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Everything posted by Christine

  1. LMAO!!!!!! You're too funny Patrick! Deer
  2. Dealing with a horrible migraine. Damn, f*ing things! I'd love for someone to come up with a cure from them forever! I called my on-call doctor and they prescribed maxalt. I had taken it before, it works pretty good if taken right away. This one creeped up on me and then just suddenly turned worse. I got the maxalt in me a bit late, but it's slowly taking the edge off. I've gone from pain to numb, lol! To anyone who has never had a migraine consider yerself very lucky! It be so painful, makes you want to crawl in a dark room and die, ugh!
  3. Thanks and yeah, I meant English or European.
  4. Just curious, what was usually worn underneath the robes? For real that is, I'm not trying to be funny, lol! Men of the church or judges with their long, flowing robes, what was usually worn underneath? I was having this discussion with some friends about robes of the middle ages and we were just curious.
  5. Hahaha! Well, thank ye for that.
  6. CATS >^..^<
  7. Yeah, like what Kate said, no worries luv. You didn't do anything wrong, she didn't need to be such a stuck up snot! I've had people bump into me, snag on things or whatever. It's all just a simple accident, no biggie.
  8. *heart stops for a brief moment* Dear God......how did I not even see this post until now? That was a pretty mean joke, but then I laughed and breathed a sigh of relief when I realized it was only a joke. Thank goodness!
  9. ^ To wake up being wealthy and never have to worry about bills and BS again! < Can't wait for it to be Friday, this week has been exhausting! V I'll pass the question on yet again.
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