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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. I've eaten Swiss cheese with fewer holes in it... Charity, dear; I understand your zeal. But at this rate, I really should be trying to sell you horses!
  2. Janelle and I shall be there, front and somewhat off-center. You know how it is...
  3. Starting this weekend, The Minnesota Renaissance Festival shall be overrun by pyrates of every nation and intention. We've agreed to a few stipulations, however. Women and children will auctioned off, but you have to take your purchase(s) home before attempting to sell them on eBay for a profit. Anyone attempting to break this rule shall endure public ridicule and the confiscation of their decaf, half-fat, mocha latte. Repeat offenders shall be strung up and used for lighting rods or mud-puddle bridges. The fun continues weekends and Labour Day through October 1st in Shakopee, Minnesota.
  4. Merry, I'll be very close to Mac's Pub, as they're generous with the Guinness.
  5. I second the locking proposal. Obviously, as an owner of horseflesh, I'm loathe to see it so wantonly and unnecessarily beaten as is has been here. One must keep in mind the saying that "No matter how wonderful a thing is, someone, somehwere, will hate it." So, please; someone offer this poor dead horse of a subject the Last Rites it deserves, and we can go about out merry ways and bitch about some thing else. Note to self: That was a very good Long Island Tea. I should have at least two more...
  6. Congratulations, dearest Rumba! Boats is a lucky man, but we all knew that already! We're so happy for you, it's time to turn loose the dancing undead monkeys! :)
  7. I'll have mine medium-rare with a side of onion rings, please.
  8. My, my, my. All this bashing of what we all knew would be a cliffhanger before it ever premiered? I don't recall such grousing about the "endings" of the first two "Lord of the Rings" flicks, nor "The Matrix", etc, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Are the "PotC" movies cinematic masterpieces destined to stand with "Citizen Kane" or "Gone with the Wind"? No. Are they damned good fun? Yes. Have they spurred a renewal of interest in the Golden Age of Pyracy? Without a doubt. Personally, I enjoyed the additional slapstick in "Dead Man's Chest". Sparrow was already a slapstick character in the first movie. This was simply a logical progression. Let the flaming commence.
  9. Very lovely, but my favourite is the "Tarot of the Cat People". Those who know me well know why.
  10. ^ giggles when I call her "Cuddle Pants". (We can make stuff up, right?)
  11. I'm only half an addict! Cool! "H l o, I m J c , a d I m a P b j n i ."
  12. Hester, you have to boil it down to this: what would Red Green do?
  13. ^ is a prolific and substantive new member of the Pub!
  14. Thank you, Patrick. It would seems that with all our zealotry to express our collective disapproval with zip tie/Curlix peace-tieing practices, we neglected to answer the question "what is peace-tieing?" Thank you for putting us back on track!
  15. If and when I decide to haul my cutlass to faire, my baldric has long leather latigos I can use to secure my blade. The thing the gate crew fail to recognize is the knot I use. I'm used to tying things to saddles so they are secure, but can be readily released in an emergency. One tug on the correct end, and the weapon is free. Otherwise, the knot won't budge. And Eric, your concerns are the same as mine. I'd never want to get into a fight while I'm drunk, but I'm terrified of some drunken mundane sod wresting my weapon from me and committing some wanton mayhem. I've seen teenage boys try and grab a sword, as if they're some cup of bad news. Luckily, the shop owner grabbed a blade and slapped the sword from the man-child's hand. The kid and his parents were summarily ejected from the faire.
  16. Thanks for sharing, Christine. It looks fantastic! I'll never forget seeing "Phantom" in St. Paul. At intermission, we went to the atrium to stretch our legs and have a bit of wine. The whole front of the theatre is comprised of huge windows, stretching some 30 or 40 feet high. The clouds were greenish-black, with lightning dancing all among them. Quite the thing to behold after watching the chandelier smash into the stage just moments before. It wasn't until we got home that we found out that 2 tornados had passed within a scant few miles of the theatre... :)
  17. "The other night, we propped the dead clown up in the middle of the highway with a warning sign just around the bend that said 'Mime Crossing'. We went back the next morning, and it took us ages to find all of him. There weren't even any skid marks." ~ Hydrochloric Eye Drops, an Internet comic strip. See? Everyone hates mimes! :)
  18. You're more than welcome, Jib. At my stage of life, living vicariously through another is rewarding in proportion to the lasciviousness of the nature of the intent being lived through, yeah? I followed it. Didn't you? Right! 10 days, 16 hours, and 26 minutes. (where's that damned "24" sound effect?!)
  19. Feast your eyes on this, love - Mirth and Merriment Cruise Well, our airfare is booked, as is our hotel, so I guess we're committed to this adventure! Now, if I can only find enough pyrates to help me take the bridge...
  20. Very cool! I ran across these watches a while back, but haven't decided if I'll get one yet.
  21. You just knew somebody would do this...
  22. I've never bought a pin, but I am a hopeless addict. "Hello, my name is Jack. I've been a Pub junkie for longer than I can remember..."
  23. Only in the most happily erotic way, love...
  24. I can't say that I've dragged things home, but I've accidentally invited and inadvertantly channeled things, including my own mother-in-law. Not pleasant. Not pleasant, at all. My wife found comfort, but it took me two days to recover.
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