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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter
Aye Lass... Th' evenin's shapin' up well enough...... ::smiles warmly:: William.... 'ow d'they do tha' call? Ye knows... tha' trillin' thing?
AYe William!!!! Aaaiiieeeee!!!
::strolls in, nods to Ciaran and Merc...:: How goes this eve? Might I have a Drambuie ta start th' eve? ::Sees a new face in the Kate:: Evenin' Lass...
Goode song Laddy!!! I's listenin' ta Queen... Friends will be friends...
Giving or Receiving?
::seeing as they are in conversation, he would find out about the Longboat from the Captain later...... He proceeded aft, up and onto the quarterdeck, looked about, from ship to sea to shore, noting the barge pulled up on the sand... he drew his glass from the pocket of his wesket, peering through it and seeing all was well with the barge, the crew in the woods gathering the necessary supplies, a distant report from a musket is heard from roughly that direction.... The QM continues to sweep the beachhead and as far inland as he can... no other sounds of battle come...:: Musta got some game... fresh meat'll be well recieved.... :: after a few moments more, he collapses his glass, stands at the rail surveying the activities aboard, letting his mind drift to recent happenings...:: *talking to himself, a barely audible whisper* Fresh supplies comin aboard.... plenty aboard.... could make a run ta th' Orient wi' wot we gots.... crews shapin' up well enough... ship's in grande shape... fightin' trim... :: His mind wanders further into the depths :: Th' crew... how they's ta do inna fight... dunno.... prolly most c'n act fearsome... 'ow many c'n back up their bark? cap'n, o'course... no doubts there... Th' rest I's ye ta see their fight'n trim... *chuckle* sept'n Tempest.... near run m'through... Lardy.... I c'n guess Armand be just as goode...... mayhaps better.... gotta speak ta th' Cap'n bout tha' one... poor bastard's actin' a servant... an from wot 'e's got hid away... 'e be better'n 'at... funny ol' world innit?
:: Mr. Lasseter, after a busy morning looking thru the papers of the previous shipsmaster, and going over the list of supplies garnered, it was time to make his way topside, but not after making a pass through the ship... He made his way through the lower decks, checking the stores, throught the lower crew space...:: *with an exasperated sigh* Ah fer.... will they never learn.... Well, Mr. Sons will be sleepin' on th' deck this eve... :: he takes down the sailor's hammock, rolls it into a cylinder and takes it to the armoury, placing it with the other hammocks that had been left up... He then made his way topside, acknowledging the crew as he went... He sees the Captain speaking with the carpenter :: "My compliments, Rummy. This is excellent work. You've put new life into her, Master Carpenter, that is certain. May I inquire after the condition of the longboat?"
:: The QM leaves Admand to his thoughts and finds his way up on deck, seeing the Captain watching the boat crew hoist away, for who knows how many times...:: Aye Cap'n... how...how goes th' drillin'? Ah, might we in th' next day r' so have a meetin' wi' the Surgeon an' 'er servant? I think there be somat ye an' I have th' need ta know... nothin' ta threaten th' ship, mind ye... just.... somat we should know... I'll be below... seein' Iffn' I c'n find Tempest, 'r the Surgeon.... :: knuckles forehead :: Cap'n... :: he goes below, look in on Armand and decides a different thing to do. He goes to his quarters, opens his seachest and pulls out a box the size of a pistol case, then heads back on deck, to the sterm rail of the quarterdeck. He opens the box to reveal a reed stem, clay pipe and a drawstring bag and a device that looks partly like a pistol... opening the bag and putting the pipe bowl in, he packs it full of tobacco, he then puts the stem in his teeth, pulls the other instrument out of the box, fiddles with it, then works the action, where a spark, then flame appears at one end, he lights the pipe and smoke flows from his mouth... closing the instrument, the flame is extinguished, then it is put back into the box along with the tobacco pouch. The QM stares out to sea while slowly puffing away....lost in contemplation...:::
:: the QM watches as Armand opens the seachest, moves asside a fine pair of riding boots and a very fine coat, revealing a horsemans sabe. The QMs eyes light up and his brows raise :: " You will be so kind to place this in a very secure place and out of general sight? I have no real desire to hand this over, but it is out of respect for regulations that I do so." says Armand :: The QM, still looking at the sword and back at Armand's troubled face, he slowly nods :: I c'n very much understand why ye wish ta not part wi' such a fine sword... Tis quite a beauty, Lad.... *he leans closer to see the details better* I canna say I's seen it's equal, 'sept when I was in Marseilles... ::his voice trails off and a look of confusion crosses his face:: Armand.... Am I ta assume this be yer sword? ::Armand, looking directly at Mr. Lasseter, takes a deep breath thn nods quickly:: Oui... ::The QM nods his head, then clears his throat:: Aye, Lad.... much is not as it seems... I tell ye what... lock tha' back in yer chest.... I believe I' need ta speak wi' Tempest an' th' Cap'n... No... ye must be present too... Would not be right iffn' ye weren't.... Aye, put it away, we'll sort out some things afore long.... ::He stands and watches as Armand, relaxes just a touch, then replaces the sword deep into the chest, laying the coat and boots back atop, closing and locking the chest:: Aye... Soon enough, Lad.. or shoud I call ye Comte?
Aye,aye Cap'n!!! ::knuckles forehead as he passes to got below, following Armand::
:: the QM's eyebrows go up...:: Hmmm... very well... A moment tho... ::looks about to see who he might leave in charge of the deck until he returns....:: Lessee, Jack be on th' barge... ah.... Mr Youngblood! Ye 'ave th' deck til I return!!! I've a need ta go below fer a moment...! A'right Armand... lead on....
Aye.... as I said... Bitch....
:: The QM watched the drilling of the barge crew intently... :: Better..... aye, much so th'n last time... :: His revier broken by the sound of the goode padre's voice...:: Oh, Sorry Diego... where ye goin'? Water... nay, since ye been put down by th' serpent, not a soul was allowed ta venture back.... tho, I thinks we shoud soon... at th' Cap'n's word....... ::Armand, the servant of the Surgeon stands to the side, looking as if he wishes to speak:: Aye, lad? Ye be needin' somat? Speak up then... *smiles a pleasant smile*
Aye, Very goode... Hard tymes? Has ye ne'er heard o' river pyrates....? I been one many o' year.... In Canoes, dingy's, sloops.... works mighty fine! I's glady ye had a grande tyme!!! brings back mem'rys o' me youth....
Bitch... (yes, I think Ms. Kidman is....)
Very well... I wonder 'ow th' rest o' th' repairs ta th' St. Kitt might be goin'...
Aye... Well.... mayhaps iffn' ye join 'em... take th' tiller an' do th' thinkin' aboard.... Take th' helm o' yer boat.... be their cap'n, as it were..... *smiles at Jack*
Aye, Jack...... Yet...... ::the QM scrunches up his face, as he watches the semi disaray of the barge crew::: Aye.... Yet.... Keep at it... til they get it right.... then do it again... Cap'n wants things ta be done well.... 'specially it be yer barge tha' would ferry 'im about... Carry on, Lad....
Oh but falling down is part of it.... they're re-enacting being drunk.... I done that many times....
:: looking to the Monsignor :: Ah, nay Diego.... not as of yet... *chuckles* ::looks and sees Mad_Jack ::: Aye Jack... Am I to believe tha' th' Samson be finished proper? If so, I'll have ye do several boat lowerin' drills... I'd like ta see the lads be able ta ready th' barge an' longboat - when it be finished - in a very quick n' proper fashion... Ye 'ave yer orders... ::nods to Jack::
Adam West... Major Pot head! Most of the time they were taping Batman he was sooo high... they had to scrape him off the ceiling with a rake!
:: the crew sullenly finds themself back at their duties..... an unhappy calm comes over the ship. The QM, frustrated at this, crosses his arms and paces the Quarterdeck, fore and aft...:: Bloody... tis a pity, but twas necessary.... how ta lighten th' mood... ::he stops and stretches his arms above his head. as he does he notices an odor:: *sniff* Whew.... lardy... mayhaps I should have a bath.... Ahhh... that be th' thing.... :: he walks to the taffrail :: A'RIGHT LADS!!! LISTEN UP! I NEEDS FOUR O' YE TA RIG TH' MAIN PUMP! RUN TH' HOSE O'ER TH' SIDE THERE! AN' SET TH' HOSE PIPE THERE, FOR'ARD O' TH' HOLD! QUICKLY NOW LADS! :: As the crew hasten to folow the orders, some with a questioning look on their faces, the QM makes his way below to his quarters, gathers up a fresh set of clothes, and strips to just his breeches... keeping his knife and pistol on his belt, he makes his way forward to just forward of the hatch to the hold... he then lays his pistol and belt with knife on top of the hatch...:: Aright lads, You, an' you, start pumpin'.... you an' you, take up th' hose pipe.... aim it o'er here.... :: with these orders given, he drops his breeches to the deck and steps into open space :: Aye lads... hose me down! Aye! Ahhh!!! tis cold.! :: he washes himself down thoroughly, the sting of the cool seawater quite refreshing :: Avast pumpin' lads! Aye... Now.... iffn ye all wants a bath... a time c'n be set up ta do wot I jest 'ad done... ye come an' sees me... I'll get permission fer ye... Now, stow th' hoses n' gear... Back ta yer duties! :: The QM dries himself lightly, dresses in his fresh garments and takes the Quarterdeck::
Aye, aye Cap'n :: As the Captain retreats to his quarters and work space, the QM looks around the ship, seeing sulking faces, and hooded eyes :: Tha's right lads... this not be no pleasure yacht.... Soon we be goin' out inta th' deep blue... a'ter many o' prize.... iffn' ye don' listen an' follow orders... on'y prize ye gonna get is tha' ye'll meet yer maker quick like!
AYe Cap'n... Several, nay.... One I know of... *points* there, I believe is Mr Sons... I ha'nt been able ta get 'is attention... Tho I think I did find 'is empty hammock... As fer M. Diego, Armand, and tha' lad there wi' th' dingy... I gave them leave ta help th' monsignor bathe... 'is confinement has left 'im a bit ripe, sir.... SO, wot be yer orders, Cap'n?