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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. *blinks* Oh, aye, th' chilli looks fine too... ::ducks as a ladle is whipped about:: An' could I gets a Guiness as well?
  2. Ah Lass.... Not t' worry... all this goin's on will on'y last not more then two days... So's fer ye ta set up a temp'rary ward in th' fortification should be well enough.... As fer lodgings... th' open sky and sandy beach..... a hammock... wot more c'n ye ask? *grin*
  3. Ya had ta ask? Looks mighty fine........
  4. Aye, Lass... I feel th' crew 'r well in 'and... gonna be several hours afore this side'll be done... There be somethin' amiss?
  5. Aye Cap'n Gary!!! Fair winds' n' Following seas!!! What be yer destination? My best to ye...
  6. Aye, Diego! Turn yer sights on th' Master Carpenter!!!! She be in charge o' th' reperations!!! ::clasps hands behind back, wobbles as he adjusts his balance, grins:: A fine, fine day...
  7. ::as the ship tilts to the side, the QM stands at the rail opposite the shore, as the angle increases, he leans ferther away, over the side, watching how much of the encrusted bottom shows, until....:: 'Vast heavin'!!!!! Tha' be far 'nough!!! Fine work Bo'sun.... fine indeed lads... Rigt then... ta th' boats! Master Carpenter, Lass!!! These lads be yourn ta commence repairs below th' waterline! When ye be finished and th' tide refloats us, we'll turn 'er about an' make ready fer th' other side... ::standing on the tilted deck, he then makes his way to the captian:: Aye, Cap'n... careenin' should be finished by th' morrow... 'ave ye anything particular ta be done? ::smiles at the surgeon:: Ms. Fitzgerald....
  8. ::knuckles forehead:: Aye, aye, Cap'n! ::rouses several crewmembers to take one of the ships boats back to the pier where all the ships supplies stand under guard, with his orders to bring all water casks to the cove:: ** As the tide turns, more of the hull shows itself.... covered with barnacles, seeweed and the like** A'right Lads!!! Seein' as th' blocks n' tackles be lashed ta shore, haul away I says!!! put th' ol' girl on 'er side!!!
  9. What they got away with using puppets Pocket pool...
  10. ::knuckles forehead:: Aye. Aye, Cap'n... *takes speaking trumpet* !!ALL 'ANDS ON DECK!!! PREPARE TA DISMAST AN RIG TACKLE TA SHORE!!! BO'SUN, RIG OUT ALL SHIPS BOATS FER INSPECTION AN' CAREENIN'!!! LADS, DO A RIGHT FINE JOB AN' YER GETS AN EXTRA TOT FOR TH' EVENIN' MEAL!!! *sets trumpet down* Tha' aught ta put aspring in their step... :: pulls a kerchif from his pocket, wipes brow :: Hmmmm... need ta make sure 'r water barrels 'r full, n' all r' gettin' plenty.... :: walks about the ship, giving a word of advice here, lending a hand there, making sure everyone is doing well ::
  11. AYe!!! Someone else who remembers Greg the Bunny!!! Energizer...
  12. :: with the direction of the QM, Bo'sun Badger skillfully manuvers the Wtach Dog, closer to shore, near the fortifications... As Mad_Jack and his crew on the ships bardge pull away, until their work is hampered by the making soft contact with the sand bottom of the cove :: *Taking speaking trumpet in hand* !!AVAST PULLING MAD_JACK, SHE'S BEACHED WELL ENOUGH!! ::turns to the Bo'sun:: Fine job there, lad... :: walks over to the lee side of the quarterdeck, (salutes Captian by knuckling forehead) :: Cap'n, we's run aground fer careenin'... as th' tide turns, shall I 'ave th' crew bring down th' top masts an' rig th' tackle ta shore?
  13. :: nods to the surgeon:: Aye Lass, outta harms way.... I' shall send fer ye iffn' yer healin' arts be needed... Cheers
  14. AYe M. Diego, Ye c'n keep an eye on the cable through th' hawse hole... have a care it dunna show signs o' partin'.... there be much strain on it......!
  15. Right...... "She's having you on.." On what?
  16. Really now?
  17. :: watching the plight of the M. Gunner with a hint of amusement playing on his face..... turns back to the work at hand :: !! AT TH' WHEEL!! TWO POINTS TA PORT.... STEADY!! MAD_JACK, KEEP 'EM PULLIN' STEADY, NO' TOO HARD!!! :: the ship glides slowly through the water, wobbeling slightly as she heads further towards the shore ::
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