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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. Who stole my cheese?
  2. It's not accumulating, but for the second day in a row it's snowing.
  3. Is that the one next to the "Cut Off Subject's Head" selection?
  4. Do you want fries with that?
  5. Jessie, you beat me to the punch. Lincoln wasn't concerned with freeing the slaves until over three years into the Civil War. Why? Because they had nowhere to effectively house the slaves after the North had occupied Southern territory. It was never a war over "civil rights." It was a war over state's rights. No flames, please. I'm just stating fact. I'm no proponent of slavery (which is still rife within Africa, by the by), no more than I am of political correctness. It is what it is.
  6. Good! So you don't want to know about the Dutch one?
  7. Why would you assume I stole the Spanish one?
  8. You mean, the map I ran off with?
  9. I feel incredibly relieved. Janelle had a series of MRI's run this morning, and they show no change in the progression of the multiple sclerosis when compared to the MRI's from two years ago. So it looks like we're on the right track!
  10. You mean those pics where it looks like the person meant to use the "Sharpen" tool in PhotoShop, and selected "Mr. Magoo" instead? God, I hate those.
  11. More like a very authoritative pat with grabby overtones... and I'm not complaining. Just shooting to thrill, love.
  12. I'd be afraid to sleep if this were my kitty. Not that mine aren't nutso enough.
  13. No harm meant by me neither, love.
  14. Greedy Jack the Kraken
  15. Intriguing... but it's ever so fun to pick those types of locks.
  16. "I have little respect for a man who does not have the imagination to spell a word more than one way." ~ Samuel L. Clemens
  17. I got that look right after placing the winning bid at a Wench Auction earlier this year. I thought the auctioneer was going to fall out of the scaffolding!
  18. No, the real Sparrow, not your friend........... Yes, but I fall down less than he does.
  19. I'll be looking for it at Barnes and Noble.
  20. Thank you! Janelle made those for me (Reconstructing History pattern #706) last week! She's sporting a new waistcoat (RC # 704), and she's just finished a new one for me. <Hey, Kass! Enough shameless plugs for ya? >
  21. Two of my darling, supportive, patient, and incredibly tolerant wife, Janelle. Serious - And ready to party! Two of your's truly... Looking for a light - And seriously lit!
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