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Everything posted by Christine

  1. Any of the bodices I have worn stop at the waist, so that could be part of my problem. I'd love to get one of those Irish bodices, the one with the built in skirt. I've heard from quite a few women how wonderful they feel. Yeah, I find myself sleeping on the couch more to avoid the pain when I wake up in the morning. I just started going to this chiropractor. He helped the pain a lot, but a new mattress will continue to help as well. I'm just glad I don't get the spasms anymore, ugh, that was so horrible! Sorry to hear about the pain you've been thru. Just getting a taste of the spasms alone is no fun at all.
  2. I debated putting this topic in Captain Twill. It's not really about what women did about pain from wearing bodices centuries ago, tho, I'm sure it will come up. This is about what any of the women here on the board do to help prevent back pain from wearing a bodice or corset? I got a lecture from my chiropractor about wearing a bodice. How the spine was not meant to be constricted like that. I got him to at least admit that my low back pain was not from the bodice alone. I need a better mattress for one and also turning wrong in my sleep caused further pain. I've been doing better since seeing him on Friday. I still tho wake up slightly sore, but at least there's no spasms. I rub on the stuff bio freeze and then I'm fine the rest of the day. When I can afford it I'll get a better mattress. I'll see if I can at least get one of those memory foam toppers. I'm sure that'll help a little bit. So, to all the ladies on the board who wear bodices or corsets, what do you do to help from being in pain?
  3. Horn (y) lol!
  4. Finally I was able to get an appointment to a chiropractor. He's my aunt and uncle's doctor, they swear by him, especially since their car accident 2 years ago. I go in today at noon. I'm numb right now, the advil kicked in and the bio freeze helped, but I still really need help. I was able to sleep well last night, but as soon as I tried to sit up this morning the pain went shooting thru me again. It's only in my lower back, ugh, so horrible! I can't wait to feel like myself again. Hope everyone else is doing well, take care everyone!
  5. character from Return to Oz
  6. This is ridiculous! The pain in my lower back has gotten so bad I can't lay on either my stomach or my back. I can't even sit up against the chair. It's this constant shooting pain. I try to sleep, but it's just not happening. I've tried medicine, rubbing on the bio freeze, but it's just not helping. I don't really want to go to the hospital, but I'm exhausted and the pain is so bad. Obviously this is more than just turning wrong in my sleep. This must have been a long time coming, turning wrong finally sent it over the edge. I gotta get myself in to see someone about this, the pain is so extreme.
  7. Notre Dame cathedral
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