!! All I want is one swivel cannon... for now...
  14. Aye Royaliste, Bloody redcoats indeed, takin' a ships guns... (what in blaizes do 9/11 hafta do wi' BP cannons?!?!?!) Aaarrgghhhh!!! 6 pounder carronades!!!! Splended new weaponry!!! That'll be a fine broadside!!! Would love ta be there fer th' first one.... Quite a few sets o' ringin' ears....
  15. Hmmmm... that there Aircraft carrier idea... great fer takin' ships at sea, takin' a sea port? Hmmm... what's the draft o' them things? ye'd never be able ta get close enough.... Now a battleship like the Missouri (the main guns can use BP) that would have th' cannon range ta bombard a port...
  16. Aye Capt. Flint, True, the Avitar is small, the same pic, full sized is in the pyracy gallery... shoulda said that... I understand the reasoning fer nay lighting yer pipe, I'm not an avid smoker, nor is my Lass, tho an occasional puff is a nice thing, especially at an reenactment, or other get together.... mixed well with rum....
  17. Hmmm... Lovely feather-face ya got there... quite th' intelligent bird... I hav'nt done it yet, but I plan on a crow... get 'em as a hatchling, and raise 'em ta be as crazy as I...
  18. Aye, Actual ship handling does far better than imagination, as you say... Quite a fine Vessel ya have there... I'm not rememberin' does she have any cannon, and if so what poundage? Wish I'da known yer was in the Great Lakes just a few years back.... I usta make th' trip to Ft. Niagra, every 4th of july weekend fer the F&I reenactment... go shoot some redcoats... (hey, I be a bloody halfbreed, shoots who pays me least)
  19. Another thot, or two... Breath mints? A truckload of snickers bars? (satisfying, light, filling, goes well with rum...)
  20. Hmmm... Just a thot... 'ow 'bout an class IIIA Bullet proof vest with trauma plate? Methinks it would be quite handy... tho not so handy against stabbing n' slashin'... But hey....
  21. Ladds n' Lassies, Wot's this? Have we not the stomach fer a boardin' action? Come now, ye call yerselves fierce pyrates... What would ya prefer ta arm yerselves with to board, how many etc... I'd say; a brace o' pistols, some extra shot n' powder - just might have time ta reload, two daggers, My trusty Cutlass, and if'n I feel like heftin' th' extra weight, an axe... Wot says You?
  22. Back to th' clothing..... Tho' ta be dressed properly ye must be wearin' yer hat and boots.... But I digress... Jas Townsend has Sailors/Pirates pants.... I lay'd out some coin n' now have a pair.... rather nice, fall front pants... I'll prolly use 'em as a pattern ta make more, tho with a straight button front... not to particular ta th' fall front.... Here be th' link, all th' way to the bottom o' th' page... http://www.jastown.com/mens18/mens18.htm
  23. Well... My short bit o' rhyme was misaproperated (lost) durin' the restoration of the site to 17 June... So, the haze in mu' brain has lifted enough ta 'member what it was... again.... But soft, What lovely maiden doth wait upon the quay I snatched a kiss and sailed away Now, the Pyrate version... Avast! Wot tasty wench do stand on th' dock I kissed her snatch an' sail'd away Mmmm...!!! Or.....somethin' like tha'.........
  24. Hmmmm.... Named such as yer parents are crazy..... Another good start fer bein' in th' sweet trade!!!! Again I says a fine name Chesapeake be.... Who on this here list would name their child Sally Trunion? Or Jack? :)
  25. As for pipes, I'm sure the clay pipes were about... As for Cigars; When europeans first encountered Tobacco, the "Indians" were smoking cigars, some actually had pipes, conical clay tubes, straight with no bend... I've seen 'em in person, in books, and on the 'net.... I meself enjoy a long reed stemmed pip as ye can see in me avitar.....
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