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Kendra The Sea Maid

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Everything posted by Kendra The Sea Maid

  1. Congradulations!! Cinn!! Someday I will be able to say that about my work!!
  2. I am feeling a little better my self Thank you as well Jack
  3. Not to good, I mean I feel sick and my head hurts. I was suppose to have to meet with friends to marrow and cancelled because I have no energy to clean my house. I even don't have the energy to write! This is bad very bad
  4. The Tenors Greatest preformance (opera)
  5. "You're A big one, you'll be hard to Diguest. "I hate to be such a nuisence."
  6. Thank you William, *brings the left over of the drink she had* *takes her plate and digs in* This is really excellent!! MMMMMMMMMMMM *Enjoys every mouthful* This was just what I needed
  7. Oh it all looks soo good, to bad all I am having is a Checker burger and frises! which is good but not as good as what you have save me a piece of that dessert would you? thanks
  8. AWWWWWWW, he's certainly got my heart and that sayin alot for man that can charm a sea nymph's heart. You certainly are very blessed William, would you minnd teriibly if I sent the link to this to my Mom she would love it!! I just want to hold him! *giggles*
  9. great pic, mwc. you coming up for pyrate weekend at parf? got a good one for you - i didn't even noticed your mate's chair til kendra mentioned it. my late husband was a paraplegic and the last thing i notice is wheelchairs. my own powdermonkeys are rennies. I didn't mean anything bad by it of course, its just that when you have been in one for as long as I have, they start to take on the image of a car. . .I mean, You see if they have better wheels then you, or you look at the rad paint job. . .well maybe its just me.
  10. *blushing* Thank you! I get that alot, now if only I can find someone a few years shy of 30 and single. . .Well I'd be one happy little sea nymph!
  11. Your Mate's chair almost looks like the one I use around the house Love his boots by the way!
  12. Gothic Dress Noble Lady Dress Queen's Gown Last year's Pirate Outfit That's right there'll be a new one this year!!
  13. You look very menasing not someone I would want to cross William weather your cavalier hat was finished or not!
  14. You do look very nice Jack *giggle*
  15. Lets See. . .Paisly We are FPF cast together and PYrates Of The Coast (Which I hope I'll get to do stuff with soon!! Diego on the phone Captain Morgan IM who is suposed to come down here in August and yes, I still have Deritoes and Sunkist drink for you when you come, you just have to let me know when. I hope to meet more people too well thats it
  16. Ya know Phil, I am a firm believer in some things are just better left unsaid, left alone and my personal favorite *best impression of my Mother,* "Don't touch it Shana you don't know where it has been " Thank you and good night!
  17. no comment!! Ahem *tries to regain composure* Any way I too hav great appreciated what all the men have said here (except for the last) Kidding Phil! It is just nice to hear that men want more than a pretty face. Now I just wish some of ya lived closer to me *giggle*
  18. * hearin him make this grand and loud annoucement, She runs back* What in God's name ar you doin. You have obviously have had too much rum even for you. . .for no pirate would leave a ship because of a woman, (they get on one) but never never leave get back to that ship thats an order sailor ! This voyage means too much to the Master to loose the like of you! I will not have you play a damed chilverous gent on my account!! (Yuse I cursed)
  19. * slowly lowers tankard and watchs kendra* Wait don't go. Spiritual hinderrence? What does that meen? Us sorry sailors need every scrap o scripture we can get. Your not hindering me spiritual none, and I don't thinks ya should go. Besides who else is gonna tease me. If theres nothin I can do ta stop ya, .......well I guess, if ya must ya must . *looks depressed, takes another drink from his tankard* I'll join ye Petee, (pulls up his fat white arse) Argh ye know one night maybe two in a hammock under the decks of a tall ship even ifin it be jes tied off to a dock and she was lucky to find out shippin weren't fer her Be glad we weren't ta sea lad! (looks over at the master gunner) wheres yer flask? I see you are playin the Devil's side of the coin, and tryin to sway the scales your way?
  20. You are so sweet you really are, but there are enough ladies her to tease an flirt with ya comes back and kisses his cheeck
  21. I hate to do this. . .but I will not be joinin you all your journey. I feel that I am mor of a spirtual hinderrence then a help, and am having a hard time keeping up, I am sorry for the inconvience to Master Diego and to all here. May God bless you all on this journey you make may you learn to trust, learn and above all love eachother through this experience. . .*Walks over to Deigo gives kiss on cheek and over to Jack* Take special care Jack! Takes her things and walks of the Watch Dog*
  22. *Whispers* "Begin your pardon for a moment master Diego, but I got your note did you want to see me?
  23. :: almost spits last sip of coffee, swallows, and laughs :: Either you have the most remarkable hearing known between here and New Holland, or you're the one Master Diego was talking about! As to my musings, dear sister... I think I need some rum to go with this coffee. *walks back over to Jack* My dear sir of that you have no idea. . . . *starts to walk way then a thought stops her *in whisper tone "Oh by the by, unlike most of the mates here I happen to think that Alcohol really dulls the sences and clouds the mind. . . Now if you will excuse me. I am off to see in the Sergon is in need of my assitance
  24. *He sighs and hands over the spy glass. A blank calm comes over her, "This voyage will be the ultament test of us all, Aye the ualtament test indeed. . ."
  25. Good marrow Pete, What do you see on this fine moring?
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