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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. When you put it that way, will you be my friend? <Yes, I know I'm going to Hell.... but they have better parties!>
  2. Congratulations, Matt! I, too, have been dumping weight, from 208 to 180, and I still have more to go. My goal is 175, and hold there. :)
  3. I do not know..Am I? How else can I answer, but with an emphatic "yes!"?
  4. I know what you mean about the egg noodles in chili thing. Gross!! That, and you can only get it mild, extra mild, or "North Shore style". Ketchup is spicier! But they do have some really good "comfort food." :)
  5. Sorry about that. I should have said "any other anonymous, undisclosable, 'reliable' source." This ground has already been covered, the word being that Richards put in a good performance and the news stories sensationalised the whole thing. OK. Groovy. Whatever. A cameo will neither make nor break a film for me unless it's so glaringly out of context that it interrupts or derails the story.
  6. Aye, Christine! Iron Bess has never steered us wrong. I'll put my money on her word any day. :) Any other "reliable source" can sod off.
  7. Aye! Janelle is quite talented, and willing to do business. Send me a PM, and we'll work something out! :)
  8. Let's not get all snarky over this, yeah? Acronyms are never universal, no matter what the bigwigs say, right? So, back to the game, yes?
  9. I, for one, am looking forward to Richard's cameo. I'm not so enthusiastic as to get all big-purple-fonty-and misspelly over it, but I'm intrigued. Is he fried after all his admitted chemical abuse? Absolutely. One would have to be incredibly naive to think otherwise. The average soul would have had their brain turn into gasoline after what he's done to himself. His choices, his cross to bear. I think it'll be a hell of a hoot to have the two of them on screen playing off one another. We are what we are. If we cannot be accepted, warts and all, then such is the loss of those who will not do the accepting.
  10. Damn my eyes! I was blinded by the shirt, and completely oblivious to the fact that jeans were mentioned. In that case, go Goth, and nab all the dreadlocked girlies you can, mate.
  11. If ye have to ask, mate, don't ye think it's a given?
  12. Yow!! You really are from Wisconsin, aren't you?! Saturday night, I'm hosting a party for Janelle's birthday. Among the dignitaries wil be "Ian MacFarlane" and his lovely wife, "Molly", and the amazing musical duo, "My Lady's Cutlass." The menu, prepared by Chef Jaque Fou, is as follows: Homemade French Bread Chicken and Shrimp Gumbo (Yo, Fred Bob!) and for dessert, Creme BruleƩ "Mad Jack Margaritas" will also be served to those brave enough.
  13. Very nice! I might just buy a blank from them to muck about with me own tricorn. :) Backfill story: Rumba finds me leather tricorn a bit too shiny for public display. I disagree, sighting that if the lasses are blinded, so better are my chances!
  14. Am I male? Why then, are you high on my MILF list? (Sorry, love! You asked for it!)
  15. Why can't I come up with a non-X rated response?
  16. ... and Fey, and Satyrs, and Succubi, and guys with giant tribbles on their heads. (Just kidding, Patrick!)
  17. Aye, we be dirt poor, but DAMN, we look good!
  18. All the female cast members look like they were dressed by "Frederick's of Hollywood." Wait, I think I saw that one recently...
  19. Ish. Looks like it fell out of a Richard Simmons "Pirate Fantasy".
  20. On the chest of a barmaid named Gail were tattooed all the prices for ale. And just to be kind, for the sake of the blind, on her rear they were printed in braille.
  21. Oh my, my..... The Great Coat is fantastic! Maybe I can add "highwayman" to my repertoire?
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