Kendra The Sea Maid
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Everything posted by Kendra The Sea Maid
I just wanted to add my 2¢ and say that I too am part of this cast as well. . .only without the tail! (right Paisly ) It will be nice to see all of you as well!!
I. Here is another epic poem thanks to Siren (my big sis) This goes along with the Dark Prince of Plunder! Enjoy!! I. I have sailed the seven, searching for that small bit o’ heaven Since the age of three, nothing compares to she. I’ve watched her walk the moon kissed surf, And give silent praise to the one who gave her birth. As the waves did roll, into the water she did stroll With long raven hair covering just so, all that God gave her would just barely show. Then something caught me by surprise, when I saw her limbs and thighs Transform themselves into a sailor’s deepest wish that of a tail of the largest fish! Green as the color of the seas, the sight of this made me weak in the knees. She swayed her way through the wake, My heart pounded so I thought it would break. I saw the green with gold fleck in her eye, as she came close I was petrified. When she spoke it was like an angelic choir igniting my very desire II. “Oh brave prince of pirates who pillage and plunder Like a child, you shake and shudder. Your adventures and exploits are legendary, always sailing to places dark and scary, Ready to give the largest galleon a good race, Yet like a rabbit your heart beats at a quicker pace. By your scars and wounds I surmise, many a man has met their demise. Nothing seems to phase you, not even in battle, So tell me what has you in such a rattle? You once proclaimed your only love was the sea, and in so saying you also love me! Remember always as now, your precious promise and sacred vow!” III. In the early light of dawn, I found that she was gone. Was it real as it did seem, or was it all just an elaborate dream? The image of her is still etched in my memory for all of eternity The saltiness of her kiss fills me with an intoxicating bliss! I search the seas in vain, hoping to catch just a glimpse of her again. O’ maiden of the sea, wherefore do you hide from me? IV. “What such a man is this, pirate prince That women should faint for a simple kiss?” His arrogance can be seen a fathom away simply by the way he talks and sways! See how easily they take to his arm, as he weaves his not so subtle charm. They blush giggle and sigh, unwear of the glint in his eye. “What be your scheme?” I glare, “of your kind I am fullly aware!” He stopped short on deck, he glared back and grabbed my neck. But I showed no fear, as he bent close to my ear, “You have spirit and flame, I like a woman who knows the rules of the game!” Boling, my fury I wanted him to taste, so with all in me I slapped his face! Unmoved he rubbed his chin and asked, “Care to go again?” But before I could deliver another blow, I was over his shoulder and off we did go. V. Like a great water spout, she fussed freted twirling about. Yelling and ranting at the top of her lungs, I waited paticently till she was done! “Are you quite finished now?” I said, that was when she walloped my head. Then she cackled with glee, “Serves you right for what you have done to such as me!” I decited then this was of no use, so I put out my hand and called it truce. It was at that moment I did realize that I was staring into those same green eyes! “Wherefore do you look at me so? Release my hand, let it go!” “I can not let you back to sea, where my heart is that is where you should be.” “What are these words you say, is this part of the game you play? For I have known many like you who break hearts before they are through.” “The words I speak are forgin even unto me, but you have set this captive free.” VI. He is most unwell, he certainly under my most powerful spell! There was something in his words that rang so true, I do at once what I must do. I prayed for the moon to rise, for I must go back into the sea, And undo the bonds that behold him to me. “Do you not love me? Why must you go?” “I love you more than you could ever know. . . Remember always as now, your precious promise and sacred vow!” ©Shana L Martin Largo, FL 2004 All Rights Reserved
Just go to the same link you gave me and type the name Shana Martin. There you will find a list look for Shana L. Martin and you will see a list of my poems! starting with Nuggets of Grace Enjoy
I have submitted to them before have a few thing published, but they won't take this poem because it is too long, but thanks for the thought! I appreciate it!!
Oh no, not at all. I am sorry if that sounded harsh I did not mean it to be!!
No it is not a hobby, it is my career (only I am not getting paid yet) I have been doing it now for. . .gosh 11 years!! Has it been that long? Anyway it is just what I love to do!! And thank you for the complement!!
I. He moves silent like the wind on a moon less night. Wine women and song taking freely that, is his delight. Eyes that mesmerize, dark as coal Gazing too deeply can steal one’s soul. Skin full of warmth and tan Liken to the tropics and Jamaican sand Women adore him, for his velvet smile. Men scorn him, for leaving them breathless mile upon mile. II. No one knows his name, For deception is his game. He plays them all like a pipe’s song Then just as quickly he sails on. He has broken many a heart, both young and old He is not one to have or to hold. For his one and only love is me The wide vast expanse of the sea. III. “Oh daughters of Poseidon, pearls of the ocean I offer myself to thee in deepest devotion! All I do ask in return You give me safe sojourn, Calm wave and tide With your sweet song of lullaby.” IV. “These words you speak are unknown of.” “They are more than words, they are love.” You give your life to the sea?” “I give my life, only to thee.” “You are mine O’ Dark Prince Of Plunder, And I shall have you and no other!” Inspired by Captain Siren Of The Poseidon ©Shana L. Martin 2004 Largo FL. All rights reseverd
Dear Ivan: Hey, how's it going out there near Barbados? Listen, lots of us here in Southwest Florida have been talking about your scheduled visit. Now, please don't take this the wrong way. We like spectacular forces of nature as well as the next guy. We realize that Florida and hurricanes go together like country music and drunken driving. We don't want to mess with tradition. And we know you hurricanes recharge the aquifers, provide an exhilarating break in the stifling heat of late summer, and give neighbors a chance to bond. The economic boost you give to Home Depot alone is enough to make up for whatever inconvenience is to be expected. So normally you would be as welcome as a gang of Harley riders during Bike Week :) But may I say that this year the timing of your tentatively scheduled arrival seems less than ideal. You know that visitors start to wear out their welcome after a few days. And too many visitors in a row can also wear down a host and hostess. That, I'm sorry to say, is pretty much the position we Floridians find ourselves in just now. Your cousin Charley blew through a few weeks ago and to be blunt, he was less than mannerly. He zoomed in like a hyperactive toddler, leaving the proverbial path of destruction, except that it was no proverb. And then he was gone without so much as a see-ya-later. Charley was a leave-wet-towels-on-the-floor, never-pick-up-a-tab kind of guest. He inspired some grumbling, and picking up after him has been a real chore. You should have seen Punta Gorda, Port Charlotte, Arcadia, Wauchula and Orlando. At least Charley didn't stay long. But just when we were starting to get things almost back to normal, Frances sauntered in. I don't mean to be crass, but she was HUGE. When she hung around the state, she hung around the state, you know what I mean? And you know how some guests just don't leave? That's Frances. Even when we were looking at our watches and yawning and singing "The Party's Over" she just stayed and stayed. Some of us who hadn't really rolled out the red carpet for Charley decided to prepare a lot more for Frances, and maybe we just tired ourselves out. And then she stalled and arrived late, which is always irritating. She was wasn't as wild as Charley, I'll admit. Those rumors about Frances possibly becoming a Category 5 turned out to be overblown hype. But she just sort of oozed through. I went to bed Sunday night and woke up thinking she'd be long gone at last, but she was still here Monday morning! So a lot of us here are thinking that enough is enough for one year. Actually, the experience of almost back-to-back hurricanes has some people talking about canceling hurricane season entirely. Don't worry. Floridians won't go that far. But we may consider moving hurricane season to a nicer time of year. I know hurricanes like it hot, but doing without air conditioning would be a lot nicer in November, or maybe March, so as not to interfere with football season. I mean, did you see where Frances actually caused the postponement of a Seminole football game? People will put up with a lot, but let's be reasonable here. Some are saying we should limit the number of hurricanes allowed into Florida in one year. There might be some debate about whether the limit should be one or two, but there is wide agreement that three is too many. So, Ivan, here's the point: Florida's famous hospitality is pretty much tapped out just now. Our enthusiasm for big winds and rains and for TV reporters gushing forth with excited descriptions of it all, has bogged down like a riding lawnmower in the swamp that used to be my back yard. As I said, it is nothing personal, Ivan, but what would you say to making alternate travel plans? I understand that the Atlantic is lovely this time year - why not consider cruising!!!!
Children went to learn and play on the autumn day. A great wave of loss and despair was felt everywhere People came with love to share. Never forget, always remember. . . The eleventh of September. Devastation more than words can tell, as towers and sprits fell. Grief and pain was upon every face, Yet God’s hand rested on us full of mercy and of grace. Never forget, always remember. . . The eleventh of September. The weak were made strong, and righted that which was wrong. Giving their lives to save others, People we are proud to call “sister’s and brother’s.” Never forget, always remember. . . The eleventh of September. Inspired By: God & The One Year Anniversary of September 11th Written by: Shana L. Martin ©Shana L. Martin, Largo FL. All rights reserved
Happy Birthday!! Captain
Notice To All Pyrates in Florida Waters
Kendra The Sea Maid replied to hurricane's topic in Scuttlebutt
I'm with ya on that! again I ask that you all pray for our animals and home. I know God has His eye on us, an we will be safe, but a little extra insurence could not hurt! I would also like to say that you all have been really great and wonderful to me here. Tomarrow is really when we know for sure., and when I get info I will let you know. Hurricane, I never thought it was you, and you certainly have a way with words! I Love you All! God Bless, Shana L. Martin -
Should not surprise Master Studley that my elder, could describe Father so well (she was always favorite). The city its self is as she discribed over grown, with coral and other sea plant life. The archiecture is a mixture of Greek and Roman influince. Many of the grand and massive tourches are still where they were when the city fell. They have however long since lost their gold luster. The tallest structure in the city is the bell tower, Father once told me the reason for it's grand scale was to help warn ships that were out to sea of approaching storms. "Alot of good it did them!" came his reply as his eye's narrowed. I might interest you to know that the bell tower is still in use. We however use it for curfew, yes it is true Master Studley. Although Merfolk have i habbited Atlantis for thousands of years it is still a grave sight, and we show respect by not travling the narow brick layed streets after midnight. "We will show respect in the homes of these Atlantians the respect they never thought to show us!" I often go to the library, it was once the second largest library's in the world. (Alexandria being the first). It was there I discovered their fasination with philospy and science. "That," Father says is what lead to their down fall!"
I know most of the people that work it, the perso you need to contact is Brent from TimeandAgainentertainment.com He is a really great guy! I am sure he can answer all the questions you have. Just tell him the mermaid sent you! Kendra The Sea Maid