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Everything posted by Christine

  1. I remember Silverston's poems from my childhood. Ah, yes, many memories.
  2. Yes, let's make Eisner walk the plank! Where's Barbossa, he's great for making people do that. And mutiny is his thing too. :)
  3. Awww...just a preview for the first one? Ah, well. I still want to see Shrek 2 anyway. It looks like one funny damn movie-lol!
  4. It's a crying shame! I was going to try to either go again to Southern Faire or go to the Corona Faire this weekend. But unfortunately my job had other plans for me. I have to work the whole weekend and also Monday as well. Not fair, it's been really cool out this week, I just know the faire is a lot more tolerable than when I went last! Ah, well, everyone who goes have fun and drink plenty of ale for me too! lol!
  5. Yup, it's our dear Captain Barbossa.
  6. Oh, geez, that's so bad! Welcome aboard anyway Cap'n Crusty
  7. Whoa, that was so cool! Sent shivers thru me towards the end. lol!
  8. Oh, dear God! *swoons* He is just SO damn hot! I have found 2 fan fics that are about Hook and Wendy. Wendy being a little older of course. Major drool and swoon session going on here! Here be the links, enjoy! http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=1778448 http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=1742344
  9. No tights in this version. I watched it mainly to see (and drool) over Jason's Captain Hook! But the whole movie was really good anyway. :)
  10. Yeah, Peter Pan was a great movie! And all the special features were cool too! Jason Isaacs is the best Captain Hook thus far. Oh, my goodness....and so yummy too! He's right up there with Barbossa as being a great and charming Pirate Captain. But Barbossa still reigns supreme-lol!
  11. Here's to ye LadyBarbossa! Wishing ya the best!
  12. Probably out plundering and ravaging, it's what he does best!
  13. You're right, it does look quite huge in that pic. Anyone remember the Batman movie with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson? Kind of puts ya in mind of the pistol the Joker used towards the end, that long damn thing he pulls out from his pants! lol! But anyway, Barbossa's gun was longer than Jack's. That pic seems a bit exaggerated, but he still had the bigger gun. :)
  14. Christine


    Well, I say to each his or her own. For me, I like to be different, always have been. LOL @ Saskia! Yeah, I agree, Barbossa did have great pants. His whole attire was pretty damn cool! :)
  15. Christine


    Robert, put in disc 1 and go to where it says bonus features. It'll then mention audio commentary, click on that and then you'll see the list of the different commentaries. Now, once you pick one it will start at the beginning of the movie with them talking in the background. You can also scene select by going to the main menu and going to scene selections. The commentary will stay on. All of the commentaries have interesting info. Enjoy! :) Aye, Zorg, some of us young lasses like the older, more mature pirates out there. Funny, Jack/Johnny Depp is 40 but acts like a kid-lol!
  16. Christine


    Well, it's the name both Johnny and Geoffrey came up with in-between scenes. Johnny would then have fun teasing him about it-lol! Listen to the audio commentary with Johnny Depp for the movie. It's when Barbossa is first shown after Elizabeth is kidnapped. You'll hear Johnny tell the story about it.
  17. Christine


    Aye, I agree with the both of you. Had this discussion at the Escondido Faire with the pirates of the Black Sail guild. They all also agreed that Barbossa was by far the better pirate over Jack. Don't get me wrong, Jack is a very cool character, funny and yes, even cute, but Barbossa just is the better pirate, hands down all the way! I also find him much more sexier! He has a charm all his own....mmmmm......
  18. It was so damn hot out there this past weekend! Like being in a furnace! Nothing but hot air blasting ya in the face. My aunt practically passed out. It's a good thing all we drank was water. We helped loosen her bodice, all the garb on her made things worse. Why don't they ever have faire in January or February? I never understood that with the San Bernadino faire, it's the desert out there, so why have faire when it starts to get into hotter weather? There has been only one or 2 times that I've gone to this faire when the weather was somewhat tolerable. And usually that's opening weekend. As you get more towards the middle and the end of faire it gets too damn hot! I was able to take some good pix so not a total loss. I've decided if the temperatures go beyond late 80s I won't even bother going.
  19. I definitely am going to be there this coming Saturday, May 1st. Been having faire withdrawals since last I went to the Escondido faire. Thank God the weather has cooled down again! We were having a crazy heat spell all over California. It felt like summer instead of spring, crazy! It's not fun to be all dressed up in garb in hot weather. So, who all is going this coming Saturday?
  20. Well, all men are that way when they see a well endowed cleavage popping out of a bodice. Just typical faire fun, that's all. Anyway, so how was the Ojai faire? I'm sure it went well!
  21. And what's really cool is Geoffrey Rush got nominated for Best Villian. Woo-hoo! It's about damn time he got some recognition for his wonderful portrayal of Barbossa!
  22. Yeah, I had saw this from the POTC fandom website. I love it, it's great! Now, any plans of putting together a video focusing on Barbossa? Oooh, would love to see that!
  23. Hey Rumba Rue, do you know anything about that one pirate guild that I was hanging out with? The one at the Escondido faire. I only know the name of their guild, The port of the Black Sail. They don't have a website from what I had heard. The one girl mentioned something about searching thru yahoo for them, but I can't find nothing on them. Pretty sad, I hung out with them that whole weekend, was invited to join them and everything and I know pretty much nothing about them. Well, I never made a promise to them I'd be there for the Ojai faire. I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to make it. I told them the next time I'd see them all would probably be the next Escondido faire in October. Anyway, hope you have fun. If you see them, which I'm sure you will, tell them I said hi. In case they don't remember my name tell them I'm the blonde who wore the cursed coin right between the cleavage. LOL! Actually, tell Renee I said hi. I'm sure he'll remember me. Such a cutie pirate he was.
  24. I know I won't be going opening weekend of Southern. Too much going on with other things. Going to try for either the next weekend or the very first weekend in May. I also got me hands on those coupons, not many tho. Only a handful for me friends and family.
  25. How about "Muppet Treasure Island"? Just saw it again last night on tv. I think it's cute and really funny too! Love the music as well.
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