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Kendra The Sea Maid

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Everything posted by Kendra The Sea Maid

  1. Thanks Jack and Christine! The party continues I am going out to dinner with a friend of the family and my Grandma!!
  2. I am wonderful! My birthday was yesterday, but the party-ing started Saturday with a B-B-Q with lost and I do mean lots of dessert which carried over into sunday with 3 of my pirate buddies came (one brought a small chocolate cake. . .very chocolate cake. Ending yesterday with a gift from my parents something I was planning to get for myself. . .the blackadder series. wich if you had not seen you need to it is really great!! So over all I have had a great birthday weekend with: 3 cakes, mounds of cards (one being an e-card- thanks love!), balloons. . . and a partich in a pear treeeeee! Sorry wrong holiday!! Yes, I made out like a pirate!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
  3. "May The Lord be praised Monsingor, It s Kend sir. She is hurt I know not how bad." *She caughed and sputtered . . .* "Simon is that you?" "Yes, miss, lie still we will get you out."
  4. *With all the commotion Simon thought it best he check on the little tailor He made his way below to her bunk but she was not there, or was she in the galley. . .* "Where in the name of heaven is she?" As he went further down in to the depths of the ship it grew darker amd dark till he could bearly see in front of him. He look about in the pitch blackness* "This is rediculas surely she would not be all the way down here." *Then his large 14 Thigh high boot bumped against something in the dark, that let out a moan. . ."Help me please, Simone some one help!" "Miss KENDRA! QUATER MASTER! JACK! I NEED HELP!!
  5. *Rubbing her sore eyes from hours of stiching the last pair of pants.* "I certainly hope no one asks me to sew another thing for at least two weeks. my hands have cramps upon cramps."*She lets out large yawn and rubs the kink from her neck, just as Simon re turns with a wet cloth. She simply thanks him with a smile, for a smile is all she can muster. The cool salt water feels like heaven's rain upon the hot read desert that is her face* "It is getting late for you milady." *She nods to the giant not looking up. "Let me help you to your bunk." "Thank you my gentle giant."
  6. *Those words echoed over and over again in her head as she and Simon spent most of the moring taking Ajayi measurements, not just for his size but for he would not hold still.* "If you want your clothes to fit you perfectly than you must hold still please." she gently chided*Simon translated the the new members responce, "He's says he can't help it Miss, he is ticklish." *she rolls her eyes, "Who has ever heard of a grown sailor being ticklish." *Simon stuffled a chuckled, as the other giant's laughter went up an octive as she tried to measure his waist.* Finally she had had enough* "Simon, would not happen to have an extra shirt he can barrow while I make him his tent like breeches." "Certainly Miss." Let him know he will have his new clothing, at the begining of next week." *Upon hearing the translation, Ajayi planted a big kiss on her lips in gratitude and left.*
  7. "May are hearts always remain strong, as we sail on. . ." *Friendly giant came upon the sailmaker, looking over her shoulder he comments "Glory be, miss, you have been written in that thing for days now. What could be soooo interesting?" *Tries to sneak a peak* *she quickly snaps it shut* "Its nothing Simon, just some random thoughts. . . *She tackfully Changes the subject* "Have you finished the repairs to Captain's Wake's coat?" "Yes miss." "Good, take it to Miss Smith, then." "As for me, I am going to turn in early." "Are you feeling alright?" Yes, I am just tired is all. * she kissed his cheeck to reasure him before heading below.*
  8. *Still cursing to herself about how she behaved when the French were first sighted she kept her distance from the crew (and especially Jack) she just sat in her usual spot on deck finishing up what repairs she could make to the new comers clothes.* "How could I just freeze like that, and turn into such a child? The crew is depending on me, and I become afraid of my own shadow." *Out of the corner of her eye she sees Jack coming by, she starts to open her mouth, but before she can speak, she feels the sudden prick of her needle* "Ouch," *and smal trick of blood seps from her index finger* "See that's what you get for letting your mind wander" *She scolded herself*"Your just very fortunate that night, when your mind did the same no one needlessly gor hurt." "I know, I know." she sighed
  9. *Once the exciment began, in one big swooping mostion Simon heaved Kendra over his shoulder and down below they both went. He gentley tossed her into his bunk and just before leaving he kissed her cheek* Stay here,*for a moment he reminded her of her father* Don't move and don't make a sound. *she simply nodded, here! *he handed her, her sewing shears* Just in case! *With that he ran back up on deck to help. She cluched them tight and prayed that no one would find her and if they did. . .may her first thrust be the one that saved her life!
  10. *Simon helps his mistress to the main deck so that she may see the early morn sky as a grey mist skims across the water. A slight chill creeps up her spine* There's something strange in the air she thinks. Not of any supernatural in nature but it is something* . . . dark and forboading. . . So slient. . .not even the birds sing, so she sings a tune to herself to calm her nerves* "An ill wind begins to blow, yet in my heart I Know The Lord shall carry me through this storm. Though I may at times get blown about, He will be there to guide me out! Like a sailor's best mate, He'll be there to carry the weight. May Lord of us all,help us through this hellish squal. . ." *she then begins to shut her eyes as the ship rocks and sings its own lullyby"
  11. Kendra sits and is mendon one of the crew's breeches, "I swear Simon God should truly bless this crew with all He indeed has for all the hole-ly garments I have seen in this past week!" Simon's grand laughter seems to echo through out the ship, "I wish that could be true Miss."
  12. Texas would never be the same once we got through with it!
  13. Hey!! That's my dream Sis. . .just cause your older don't mean I have to share every thing! Have a great birthday!!
  14. *Kendra sits on deck, watching the sun orange glow light the evenin sky* "Since the little song bird of the watch Dog is sick lassie, perhaps you could sing a tune to help all us weary sailors sleep?" *Qurried Simon* "Oh, no Simon I have no voice for singing I leave that for the Angles and those whom God has gifted." "Just one little tune. . .Please?" *he pouts* "Oh All right!" *Clears thoat and hope christine will forgive her* Farewell My Boney Blue My Heart stay ever true, for how I love you My Dear sweet Boney Blue. The sea doth call my name, but in my heart you'll remain. No matter storm or gail, or even heaven-hail Can ever keep me from you My dear sweet Boney Blue. Now it's time to dry your eye, I must leave on the tide. My Pretty Angel bride, stood on shore and waved good bye As I whiped a tear from my own eye. . . Farewell My Boney Blue My Heart stay ever true, for how I love you My Dear sweet Boney Blue.
  15. *Simon had come back on a much needed brake, to check on Kendra, since the "Watch Dog was short handed they needed every man they could get. She too had heard the scuttle butt amongest the crew, but paid no attention, she was there to do her very best for the crew and she would stick to it. This time when Simon came back his face showed a mixture of tired sadness.* "What is it Simon? Is it the Captain?" *Dispite his own misgivings for the Master At Arms he knew that Kendra would be most upset with him if he held such information from her.* "Nay Miss, it not be the Captain. . .Mad Jack be in the in furmery now and it dosen't look too good from what I am told." *she stared at hi blankly for a moment. Then she looks down at her needle work, "Now see what you made me do. . .I am going to have to start all over again. . .and this is one of the Quater Master's breeches." *a single tear runs down her cheek as she rips out each stich and begins again.*
  16. *Sees the troubled look on his face, and walks up from behind "I don't mean to disturb your watch sir, but are you feeling alright?
  17. *Still singing, his somewhat comical tune now upon deck, he turns to the sound of the all too familer stomping of Simon's feet cradled in his arms quite snuggley is Kendra protesting the wholw way* "Simon you but me down right this instant!" "Sorry Missie, the Monsingnor said to take you to the doctor, and that's where you going." "But I feel just fine," *the giant just rolled his eyes* "It's just a little re. . ." *suddenly sees Jack standinin in front of them arms folded. She quickley turns her head and barries her face in Simon's face so he would not see the abnormality*
  18. *A rather large shadow comes into the priests veiw, he jumps with a start* "Ahh, Mr. Powell it is you, for a moment there I thought. . .well never mind. What can I do for ye stout lad?" * he bows deeply to show his respect*"Miss Kendra has taken to her hammock early, Father. Her eye is bothering her something terrible, however she did with my help of course," *he smiled with pride* "finished the repairs as you requested." *He thrust his arms forward to show him the fine workmanship*
  19. *With her giant friends help they take down the sails. "This will take most of the day Monsingor bbut it will be done." * With that the sail is taken below and both her and Simon set to work.
  20. *Makes her way on deck with Simon's help, her left eye is red a puffy -a splinter piece of wood was the cause of the irritant* "I told you Miss, to stay be low till the fighten was over." "Oh, I am all right. Stop treating my like a baby. I need to see if my expertise is required." "You need to have your eye looked at." "I can see just fine, it is my eyelid that is red, besides the doctor is working
  21. *Kendra so wanted to help the others during the skermish, but Simon made her stay below. Believe me Miss Kendra it is best you stay right wher you are, while I go help. *The sounds of the yellin of orders and cannon shot, brought her back to the day she was about 3, when she lost her father and 12 year old brother Matthew. Through all the noise she tried to sing herself to sleep but to no avail. I n the moring light she looked down from her hammock and found Simon snoring away she sliped her hand into his and gave it a squeeze* "Thank you for keeping him safe she Whipered*
  22. *Walks past the Captain with mended shirts an breeches under her arm. Just shakes her head, Men will do anything jus for the smell of gun powder!"
  23. Kendra calls out* Good evening Monsingnor, sharing thought with the Lord are ye? how ar your robes holding up?" *Shugs shoulders* must not have heard me
  24. Good afternoon Jack *a voice comes from behind, he turns with a start an sees that her long hair I was on my way to see the captain's stewart and give him his shirt, Simon walk up from beind* Better hurry miss the Captain be in a fowl mood and don't like to be kept watin* he eyes Jack and walk on * He's right ya know, better hurry *waves bye as he for a moment watches her leave*
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