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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. Good point, Patrick! That was the only movie to really evoke the feeling of the Original "Trek" Series. :) I love when they leave drydock!
  2. I gave up about halfway through "Voyager", and quit watching "Enterprise" after a couple episodes. Let's not even talk about "Nemesis." Now, I can't sit through any of the reruns or movies at all. They've run the franchise thoroughly into the ground for me. And to think I used to be one of the die-hard faithful.
  3. Oh, joy. Another prequel. And the first one did so well...
  4. More news - Ian MacFarlane will be performing one day only: Sunday, Sept. 3rd. And we're at T minus 24 days, 18hours, 5 minutes, and 30 seconds until gate opening!
  5. We can always try installing corks on cows to reduce methane emissions...
  6. For all you quizmasters out there, here's your prize...
  7. It got as hot as 104° F a couple weeks ago, with dew points around 70°. So much for Minnesnowta being the Frozen North.
  8. Thanks! I'll eventually learn all this stuff.
  9. Does anyone else think that the sword pendant looks too much like a diaper pin?
  10. I watched the "other" version (wink, wink!), and it was interesting...
  11. Or did they film all their ship-to-ship combat sequences already, and the rest can be done CGI?
  12. Rabz, mate... if only I could get you to talk such sense to a great number of archaeologists, I'd be very happy. And my wife would hear a lot less bitching. :)
  13. Oh, Rummy... you just killed a long-standing fantasy. They're a drink?! Whatever shall I do? No more "mountains" to climb, and all that... Woe is me! Oh, the pain, the pain...
  14. So Elizabeth gave her "brother" a tounge kiss I'd happily save him from? Bring on that bloody Kraken, mate! And the thump-thump should be served up with Norrington fricassee in a rum sauce. And Beckett flambé for dessert.
  15. "Protocol"? We don't need no stinkin' protocol!
  16. Perhaps you need a worthwhile distraction from your drudgery? Lord knows, I do... :)
  17. It's like they adopted the white hat / black hat idea from old westerns... White teeth = good Grubby teeth = morally abiguous or bad No, that all falls down because Davy Jones and the Kraken had pearly whites. So did that EIC eel, Beckett. Well, that's a theory up in smoke. Remind me not to look too closely in the mirror...
  18. Revising knowledge transfer documents to present to American Express.
  19. "I have a vewy powewful fwiend in Wome..."
  20. Hmmm... Obviously, a few people have never been to Jamaica, Guyana, nor New Orlean's French Quarter.
  21. I didn't have any trouble with the accents. Once I picked up on the Jamaican rhythm of Tia Dalma's speech, the rest was easy. As for any interracial complications with a romantic relationship; look to history. Before the 20th century, it wasn't really a problem. Formalities here and there, yes. But problems? No.
  22. Please, love... do not mention "snap" and "codpiece" in the same breath!
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