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Everything posted by Christine

  1. Group hug! Yeah, doing better, making meself eat some breakfast so I don't get another one. Stupid headaches!
  2. I found out there is coupons for this faire, not sure for how much off tho. It can be found in the San Diego Reader and the San Diego Family magazine.
  3. Awww....does that include me too? I was here already. *pouts slightly, but then giggles and throws a pillow a Wil* How ye feeling? Hopefully better than last night.
  4. *hugs Merry and also *sighs* Okay....pass me a small piece of chocolate, going to try and eat something. I know should eat that breakfast burrito instead, more healthier-lol!
  5. Hey there Captain Wolfy! It was good to meet you too! That really sucks about your wench costume! Anyway you can replace it? Aye, Toby was well received at the Con this year! He lived Jack all 4 days-lol! Speaking of the caricature portrait, I posted up the 2nd one we had done on Sunday. We had the guy make us a new one by looking at the 1st one. I kept the 1st one and my guyfriend took the 2nd one to frame on his wall. He needed to have it vertical, not horizontal. I like the 2nd one better!
  6. Ah, good. Let's just all curl around with the pillows and watch Pirates. Got some popcorn, drinks and some chocolate with me.
  7. No going commando for this solider eh? Damn! lol!
  8. Here's to ye Rumba Rue Hope it was a good one! Party hard in Escondido-LOL!
  9. LOL! Aye, the naked man in the towel! Indeed, he'll be safe and be back to wreck more havoc-lol!
  10. *sees Morgan have one eye open* What, I be perfectly innocent. lol! Nay, too absorbed in me dessert anyway....for now that is. You just float around Morgan with no worries.
  11. *sits at edge of pool, dabbles feet in while eating ice cream* I'm too content now eating my ice cream.
  12. Yup, seen it many times now on CMT, funny video! Not Johnny Depp of course, but the guy is a really good Jack Sparrow. Terri mentioned in an interview it was her director. But yes, that is really Wayne Newton-LOL!
  13. Vanilla ice cream, cherries, whipped cream, and sprinkles....for the hell of it-lol! Hey, Merry, good you finally came out here. Have some dinner and ice cream.
  14. Ooooh, I'll definitely be having some dessert!
  15. Aye, indeed it is! It's semi-desert here. Sometimes I forget this is California, blah!
  16. *takes plate of food and sits in one of the lawn chairs* Ah, nothing better than good food and good friends, eh? Cheers!
  17. MMmm....., barbeque dinner, yum! *sees the little water pistol sticking out of Morgans' towel and sighs* I think we be drenched enough-lol! Looking forward to the dinner tho.
  18. LMAO!!! OMG, laughing so hard! Laughed hard with Siren on the roof and now this! LOL! Everyone is now soaked! The whole neighborhood! LOL
  19. *once in a swim suit, runs around the back to the pool shed and gets the cleaning robot out. Sets the thing in motion and watches the cables on it begin to knock over the floating chair Morgan is on* LOL! Alright then ladies, attack with your water guns and water balloons!
  20. Into swim suits, apporiate atttire wouldn't ye say?
  21. *soaked all over, but continues to run with Siren* Aye, I'll turn the ac off, you get the lights! Maybe we should head down to the basement?
  22. Bloody hell! RUN!!!!
  23. *stops to look back at Morgan at the bottom of the pool* Um, are you playing with us or are you in trouble?
  24. *eyes grow wide at what Siren does* Oh crap! Run back for the house and lock all the doors!!!!
  25. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Holy Crap! *glares at Morgan as the icy water drips all around* Alright, that does it! *grabs the bazooka water gun and begins firing away at Morgan*William, try anything and I'll soak you too.....*thinks for a minute* Oh, hell with it! *Soaks him too* LOL!
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