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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. That's bloody brilliant, Iron Bess! Thanks for sharing! :)
  2. I've surrendered to the fact that my kit will never be "complete." There will always be some whatnot, thingamajig, doodad, or shiny gizmo to make or buy. Case in point; I thought I was done acquiring until at least after next season, and then I ran across a pistol bucket that I really want. Oh, and there's that dagger I've had my eye on...
  3. Thanks for all the help and suggestions! Janelle completed my cap just in time for the weather to turn old and nasty. Perfect timing!
  4. Here's some links of cryptids and cryptozoology: Cryptid Gallery Cryptozoology Wiki Entry on Cryptids
  5. Turkey, dressing, and gravy sandwiched on homemade bread.
  6. And what succulent gravy it was!!
  7. Hey! That's the first Scrabble game I've won! Seriously, I have no time for a woman I'd cut myself on...
  8. My life, this year, has been a counterpoint of opportunity and tragedy. A new job, a new team, the loss of a cherished friend and teacher, and the release from an old passion. And the genesis of a new passion. Change is the only constant, my friends. Accept it, and embrace it.
  9. I've always liked women with meat on her bones. I adore a voluptuous woman, a la Marilyn Monroe or Jayne Mansfield. The modern standard of the "emaciated waif" is repugnant to me.
  10. I like this one! Kinda catchy, don't you think?
  11. I posted that list against my better judgment. Please forgive me if your name does not appear. I appreciate wholeheartedly the kinship I share with everyone here. You are indeed treasured friends, one and all. :)
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