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Kendra The Sea Maid

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Everything posted by Kendra The Sea Maid

  1. For if looks could kill
  2. A very successful pirate
  3. MMMMMMMMM thank you I needed that!
  4. Good evein all, can any one get me a glass of chocolate milk? Why is it that when you crave sometihing (like chocolate milk) you never seem to have it on hand? *sigh*
  5. Tired cold and sore, my hips are acting up again. I had a great day today, went to see the Dead Seas Scrolls excibit it was really awesome. Really lifted my spirits and got me thinking at the same time. The day ended with a great lesson, that nothing lasts forever, but you know as painful as that lesson can be, I am really not in any kind of emotional turmoil over it, (as I would have been a year ago). To me, it was the last hurtle I had to over come. The hope I have is in the one who holds tomarrow, and not many people can say that. What a great comfort it is, and I am excited by what the next chapter holds for me. My Love and Blessings to one and all!
  6. You know to count me in
  7. Once I get my office reorgainized, I will go back and work on my second novle to the mermaid's tale. Find a publisher for the first. And finally, but no means least continue my work on my webpage!
  8. Sounds like most of mine except the talkin in a foreign languge part. Do you write alot as well Captain? I have to say that mine has become more on the romantic side of late, has anyone ever had a dream that seemed so real, you could touch and feel everything going on around you?
  10. Ok, ok don't rush me. . . I am feeling romantic so. . . "These women. . .their fingers are the same sensitivity as their legs. . .and their finger tips . . have the same feeling as their feet, and when you touch their knukles it is like, passing your hands over their knees, and this tender fleshy part. . ."(shows the woman the part between thumb and index) "It is same as brushing your hands over her thighs. . .and finally. . .(Open woman's palm and kisses it tenderly) I know this is better of in pyracy island!
  11. Romancing the Stone I am sorry it took so long to respond Deigo I am in the midst of moving furnature around
  12. "Pleased to make your aquaintance, even under such a dark cloud as this," *sighs* My name is Kendra Fitzwater, but most here just call me Kendra." *Turns back toward the body, and with out looking back at Mr. Pew she asks, "Is there anything else I can do?"
  13. WOW I can't belive I got that!! Do I get a prize!! I too like the African Queen, but when I think of Bogart I think of Casablanca and Malteese Falcon, The "Fat man" and peter lori! Here's my quote: "If we get out of this alive, I am going to kill you!"
  14. Panama Jack Btw thanks Matt
  15. After the man retrived the canves from her, she watched as the men went in an out of sick bay like ants from a mound. Shen then walk over to Mr. Pew she wanted to see if there was anything else she could do, but no sound was able to pass her lips. so she just stared at Mr. Pew till he'd look her way.
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