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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Basically translates, eh..? Hmmm....
  2. Two hearts beat as one...
  3. Mmm.. macadamia nut cookie....
  4. Aye, We 'ave had speaks of such a nature.... I leave th' necessaries in th' hands o' th' crew... as we is a democracy....
  5. Hmmmmmmm..... Aye M. Diego, so be it.... Well, speak man!
  6. :: allowing the ministrations of the good ships surgeon :: Nay lass, tha' be doin' th' job... very intrestin', very interestin' , indeed.... Thankee...
  7. She is having you on.... Hmmmmmmm..........
  8. No..... it's pinin' for the fjords!
  9. :: Standing on the Quarterdeck, hands clasped behind back, scanning the goings on, spies the Surgeon, walks to rail and hails her:: Aye, Ms. Fitzgerald.... ye must be informed o' some recent events... M. Diego 'as some bad news... Please report ta him so's 'e c'n tell ye... an' when ye gets a chance, 'ave ye any medicinals fer an 'eadache... th' kind tha' feels like ye was mule kicked right about 'ere.... *points to the spot right between his eyes*
  10. "Kill your television!"
  11. Or... I could turn into a Mamuch.... Tha's a Serbian word, so ye canna translate it inta frog-speak....
  12. Los Lonely Boys... Yes, I'm eclectic.... among other things.......
  13. Oh fer th' love of..... Keep it up an' I'll be yer Bet Noir....
  14. Why Diego.... I's a might speechless... we's nay rigged out an' a'ready lost 'r Cap'n? ::takes a deep breath, opens his mouth to say more..... nothing comes forth... Takes another deep breath and lets it out slowly....:: Right... Ye says I be th' top rankin' officer now... I'll not be userpin' th' title o' Cap'n... tha' needs ta be put to a vote, aye... I's sure some thought'll need ta be put to it... so I's gonna continue th' work at hand.... RIGHT LADS, LOOSE TH' LINES FROM TH' MOORIN' PILINGS!!! MAD_JACK, PULL AWAY!!! YOU THERE!!! MAN TH' WHEEL AN FOLLOW MY LEAD, HEAD FER TH' COVE!!!
  15. OH Goode Gods............ I ha'n't heard so much frenchy speak since I's off Kee-bur-on Bay.... Bloody Frogs...
  16. As if ye had ta aske? Red devil.... Ya' Ya' I agree... by th' by... do them official tankards as ye have there, does they say "choose yer poison" on 'em? Or just 'ave th' pub logo? I'll take one o' them... full o' French Vanilla, iffn' ye please...
  17. Ack....... three ye say? Hmmm... th' devil... aye, yer wee picture o'er ta port looks it....
  18. Ohhh... William... yer mean, just mean.... Tha' looks.... dare I say? Devine........
  19. Do ye be handy with tools such as a welder and a blow torch? If so, you can make it yerself... Use half inch square stock, steel bar, heat a piece with the torch until it's the color of straw and you will be able to bend it into your hook. Prepare the second piece to weld the hook onto, clean up the welds, heat the entire piece until it's the color of straw, then let it cool, or if you want to temper it (I wouldn't ) dowse it in a bucket of water or oil... Now you can stick the end into a wood shaft and pin it, or you can make a socket (best ).... This description of the process is very basic, I've made a bunch of stuff in this fashion.... By the by.... when did boat hooks appear?
  20. Aye M. Diego, Th' tide will be at it's height in four turns o' th' glass... We c'n 'ave 'er at th' cove in plenty o' time ta catch th' fall o' th' tide.... Oh Lad, ye c'n fill yer belly.... shouldn't 'ave a need fer ye til we's near beached... ::scratches stubble on chin:: That is, unless ye thinks we needs some blessin's?
  21. Dog days of summer.....
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