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Everything posted by Christine

  1. Haha! Hey there everyone, it's good to see familiar names! Oh, my goodness, Lady B! ((((hugs tightly)))) Of course I'm excited to see the new Pirates movie, it looks like a lot of fun! I've been busy with so many various things. Oh, gah, when was the last time I was even here? O_o Whoa! But I am well, healthy and all that nonsense. Still blonde, still quite similar-looking to my picture here, haha! Pale and blonde, some things just never change.
  2. I was at Disneyland last night, riding the Pirates ride....and getting horribly soaked. Oh, yes, the 6th row is the worst, my butt stayed wet and cold all night! I also had to buy flip flops, my mary janes went all to pot! Anyway, with everything going on with the new movie coming out I thought I'd look back in here. It has been a long time hasn't it? Wow! How many of you still remember me? *sheepish grin*
  3. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl is on TV right now.
  4. Halloween time at the Disney parks is almost here, which means the villains come out, woo-hoo! I get tired of all the cutesy princesses and good characters running around, it's time for the baddies to come out to play. When I last was at the park, about 2 weeks ago, Halloween decorations were already starting to go up. I saw this commercial tonight and just squealed with delight. I can't wait to go on my next visit, this is the best time of the year! Check out the video here:
  5. The Disney Expo that's been going on here in California since Thursday and through Sunday announced there will be a 4th Pirates movie titled "On Stranger Tides" Due out Summer of 2011. Johnny Depp showed up in full Jack costume. I knew there would be a 4th movie, no way would Disney stop at 3. Here's the article on it: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/herocomplex/2009/09/johnny-depp-jack-sparrow-disney-costume-.html
  6. Hey girl, Happy Birthday to ya! Hope you have an awesome day! The best to you and always.
  7. And the Chocolate Factory
  8. LOL! I have the blonde hair and green eyes and I have family from Ireland, but no Irish accent. Oh, well, 2 out of 3 ain't so bad.
  9. Not everybody knows everybody and I'm stuck here in California.....tho some would say it's not such a bad place to be stuck. *big hug to ya Siren*
  10. Check out this funny video on Comic Con my friend Connor aka Mad Hatter put together. It's so funny and yes, I'm there too as Alice.
  11. LOL! Yeah, he just wanted to leave his hair as is, didn't want to deal with a wig or shave off his precious goatee, lol! And no, that isn't Patrick Stewart. Just a really good look alike. It was funny, one lady came up to me and told me she works as a cast member at Disneyland. She said when she saw me and my friend Connor as Alice and Mad Hatter she felt like she was back at work. She said it looked like we stole the costumes from the park! Also, people couldn't believe I wasn't wearing a wig. Since the girls who play Alice in the park wear a wig it was just assumed I was wearing a wig too. The girlfriend of Connor watched me comb my hair and asked how I could do that to a wig. I told her that it was my own hair, lol!
  12. Check out me as Alice and my friend Connor as Mad Hatter on Myspace. Those who have me on my facebook can see my pix there as well. Keep checking back as I add more. My friend Miki, who was my photographer, still has so many pix to go through. What an awesome time it was! http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=50101242&albumId=3339801
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