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Kendra The Sea Maid

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Everything posted by Kendra The Sea Maid

  1. Once again, the most special man in my life, (my Dad) got me a chocolate heart, the sweetest of cards, and finallt a tuna sub from subway. Who needs a good looking pirate, when you have a Dad that knows who to spoil his little girl! Happy Valentines Day everyone!!
  2. They are all so good, I nominate Captain Siren of the Poesidon. What do you need to make a signature? Mine was made by a friend, and will always use here, but would like to know how to make one
  3. Or. . . "Pyracy not career, but a lifestyle." and. . . "Show um your inner Pyrate."
  4. Swiss Moca ( had it yesterday really good)
  5. I would like to make this into a t-shirt one day "Do not make me get pyratical with you!"
  6. Puttin on the feed bag
  7. "Shane, come back Shane!"
  8. My prayers are with you both, and that I know God will give you strength to get through another day. I am feeling rather off, for the last few nights I have had some rezlly bad dreams, the kind that I wake up and am crying. I am not really sure where its coming from but needless to say I haven't been sleeping well.
  9. * Kendra stood motionless, keeping in her mind the less she moved the less "in the way" she was. She gazed about the ship, with all the flurry of activity around it seemed more to her like a bunch or rats scurring about except one. . . Dr. Fitzgerald. She too had yet to leave her spot. In her face was grief to be sure, but there was also a tremendous sense of resolve in her eyes. Eventhought the sailmaker looked directly at her, she most assuredly did not see her or if she did her duties prevented her from acknowledgement in such a moment as this.
  10. That was so beautiful, I know that memory was a difficult one to share, thank you. If it is any comfort it gave me a warm candle light glow.
  11. What lovely image to have, when one is about to go to sleep
  12. *As She made her way on deck, she sniffed the air giving her spirit a renewed hope and strengh with a dash of change. Yes change, for that is the best word in the King's English she could find to describe this complex feeling. This past year had been bittersweet. But as her father has alway told her, "It is part of growing up." And indeed this ship and its crew have taught her to grow up and fast. She sees the Captain and Mr. Pew are engagged in something. Mr. Pew turns and nods in greeting and she dose the same, before making her way to otherside of the ship to be alone , look to the heavens and pray.
  13. She is doing well, she is in a nursing home while she recouperates, and gets PT this is for a few weeks. Then she will be sent home, Her dog Casey (who is as big as Marmaduke, no joke) Will be put in a kennel for a time while getting around her home. Don't want him tp trip her while she is re learnig how to get around the house. As for me still waiting to hear from the guy about the tub lift. We and our little farm survived the storm today, we are all praying that the water receeds and that all the animals stay healthy. Oh also, my travling compaion, is getting married the 24th of this month to a wonderful man. So please pray that they always remain the best of friends as they are right now. And yes, Ciaran I too want prayer in the romance department as well. I know, I did not need to put that down, but I think I know you well enough to know you would have called me on it if I didn't Thanks again to one and all!
  14. Homicide: Life On The Streets
  15. My Dad tries to get my Mom and I a box of Chocolate. "For my two sweethearts." To be honest I kinda become "grumpy" I mean I do apperciate what my Dad dose for me, but lets face it its not romance. My idea of romance is a guy (pirate garb prefered. . .teasing, but it would be fun) brings me roses and we go out for lunch. Yes just lunch fellas, I am an old fashion sort of girl.
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