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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter
Aye, Aye... ::turning to the waist of the ship:: A'right Lads, My compliments.... have yer ease... Very well done Master Youngblood, Master Badger..... :: Turning back to the Captain :: Ah, Cap'n..... what news? I 'spect we still be needin' a cutter? An' wot does ye won't done wi' Mr. Warren n' Mr. Sons? I still 'ave 'em in irons...
:: the buzz of work being done aboard the Watch Dog helps to make things seem normal, even though a type of stand off is taking place off the larboard quarter... As the QM stands, watching the the ship laying 300 yards out, waiting for some outward sign:: Blast an' hellfire.... ::then he was rewarded... there was the captain! and.... Armand, the surgeon's man.... They boarded the cutter with some of the Xebec's crew and were away, heading for the Watch Dog :: A'right Lads... steady... Th' Cap'n returnin'.... Master gunner... be ready, just incase...
Mr. Youngblood, make yer way back to yer station in th' waist... Iffn' I need ye on th' Quarterdack, I'll send fer ye... ::Turning back to the Xebec, he again looks through his glass, seeing the captains of both ships walking the deck, then heading below:: Bloody hell... The wait is worse'n a fight....
Aye Bo'sun, Carry on... finish up on th' barge.... Fine work.....
::he smiles back at the surgeon:: Aye.... I believe Mr Cairan c'n tell ye all there is.. 'e was with 'im when it all 'appened... Make way fer th' Surgeon!!! ::He watches as she makes her way to her domain....:: ::Turning his attention back to the Xebec, he sights in his glass, taking in the whole ship, watching the crew aboard, still with an uneasy feeling....::
::As the Surgeon makes her way up the side of the ship, the QM reaches down to give her a hand...:: Welcome back aboard, Ms. Fitzgerald... Glad ta see ye... ::turns to the rest of the crew:: Stand down lads!!! Back ta work!! :: turns back to the surgeon:: Come, Diego's bad... I's sure ye know by now... Anything I should know afore ye go to 'im? Wot's goin' on o'er there on tha' Xebec? Cap'n a'right??
Oh... Aye Ms. Constance... no, Belay tha'! Wait fer th' Surgeon.... might not be a goode idea ta feed 'im yet... more water fer now... ::nods::
:: watching the people on the deck of the Xebec intently, the QM fights the urge to draw his glass to get a better look, he clasps his hands tightly behind his back hard, occasionally stealing glances back around the deck of his own ship, seeing the looks of question on the crews faces... a flurry of movement on the Xebecs deck, and he can no longer resist, his hand darts into his pocket, drawing and extending his glass in one movement, and up to his eye:: Hmm.... they's lowerin' a boat... and... Tempest! Ah lardy!!!! *a deep inhale and slow exhale* Me'thinks this be a goode sign... ::he continues to watch as the boat is manned and sets off, heading for the ship he stands upon:: Right... Lads!!! prepare ta recieve 'r Surgeon aboard! Have a care! Iffn' some o' th' crew o' th' boat there come aboard, extend 'r finest courtesy.... But, stay on yer guard.... Cap'n's still aboard o'er there.... Lively now, Lads!!! ::he goes back to peering at the ship, and the boat coming near, trying to see any reason to be worried, or to set off an alarm...::
::while the QM stands watching the Xebec and the cutters progress, out of the corner of his eye he sees the Master Gunner sitting, peering through a glass, he then approaches the QM:: Mr. Youngblood, aye You will stand and attend to your duties... If this turns bad I need you at the guns with your crews.... Now, get down into the waist, easy... and kindly assemble yer crew without makeing too muck of a ruckus... Make it so...
Aye, Aye Captain!!! :: The QM turns to look down the hatchway at the two lads in chains :: 'ow's it feel ta be in chains Lads?? Iffn' ye wish ta avoid it ag'in... *he leans down into the hatchway* Don't ever let me find ye drunk whilst on duty.... unless everyone else be in revelry wi' th' cap'n blessin's... ::standing back up stiffly, he turns away from the hatch, watching the progress of the cutter:: Bo'sun! Lead Mr. Warren an' Mr. Sons ta th' crews mess... feed 'em some cold coffee, an' leave th' iron on til I says... :: he then walks to the rail, still watching the cutter, a cold sweat on his neck :: I's a bad feelin'.... :: looking about, he sees all the crew stock still :: Wot ye standin' aboot fer!!!! Back ta work!!! Pass th' word fer Mr. Ciaran!! :: he stands, hands clasped behind his back, staring at the Xebec...::
:: takes the sack from Jack :: Ah... well... mayhaps not... ::Looks to the captain for what he might want done with the sack of weaponry::
:: Knuckles forehead, standing very stiff :: You there! Go below an' fetch me some irons! Be quick about it!!! ::He draws his pistol, pionts it at the two men, steps over and disarms them, tucking their pistols into his belt, dropping their swords to the deck behind him :: *whispers through gritted teeth* Relax lads... all fer show... ::the man sent below returns with the shackles:: Right! lock 'em up! :: the QM steps back, keeping his pistol, and now one of their own aimed at each of them as they are in turn shackled:: Very well, Now lads... to th' brig!! MOVE!!!!! :: the now shackled men shuffle to the hatchway, awkwardly making their way below, just before he follows them, the QM truns to the captain...:: All is well Cap'n.....
:: As the cutter makes its way to the ship, the QM sees a man who could only be the captain appear on deck... he is dressed in what must be his finery...:: Look Lads... there be th' Cap'n... 'e's dressed form'ly.... An' you too drunk as skunks... :: the cutter comes along side, handled well enough so as to not bump into the ships' side, Mr. Sons catching hold of the chains in the bow... The QM then looks up to the deck... :: Ahoy Cap'n William.... here be th' cutter.... I'll be comin' back aboard...
Aye Cap'n... ::knuckles forehead:: Where be th' dingy? Ah, there... ::the QM climbs down the side of the ship to the dingy, attached to the main chains, he then pulls for shore, where a group of sailors stand, laughing, listening to two others... soon he reaches the beach, hops out and pulls the dingy up, then approaches the crew...:: Aye Lads!!!! Wot be th' hoopla? Mr. Warren! Th' Cap'n requests tha' ye bring th' cutter 'longside o' th' ship... now........ :: stepping closer, he notices the very heavy scent of rum on the men :: Well, well, well... got inta th' stores??? Drunk ye be... not fit ta do yer duty? Come along, you too, shipwreck.... :: He turns and leads the two men to the dingy, has them launch it while he stands in the stern :: they row out to the cutter and under his eye, weigh anchor, and bring it alongside of the ship....::
::Hearing the word passed for him by the Captian, the QM makes his way topside after a long night with much to do...:: Aye Cap'n, wot be the news this.... day.... ::he is distracted by the sight of not one, but two ships, one a cutter, of which he assumes would be Jim Warren, returned... the other, not a native to these waters... He had last seen such a vessel while on Minorca, in the Med. Sea... The Captian orders a signal shot to be fired:: Aye, aye... Mister Youngblood! Would ye be kind enough ta load one o' the long nines, wi' powder on'y, as a signal back ta th' ship standin' in.... :: The QM takes his position next to the captian, hands clasped behind his back, awaiting further orders... ::
ATF, aka Cherry Juice...
:: overhearing the conversation betwixt the Captian and the Monsignor, the QM politely breaks in :: Aye, Cap'n... th' fillin' o th' fresh water supply did get belayed, due ta th' sightin' o' tha' ship... we shall commence the resupply soon as th' barge be repaired... Soon... Then, th' longboat'll be in repair...
Red Lead...
Does ye snort startin' fluid too?? *Spray, Snort* "Dude, I'm tweekin'.... Whoa....."
Back to Enigma.... I love you, I'll kill you...
Nay... more like antifreeze... it's sweet!
Or Calico Jack spiced rum... BLARGH!!!!
Gotta try tha' one o' these days....
Aye Ms. Kendra.... Speak wi' Mad_Jack.. he be in charge o' the barge... My compliments Ma'm....