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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. :: after looking thru the log book, the QM heads below, thru the lower decks.. He passes by several hammocks still hanging, yet unoccupied ::: Well... they was told, now they pay th' price.... lessee.... this'n be... Mr. Youngbloods *Takes down, an' this'n be.... unknown... well thay be sleepin' on th' deck now... ::he takes the hammocks down to the armoury, unlocks the door, tosses the bundles of canvas into an empty chest, closes and locks the door... he then heads back up to the Quarterdeck, where he see the Master gunner smoking and looking thru his glass :: Mr Youngblood... I'd advise ye ta keep to yer duties an' find yerself on the gundeck.... now...
  2. :: looks down to the main deck at M. Diego, smiling :: Nay, there be no real labor in tha'.... Ye best do it in th' shallows tho... 'ave a lad take ye ta shore in th' dingy... Cheers...
  3. :: As the QM makes his way aft, he sees what appears to be a sleep-walking Jack, walk off the side of the ship, at the sound of the splash, some of the crew raise alarm, only to laugh when they see the truth of it... He shakes his head with a chuckle and continues aft.... As he reaches the steps to the quarterdeck, the Monsignor appears, with Armand in tow..:: Aye M. Diego, tis goode ta see ye up an' aboot.... Tho, did I not 'ear that yer ta be not at labor? :: he responds that he needed fresh air, and would be sitting on deck for a spell :: Ah, very well... enjoy th' mornin' air, then... ::the Qm makes his way up onto the Quarterdeck, pulls out the logbook and reviews what will be this day...::
  4. *Biff!* *Boff!* *KaPow!*
  5. :: The QM, awakes his respite to the sounds of the pipes... the tune a very familiar one... it brings a smile to his face, and a moistness to his eyes... As the tune fades away, he rolls out, finds the basin and water, freshens up, dresses and makes his way topside...:: Mornin' Lads.... Lass'.... :: as he makes his rounds about the ship, greeting the crew at their duties or at rest.... stopping in the bow near the jib boom, he looks out to the deep blue, and whispers to himself...:: Hmmmm... I've a feelin' in m'bones.... th' tyme is near.... ::with a nod, he turns and makes his way aft...::
  6. :: on deck the crew finished with the chore of Holy Stoning the deck, the gunn crews stand in wait for the Master Gunner to run them through the exorcise of the main guns:: Master Gunner! Th' crews await yer orders! :: The QM walks about checking and rechecking the fix and fitment of all repairs and revisions on the ship ::
  7. A rolling stone gathers no moss...
  8. :: The QM watches Mad_Jack pull to shore, have a short conversation with the lad on shore, who then climbs aboard the dingy, and is rowed back to the ship... As they come along side, Jack steadies the dingy as the new fellow starts the short climb up the side to the deck :: Aye Lad, I be th' QuarterMaster.. ye may call me Mr. Lasseter... Iffn' ye be wishin' ta sign articles, I'll 'ave ye wait 'ere whilst I see iffn' th' Cap'n might be free ta have ye sign... :: Mad_Jack's head appears as he climbs the side of the ship:: Ah, I thank ye ag'in, Jack...
  9. Bo'sun!!! Would ye be so kind as ta make sure th' crew be doin' a fine job wi' th' deck? All th' wee spots, n' 'ard ta reach places... Thankee
  10. Ahoy Lad!!! There be a boat on th' way ta' gets ye!! Patience, an' ye shall be aboard soon enough!!!
  11. ::The crew, fast at work with buckets, mops and holystone, the QM now encumbered with all the weapons turned over to be placed in the Armoury, he heads below and deposits said items within... making note of whom gave what....:: My, what an array o' weapons... :: he checks over many of the pieces:: Appears ta all be in proper order... very well.... ::He exits, locking the door behind him, and makes his way back to his quarters where he finds a bundle with a note attached:: Fere'er indebted? PEW? Ah, Mr. PEW... *unwraps pistols* Lardy... these be a fine set.... why'd 'e give 'em ta me? A fine thing... :: enters his quarters, unlocks his seachest and deposits the pistols there :: Fer safe keepin' fer now... ::closes and locks the chest:: Right then... wot next... :: he turns, leaving his quarters, heads topside and regains the Quarterdeck, observing the fine work of the crew...::
  12. ::takes the arms from Mr. Youngblood..:: Thankee.... as fer the belayin' pin... I's fine wi' tha'... Ah, I am pleased at yer fervor... however th' deck needs cleaned first an' foremost... tha's where all o' yer gun crews be.... Once tha' be finished, gunnery practice shall commence.... Carry on...
  13. Thankee Mr. Youngblood.... Mad_Jack, be so kind as ta take th' dingy an' retrieve tha' lad on shore? Thankee... Mr. Hawks!!! Please find yer way ta th' Galley, check all th' iron works there fer repairs 'r improvements... Mr. PEW! Mr. Cut throat! Mr. Ciaran! Ye have the luck o' not 'avin' ta holystone th' deck... instead ye gets ta clean th' surgery.... get buckets o' soapy water, and buckets o' vinegar, wash down e'erthin' an' I mean everythin'.... Off ye go lads!
  14. ::after finishing his drink, he heads below, to the Captain's Quarters...:: *Knock, Knock* Aye Cap'n.... Ms. Smith.... Cap'n, what r' yer plans this day? :: the Captain looks about the table he has charts over, finds a piece of parchment and hands it to the QM :: "This is a list of what needs to be accomplished this day, see to it, as I'll be planning much, and won't be on deck for a time, thank you..." ::knuckles forehead:: Aye, aye, Cap'n... I'll leave ye to yer thoughts, then... ::Turns and exits, closing the door he stops and reads the list, noding....:: Aye... much ta do... :: The QM finds his way up on deck and to the Taffrail of the Quarterdeck... grabbing the speaking trumpet...:: !!! ALL HANDS ON DECK!!! ALL HANDS ON DECK, NOW!!!! :: he stands stiffly as all the crew assembles in the waist of the ship, once they are assembled, he addresses them :: Goodly crew o' the Watch Dog.... Our Captain 'as asked me ta assemble ye fer th' days happenin's.... Firstly... Now tha' we be afloat, an' not any trips ta shore be needed, As actin' Master 't Arms, I'll have all yer pistols, n' swords ta be put in th' Armoury, presently... Secondly... Th decks shall be holystoned this morn.... til they be clean, clean, clean!!! Thirdly... Master Gunner!!! Yer ta commence gunnery practice off th' starboard, yer ta use them palm trees as iffn' they were masts... Ye got seven shots... Seven shots only... nay more... Lastly... there be several happenin's goin' on aboard tha' need ta be addressed.... One, NO SMOKIN' BELOW DECKS!!!! I catch ye, an' ye'll 'ave hell ta pay.... a stray spark could send us up in a cloud o' smoke n' fire! Two, Don't ye be hangin' yer clothes in th' riggin'... This ain't no Laundry!!! I sees tha' an' they be turned inta rags...! Three, When yer nay in yer hammocks, ye best stow em' away... I find em up, swingin' an' yer on duty, they won't be there when ye get off! The Cap'n n' I thank ye fer yer ears... off ta yer duty Lads n' Lasseys!!! Tis a fine day!!!
  15. :: The QuarterMaster rises, and makes his way topside, seeing that all seems to be in hand, makes his way to the quarterdeck, where he sees the Surgeon and her man leaning over the stern... he quietly approaches... :: Ha, Hmmm.... I prey I's not interuptin' yer conversation.... might I join ye in this respite? :: both the Surgeon and Armand smile and nod, the bottle they share is offered to the QM, who accepts.... spilling his tea out of his jack, he then pours a dram or two of the cognac in... :: Thankee Tempest, Armand... Am I ta take it tha' th' Monsognor be on th' right proper mend? Last I saw, 'e looked well enough... *takes a drink* Ah, no'bad... goes down well... :: with a gentle smile, he falls into silence... looking out to the water, to the far oceans...::
  16. Thankee Jack... comin' ta be an habit, tha' is... Well, when Mr. PEW be aboard... if need be, I'll be in m'quarters.... Ye c'n trouble me there.... Tho, I suppose he'll need ta report t' th' Cap'n r' th' Master Gunner... Very well... :: the QM truns away and heads below decks...::
  17. Thankee Jack.... :: the QM tucks the pistol into his belt, eventually to make it to the armoury, or the captain.... as he turns away from Mad_Jack, he sees Mr. PEW bustling his way across the shore, looking in a slight panic as there are no ships boats on shore... :: Ah, Jack.... might ye send a lad wi' th' dingy an' get Mr. PEW from shore... 'e looks ta be... disturbed...?
  18. AH, very goode.... very goode indeed.... ::takes pistol that jack offers, looks it over....:: Why tha's a fine pistol..... finer th'n most.... Might I ask wheres ye 'obtained' this? :: his brow creases :: Nay, ne'er ye mind... mayhaps I don' want ta know.... tis a fine piece... Mayhaps I'll give it ta th' Cap'n wi' yer compliments?
  19. Inna Gatta da Vida, Baby.....
  20. ::in his cabin, the QM hears much of the goings on of the day... the crew working the lines, finishing up with reroving all of the rigging, among other duties... He finishes making notations in the logbook, stands refreshes himself, dresses and finds his way out past the sick ward, he looks in seeing the now animated form of the Monsignor and the Surgeon.... He smiles, glad that all appears to be on the mend. He makes his way to the galley, finds some vittles with which to dine, then heads topside :: Mornin' Lads.... I sees ye be doin' goodly work 'ere... Mad_Jack, 'ow goes th' work on Samson? Th' carpenters mates finish up an' start on th' St. Kitt? Aye tha' be th' Longboat... ::He looks about, up and down, starboard to larboard, stem to stern...:: Aye Lads!!! Keep this up at th' rate ye be goin' an' we be weighin' out on th' morrow!!! :: a grin lights up his face :: *whispers* Soon... aye... soon we be away from land.... on th' deep blue...... Soon........
  21. :: looks about hearing the strike of the bells :: Ah Mister Badger.... Th' Cap'n is below, and I have much to do in my quarters... all is well in hand... you have th' deck, Lad..... My compliments... ::with a small nod, the QM heads below... he walks past the surgery, notes the situation is well in hand and heads to his quarters....::
  22. Aye, Aye... :Knuckles forehead:: The QM makes his way topside, seeing the crew back at work he looks for the Master gunner..:: Aye Mr. Youngblood... Cap'n requests ye keep th' larboard guns at th' ready... This eve ye be drillin' th' crew wi live fire... make all reperations ta keep yer powder dry and all at th' ready... Off with ye, Lad.... *Smiles* Mad_Jack! Lad, find all th' barrels tha' 'r unfit fer use... get some o' th' lads ta coat 'em wi wot's left o' the tar from careenin' so's they'll float... yer gonna be shootin' 'em outta th' water this eve... have at it, lad! *deep breath* well..... an interestin' day.... indeed........
  23. ::The QM follows the Captain down to the galley where two sailors are sitting, clapped in irons by his commmand... and now with the same authority the captain has the irons removed, the ruse now over... He listens to the Captain tell the lads what has transpired, and what still may transpire due to their gaul... But then he changes his harsh words and praises them, The QM smiles a toothy smile at his words, for in this business they are truth...:: Aye Lads... off wi' ye then... I'd sya ye deserve a tot fer yer bravado... But I thinks ye 'ad yer fill a'ready..... Back ta yer duties... Ya sons a' devils... ::the smile never leaving his face:: So, Cap'n.... I'll be topside...
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