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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. I grew up knowing it as "Clean Out the 'Fridge Gumbo." Never boring, that's for sure! Hmmmmm.... The idea of stale water or grog (or skunky small beer), rancid salt meat, and weevilly biscuit doesn't sound like a table I'd rush to sit at. If I were starving, then yes. For the sake of historical accuracy? I wouldn't eat that with Nancy Pelosi's mouth.
  2. A toast! To our friend, William Red Wake, who's wit is a joy to partake. To he and his wife, I wish a long, happy life with little, if any, heartache.
  3. There was a young man from Carlisle who claimed jogging just wasn't his style. "I'll get my workouts instead at home in my bed, 'cause a Miss is as good as a mile!"
  4. That's because you're in 'Sconny, love. I've got a nice bonny lake out back... Care for a swim?
  5. I love my bucket boots! That I cannot deny. And for the rum they contain, my boot flask won't lie! And when it comes to the Yuppies in their mundane drabbery, it'll be me and me rum what tolerates their company! I drink to make the mundanes more interesting, no matter what I might say while sober.
  6. Master Yu's Flutes and Whistles! Go there! I bought a small clay bird that one fills partway with water, and the bubbling make incredibly realistic birdsong! We have 3 cats, and I went out into the yard and played the whistle... all 3 had a nose against a window! They were utterly conviced it was a real bird. Great fun! And a hearty "thank you" to the two incredibly lovely lasses that tried to pick me up at the mead booth Saturday. To the raven haired and the lovely blonde; you know how to make a man feel wanted. I shall be smiling for days. And to the lovely wench with the racoon tail selling Guiness near the Queen's Pub; I'll be smiling for weeks! It's so good to be a pyrate! Jib! No rattin' me out, aye? :)
  7. "Jane hadda this-a funny thing-a to her walk, ya know? Like her bathin' a-suit didn't fit like she'd a wanna, and she kept a-tryin' to flick-a somethin' outta her suit, like it was itchin', or a-somethin'..." Roseanne was the BEST!!
  8. Tonight, I decided to cook Creole pork loin chops in brown butter, with steamed broccoli on a bed of spiced spaghetti squash.
  9. WOW!!! Looking phenomenal, love!! :)
  10. You have to pay trollops?! No wonder she was so angry... Well, live and learn!
  11. That one sounds like somebody put acid in the singer's rum... Or put acid in my rum....
  12. I'll be making "Parmesean and Spinach Pie", and baby eggplant. Thank goodness it's all from my own garden. :)
  13. No doubt someone eventually does. Good to see you, Petee and Jessie!
  14. Every time I tell people I work in the IT industry, they want free help wih their home PCs. So now, I tell everyone I'm a piano player in a whorehouse. The conversation moves right on to something else very quickly.
  15. MLC News!! My Lady's Cutlass will be performing the final weekend of the Faire, on Saturday and Sunday! Make sure to come out and join Capt. Thalia and Jeanne for some bagpipe & dij yumminess!
  16. I join in with Capt. Bo. No insult intended.
  17. Dress as a boy? Oh, NO! Not that! Play up your obvious feminine wiles, deary. Curl your long tresses about your face, but wear a "Barbossa-ish" hat with showy feathers. Gambling with cards is as much game of intimidation as it is actual skill. Your real goal is to either blind them with briliance, or baffle them with bullsh*t. If they're entranced with you, the cards really don't matter. Savvy? And for a name, maybe something rougher, like "Fox McGrath"? A bit of a roll off the tongue to it, to make the gents think twice? And puff up a bit as you say it? Yes, quite intimidating you'd be. :)
  18. I heard they're redoing all the special effects they can with jazzy, less-fishing-wire looking CGI effects. But... those styrofoam rocks were so cool!! And there's always The Shat's fine acting. I think he saw one of those billboards that say "Drink Canada Dry", and he did.
  19. A bit irate, at the moment... For some stupid reason, my new workplace actually blocks access to pyracy.com! How am I supposed to pretend to get any work done?!
  20. Then you're doing something right, love! :)
  21. I knew you were gonna say something like that!
  22. She could put steam in a man's stride, that's for truth!
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