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Kendra The Sea Maid

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Everything posted by Kendra The Sea Maid

  1. :: rolls eyes and mutters... :: There goes that idea... Comes back on deck, And what I pray, was that idea dear brother?
  2. *Meanwhile, Jack moves his things to the other side. Smilling, he wonders, "If someone like her, as pretty as she seemed woud actually steal. . ." *hearing his thoughts she replyed, "No Jack, I did not, they are mine." *A look of shock washed over his face. "Yes Jack, I used to be a woman of the Cloth."
  3. * For a moment she looked him in the eye* That's very kind of you Jack. *sudenly she became nervous and dropped the chest and spilled a nun's habbit, Bible, and Commuion wine and goblet! She quickley scooped up the contents, but it was too late every one had seen!
  4. Aye aye sir, ahhhhh why did I not see this coming, that still dose not explain what Mad Jack is suppose to give me a note perhaps?
  5. From Master Diego (What?) After showing the master at arms her meeger weaponery (a small dagger) she pick up her bag and small sea chest, and asked to be shown to where she'll be stayin for the remander of the voyage, The master at arms eyes her suspiciously as she holds nervously-tight to her belongings
  6. Thanks be to God, he's all right, *Pete just rolls his eyes* as if to say" Sure hes alright love but what about me?"
  7. What in the Name OF Thats Holy is that?? *Makes sign of cross*
  8. * He hears a voice from behind* Welcome a board Jack.
  9. You are pretty well rounded Jack. Umm since the host of this thread did not specify where we heard the song. . . The song playing in my head is. . .James Bond Living Daylights! And yes dear host that will be the last time I make a post like that. . .*giggle* Don't want to start a problem.
  10. Im Sorry Diego. . .*giggles*
  11. ooooooooooo Pete's in trouble! And we haven't set sail yet boy is this going to be interesting!
  12. I would like to join, don't know exactly how I can be a service to the crew. . .but I would still like to join!
  13. Well thank you. I sent it to TOR Publishing in May and I should hear something between July or October (on my Birthday would nice) I'll let ya know when I hear something.
  14. "Legend" ... I think?! I haven't seen that movie in ages ... Excellent well done It has been a long time since I have seen it as well. Dose anyone if it is out on DVD? btw love the avitar
  15. "We are all animals my lady."
  16. I have shared this story before, but for those who are new thiw may seem interesting. My real name is Shana. I was part of thr 2002 Bay Area Renissance Fest. I am also in a wheelchair and for that reason ( along with my long hair) I got the part of a mermaid, (as part of the whole mid summer nights dream kinda feel. The name Kendra means water baby magical. though the experience with the tail is hard it was all worth it. I have finished a novle about her and am in the process of two more!Wheelchair diaries you can go to my web page and learn more clik on "The many faces of me" and you will also see pics of me in my fishtail!!
  17. Gee I picked a good one!! The Movie: Oscar- Sly Stalone The quote is from: Dr Thorton Poole Played by (one of my favorite actors) Tim Curry
  18. Here's another: ???: Well, I don't spend as much time with Mother as I would like, but she's got the cats.
  19. * takes deep breath* here I go. . . Year 1987 Man 1:"You seem like a deicent fellow, I hate to kill you." Man 2: "You seem like a deicent fellow, I hate to die!" I know this is way too easy, but this is my first time playin and someone was bound to use it any way!!
  20. As far as I know he is coming. I still need to figure out a meeting place with someon from FPF so my parent don't get panicked, they won't leave me ther by myself!! I wont be goin after all, Brian has to help his girlfriend repave her driveway!! So perhaps I'll see ya all in Nov, For our pirate fest! Cya then
  21. I'll Be there Saturday from 10 am til 2pm. I can not stay longer for I have other things to do. Hope to see ya there!!
  22. IMHO for what it is worth I like the one with the guns
  23. I. He cut a dashing figure on deck Resembling a dagger to the neck. Misty gray-blue, his glare Only the sea can compare. Hair, dark and soft as raven’s wing This, self proclaimed, “Pirate King!” “Jonathan Hawks belongs in the stocks Jonathan Hawks will lose more than his locks!” II. He sails not for fame or lady’s pleasure He is purely an adventure. Seeking that which was lost, No matter what the cost. Life or limb Is all the same to him. “Jonathan Hawks belongs in the stocks Jonathan Hawks will lose more than his locks!” ©2005 Shana L. Martin Largo FL All Rights Reserved _____________________________________________ In case you all are curious the "Jonathan Hawks" in this poem is NOT the one who vists this estabishment. The actual insperation came from someone's avitar. . .Captain Ciaran! Thank You!!
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