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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. I also heard yesterday from Mike Evans that they're kicking around the idea of Pirates 4 and 5. He stated that "it's nearly a done deal". As much as I'd love to see the franchise flourish, is there a shred of truth to all this hokum? Let's face it... It let's me keep playing pyrate ad nauseum, and my wife's business of custom garb sewing continues to grow. Any news?
  2. Anyone else notice that Tia Dalma's theme carries the locket tune (not "Anastasia", but it borrows heavily) and Barbossa's theme? I want to know a LOT more about this woman!
  3. I tried to get your back on that one, mate. It appears my superpowers can only go so far.
  4. Me? I'm just a simple whorehouse piano player.
  5. That surprised me as well, Joshua. While the average viewer might think it unnecessary exposition, it would have gone a long way to emphasising that Port Royale was indeed a bustling town of several thousand souls. The effect of the sacking by Barbossa's men would have been even more impactful.
  6. Looks like there's an issue with Crap Cleaner not being able to completely flush out some broswer index files, and it subsequently confuses the browser cache. You'll know you have the problem if you start getting an inordinate number of broken images on web pages you've previously browsed before running the cleaner. The workaround is to run CC 2 or 3 times with your browser closed down.
  7. Opera is a fine alternative to Internet Explorer. One of IE's downfalls is that it's highly vulnerable to malicious scripts.
  8. "Anastasia"? Good question! It may well be a variation on that melody. Are there any Slavic music majors in the house? I've only dealt with late Russian pieces. I just replayed the soundtrack recording, and it's striking how the tune goes from the delicate and intensely sad Slavic melody to the ever-increasingly angry melody played by Jones on the organ. It spirals outward and upward, carried by the orchestral accompinament, to painful heights, underscoring the abysmal sorrow Jones feels for his lost love. You can hear the pulse of his heart thoughout the latter portions of the piece, perfectly illustrating what a tragic character Jones really is, so desperate to feel anything, but all he can feel is pain and rage. It condenses back to the small, lonely tune played by the locket, intensifying the sadness of the piece. Most unsettling is the ominous chord that resonates softly under the melody of the music box. That's where his heart really is. The locket, and her memory.
  9. Aye! Always a good idea to have constant protection running. I was pointing out the freeware version, as Ad-Watch costs money. For those of ye running out of time on your trial antivirus subscriptions, check out Avast! Antivirus. Totally free, and it's one of the best AV systems available. I've been using it for over two years now, and I trust it implicitly.
  10. Aye! And take care amongst those wiley Brits, love. They have a funny accent, from what I understand... And when you touch that majestic HMS Victory, please tell her that Mad Jack sends his heartfelt regards. :)
  11. Pictures! We'll want pictures, love! Have a safe and enjoyable journey. :)
  12. If he plays "Daydream Believer" in the next flick, we'll know for sure!
  13. Yeah, here I go again. Climbing out on a long limb, and sawing it off behind me....
  14. Aye, William. A fine lady, indeed. We need to see more of her in action. :)
  15. Ace, you make me wish my persona hadn't deviated from Jack Sparrow. Well done, mate! :)
  16. I'll be seeing it again this Saturday, but not in garb. I doubt Forest Lake, MN would get pirates walking about the streets. I will however, be sporting Davy Jones' key about my neck!
  17. Now, this is interesting.... I did a google on "indigestible hats", and came up with a surprising number of hits on the topic! So, given that, let's look back at the movie for a moment, shall we? We saw the Pearl go down, yeah? Broken and all that by the Kraken, yeah? Did we see Jack consumed by said beastie? No, we did not. Engaged in battle, tilting with the ultimate windmill, should we choose to extend this Don Quixote metaphor much farther. The ultimate final act of defiance. We'd expect no less of dear Jack. His hat was indigestible. No doubt, with his personality, and all that paprika he tossed under his armpits, he's indigestible as well?
  18. I wish we could be there, mate. Best of luck to all of ye!
  19. Woohooo!! Live steel fights? Nothin' better!
  20. I think the coffin played well into the two-part pun of "Dead Man's Chets". Traditionally, "dead man's chest" was slang for a coffin. But the crux of the movie's quest was what came from a dead man's chest (Davey Jones'), a still-beating heart. Pretty sly, in my book. :)
  21. Amen to that! My wife and I are watching it again this weekend, and she's hell-bent on taking notes this time around! We're taking some friends to see it with us. They've watched the first movie about 15 times, and are wetting themselves to see the new one!
  22. One thing I dearly love are the "in" jokes. The undead monkey bit, the "hide the rum!" gag, the "sea turtles" reference! Classic, and perfect! Thank God somebody in Hollywood decided to make a movie for the fans!
  23. Yeah, the legends paint the Kraken as a giant squid, a giant octopus, or a giant lobster. Never a giant Sleestak!
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