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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Ghosts and Spirits...
  2. :: the late evenings work of yestereve done, the refloating, having the barge's crew haull the ol' girl round, resetting the tackle and once the tide rolled out, hauling her back over, exposing her other side... The QM, sees the Carpenter administering her sage advice to the crew under her supervision, back at work... Noting the progress, he turns to what is at hand here on shore... Walking through the fortification, noting the crew maning the cannon, looking out for trouble sea and land side.... Seeing new faces aproaching and being greeted by M.Diego...:: Very well... Me thinks we be weighin' out soon enough... knock on wood... *reaches out and knocks three times on the gun truck nearest him* ::See the Captian approach the surgeon's rooms, knock and enter:: *brow furrows* Hope there be nothin' amiss.... I's sure ta find out soon enough...
  3. Peachy-Keen...... Doncha Know......
  4. Everything's fine........
  5. Nat'l pasttime... (I can think of somethin' better ta do..)
  6. ::the tackle from shore, now eased, the 'Watch Dog' now waits for the incoming tide to lift her off the bottom, whence the ready crew will spin her about, so she may settle in the same locale to be turned on her side again:: A fyne thing, this..... once we be done wi' the hull, we's 'bout ready fer weighin' out.... that is, once we reload alla th' stores n' truck... ::scans the horizon, out to sea, around to shore, where he sees the surgeon standing upon the sandy beach... a smile crosses his face::
  7. third time's a charm...
  8. Nice cut to yer jib....
  9. ::as the day lengthens, the side of the ship exposed to the breeze is finished, a weary crew observes it's friution of labors:: Aye! a fine job well done!!! fend off so's we c'n right th' ol' girl, an' fix ta turn 'er about an' work t'other side! :: cups hands around mouth :: Ahoy lads ashore!! slowly loose th' tackle and let th' ship settle!!
  10. Mayhaps, wi' th' cap'n permission, ye gets yerse'f ta shore, tell th' master gunner ta load all cannons an' bear on th' incomin' ship... await me signal weather it be friend 'r foe....
  11. **Boom....** AYE, AYE!!! :: dowses, slowmatch, half slides, half walks across deck to where the captian stands :: Aye cap'n, right fine morn....
  12. Sharlatans....... (sp)
  13. :: Waking in strange surroundings, he slowly starts to draw his knife.. then remembering that he is on shore, in the fortification, eases it back into its sheath... rising, he looks about, gathers up his belongings and heads out... finding his way to the shore line he finds the dingy that brought him in past dark, shoving it into the water, he takes up the oars, and pulls his way out to the tilted ship, out and around, inspecting the progress made..:: Ah... looks a fine job... this side'll be finished shortly, then on t' th' other.... :: rows back to shore, beaches the dingy, wanders about to find the Captian :: AYe, Cap'n.... shell we get th' Lads n' Laseys up an' back ta work? Say, a half load o' powder in a swivel? I'll be aboard, makin' sure all went well in th' night... ::Knuckles forehead, heads back to shore:: :: hooks onto the bow chains, climbs the side of the ship, heads to the quarterdeck, finding the tilted deck to be a mild challange as he loads one of the swivels and awaits the signal from the Captian ashore::
  14. Awesome movie!!! Loup Garou...
  15. ::knuckles forehead:: Aye, aye, Cap'n.... ::clasps hands behind back, stands stiffly waits for the captian to take his leave::
  16. Hmmmmmm......... Mayhaps we shall 'ave a lookee at th' fortification... Cap'n Willaim was actually th' creator of said construct... I 'ave yet ta leave th' ship.... At your leasure......
  17. Pots and Pans... London made!!! (movie line...)
  18. Very well, then.... :: scans the ship, the crew at work, the shore, and the open sea...:: Soon... soon me lads, n' Lasseys... we make sail for th' unknown...
  19. Aye... I believe th' fortification is well garrisoned this day...... ::sees the master gunner taking his ease:: Hmmm... I prey 'e's got th' gun crews well in hand whilst 'e slumbers... And, comp'ny c'n always be got, iffn' it makes ye feel secure fer the night hours....
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