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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. the sound of one of my hands clapping
  2. nibbling on something I found under the keyboard - not quite sure what it is, but it ain't half-bad...
  3. Alpha-Bits...ok, I'm hungry...
  4. bangin' on the bongos like a chimpanzee
  5. Adrina Thorpe - just discovered her - fantastic stuff.
  6. Wonderful...Einstein had PhD assistants, and look what I'M stuck with...
  7. ..oh...THAT again...NARF!
  8. ...um...eat some tasty Choco-Bombs?
  9. What we gonna do tonight, Brain?
  11. Silkie, do you think that perhaps, being a color-oriented individual, your energy is "tuned" to recognizing those qualities? Whether through training, avocation, or simply a deep interest in color, your energy has learned to discriminate the finer points of colors, shades, hues, etc. Perhaps it's the rational, reasoning brain that is fighting with intuition and "former energy". Our training in worldly matters is often as much of a hinderance as a help...hence the Taoist admonition "Once you learn the rules, promptly forget them". :)
  12. Ehh...well...not as such. At least, not as the term is bandied about these days. It isn't as if those bits of energy keep track of each other through MySpace; rather, they work on Uncertainty Principles and Chaos Theory (Remember Jurassic Park?) You're walking down the street, minding your own bees-wax, when WOOMP, you spot a gal across the street - you risk life and limb crossing that street, only to stand in front of her like a bewildered idiot, for you've never done anything like that before. And I'm not talking physical attraction - these energy motes are too smart to fall for that trap. Possibly, the reason is that SHE had a "brother mote" of energy within her, inherited from the same or related person as your motes. The motes recognize each other and voila, instant bonding. Or, whatever floats your motes...
  13. M'Lady, yer even finer than when I were lucky enough ta gaze upon yer beauty at PARF last year. :) Oh, and, um, yes - yer lookin' FIERCE, lass!
  14. Ahh, my friend Mad Jack - Ye be as fine a piece o' male pulchritude as...um...erh... Lookin' good, bro!
  15. putting up a front
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