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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter
::nods his assent to Mad_Jack, turns and walks past the barge, over to where the longboat lay... he looks it over, running his hands across the planking, feeling all the wear on the hull...:: Ah... ye been used 'ard..... we make ye right proper... Hmmmm... new tholes, new larboard gunnel, Heh, new swivel mount too.... Mebee e'en put a footer fer a mast, dare I ask? Oh... there be yer problem... dry rot in th' sternsheets... Aye, once th' Carpenter n' 'r mates be done wi' th' 'Samson', yer next... I shall call ye, Saint Kitt.....
Clanad, Lore, the CD...
Whalers Vanilla......
Spiritious Sea Captians...
The Ghost & The Darkness...
Den of Thieves...
:: HE comes upon Mad_Jack, looking at the mast and sails of the barge, 'Simson'...:: Aye Jack... thems look an aweful mess.... 'ave Kendra see iffn' she c'n mend tha' sheet... an' as fer th' mast, there.... Hmmm..... ::scratches his chin with a look of annoiance...:: Dunno iffn' tha'll last much longer... might 'afta stick ta yer oars fer a bit...
:: with the topmasts, cross trees, yardarms et. all back in place, all rigging rove... the ship is almost fit to sail..:: Fine work, All... Th' Cap'n an' I 'r mighty pleased... :: Notes the reworking of the barge 'Simson' coming along nicely, all the iron work aboard the ship finished, all the carpentry as well..:: Excellent workmanship... ::as he walks across the deck, inspecting an noting what he finds, a smile playing about his face ::
:: sees Mad_Jack warming his hands around a hot cup of coffee..:: Aye, Jack... See to it tha' th' Carpenter knows yer needs fer the 'Samson'...
Now to some o' th' days events.... Pass th' word fer Mr Jim Warren an' Shipwreck John!!! :: walks over to the other officers, finds the Carpenter..:: Aye Rummy, mornin' to ye... Now tha' we's got all th' cannon an' such truck aboard... th' Barge, th' Longboat, an' the dingy need much work ta be done.... Please make haste in their repair.... My compliments...
:: the work of the last eve has done its job of making the slumber of the QM heavy..... with a slow start he wakes to greet this new day, a stretch and yawn, he brings himself upright, finds the water pitcher nestles on its nitch, pours a basin half full, and freshens himself... halfway through the precess the realization dawns..:: Hmmm... This ol' girl be soon ta sea... most a th' work on 'er be done... still need ta get alla th' guns righted, most 'r there now... An' the boats need attention... M'poor longboat... ::finishing up, he dresses and makes his way on deck..:: AH.... the new dawn brings promise... Top o' th' mornin' to ye Lads n' Lasseys!!!!
Conan O'Brien...
Enigma 2; the Cross of changes... I'm DL, several CDs to my 'puter.....
Aye M. Diego, tha' would be fine... give Mr. Hawks what he needs... Ah, Ms. Tempest... Nay, we be stayin' 'ere presently... all work on the hull be done, so's we gonna make ready all the arms aboard, rehoist th' masts an such... AYe, Mad_Jack, make yer needs known ta th' Carpenter!!! Master Petee!!!! I advise ye not ta use th' Longboat! She be as seaworthy as a crab trap presently!! Bloody hell, Jack! Belay yer fixin' o' the barge til all cannon 'r back aboard! Yer ta shuttle the master gunner an' crew ta th' ship... Master Carpenter... set yer mates ta makin' th' longboat seaworthy iffn' ye please!!!
Aye, aye CAp'n... ::Turns and heads for the Master gunner, repeats the orders given...:: An' now ta get Mad_Jack an' th' barge back... :: walking to the beach, he sees the barge, and as Jack looks his way the QM signals him to come ashore::
:: Take his own glass out of his pocket, opens it and looks through it at the ship in question :: Aye... looks to be....four gun ports a side... prolly na more'n six pounders.... She looks ta be wallowin' along... aye, she be 'eavy laden... Agreed, she be no real danger... 'less she be full o' marines! *chuckle* An' she 'pears ta be tackin' away from us.... :: folds glass and puts it back in his pocket ::
Irish Sea...
:: now finished with the quick orders, he returns to the new faces at the gate...:: *Steps around her large friend and over to the Quater Master. Captain Wake Sent me said you needed a sail maker and tailor aboard my name is Kendra *puts out her hand* Aye, Lass.... tha' we do... :: shaked proferd hand :: Kendra ya say? Well met.... Welcome to th' Watch Dog! stack yer gear in th' ramparts 'ere, we' soon ta start haulin' e'erythin' back aboard soon... *smiles*
Aye, aye... ::turns to the new folks:: My apologies, I shall return in a short tyme.... ::He turns and briskly walks in through the gate, musters the lookouts and any free hand, issues them muskets and orders to 'be on guard'... Finding the master gunner he passes the Captains command to be ready with the guns, incase the ship comes closer...::
:: after seeing to the reperations of security and repairs, the QM turns to the sound of his title hollered from the fortification, where two figures stend by the gate guard, who waves him over...:: Must be some new lads comin' aboard... :: he walks up to the gate and adresses the new faces..:: Aye, I be th' Quartermaster, Dorian Lasseter... 'ow might I be o' service?
:: the QM, hearing that a ship has been sighted, walks to where the Captian is standing, peering through his glass... Hearing it may be a merchant, but still dangerous, the captian orders the barge to be launched as a precaution...:: Aye, aye cap'n.... ::looks about, sees mad_Jack...:: Jack, get yer crew tagether, launch th' barge, an' equip th' crew wi' muskets n' cutlass... Take the #7 swivel an' mount it in th' bow.... be wary o' tha' ship yonder....
:: the hull now fully repaired, all efforts are made to right the ship.. The tackle is loosed, allowing the ship to settle in the rising tide... within the hour she floats level, awaiting her masts and rigging to be restored, then to have all her equipment returned to her berths and hold:: Ah.. tis a fine thing....
Puff the Magic Dragon....