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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. I've been steadily retreating into myself (collapsing into my own shell) for a while now, and I'm sick of the trend. That's not me, not who I am. I'm tired of this; tired of the whole business. So please excuse me as I re-exert myself, as I re-establish myself to my former manic state. Please forgive my Freudian babbling. This has been a self-analytical rant, aimed at kicking myself in me own arse.
  2. And you promised her you wouldn't cut up that particular can again, so it's an easy promise to keep. :)
  3. Silly, funny stuff!
  4. public breakup
  5. Elevator music.
  6. Official Site
  7. Yeah, but I couldn't justify it.
  8. No doubt I broke the first 12 by drawing a breath, my dear. No matter; I live to break rules. :)
  9. Ah, the smile is inferred; so delightful, good Captain! Huzzah! :)
  10. OK, so we're calling this overwrought thread dead, yeah? Please? So you'll lock it? No more poopy-headed back and forth? Please, LOCK IT! :)
  11. No criticism intended, love... It's just jolly good to see! :)
  12. Have ye ever noticed how a properly fit tricorn won't blow off yer noggin in a stiff wind? Aerodynamics (actually, fluid dynamics. But I was an engineering geek). Not that they knew of such back then, just as they didn't fully understand the aerodynamic properties of a sailing ship - if you cut down her quarterdeck and fo'c'sle, she ran a damn sight faster than those what didn't. That's all that mattered to them. I appreciate a hat that won't blow off when I'm on deck or astride a horse. :)
  13. I believe it's the first time I've seen the good Capt. Sterling actually smile! :)
  14. CJS, I love your sig! That worthless gigolo Kerry should choke on his words! OK here's the real deal. Will is really Howard Hughes, and Elizabeth is Amelia Aerhardt. Jack is the long lost sasquatch, and Barbossa is Elvis' grandson. And the monkey? She's Hitler's grand-daughter.
  15. As Rumba said, let's drop it. Not worth the pissing and moaning.
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