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Everything posted by Christine

  1. Exhausted! What a nutty night at work, ugh! So glad to be home. I'm just vegging now, unwinding.........*big sigh* I'm also hoping a close of friend of mine is doing okay. She found out her mom only has a few months to live. She has cancer of the kidneys, it was discovered too late and has spread. She flew out to Michigan earlier today to be with her and her brothers. I just felt so bad for her, it's not fair. What also makes it sad is that her mom had just re-married last month on Valentine's Day. Ugh....
  2. It be PyratePhil's birthday today! Tis a shame tho he has not been seen on-line since September of last year. I had discovered he avoided going on-line due to being stalked. That really sucks! Well, Phil, wherever you are I hope you have a great day and don't stay gone for too long.
  3. I took the boy and gave back the man......LMAO!!!! That still was just so weird and funny. My sister and I just were waiting in line for the Alice in Wonderland ride, minding our own business. The kid behind me had been staring at me for awhile. As we got closer to the front he told me how I look like Alice. I thought, okay, cute kid, lol! I noticed his birthday button and wished him a happy birthday. We were just about 3 people away from boarding when he says to me how he wants to ride in the same caterpillar with me. I was like, "huh?" lol!
  4. That's pretty cool, funny too! When I was there just last Friday, February 27th, this little kid wanted to ride with me on the Alice in Wonderland ride. He thought I looked just like Alice, lol! It was his birthday, he was wearing one of those Disney birthday buttons. His mom was like, "oh, geez, I better keep an eye on this kid when he gets older!" She allowed him to ride with me, but just sat behind us on the same caterpillar. Too funny, lol!
  5. LMAO!!!! That made me laugh hard, thank you!
  6. Has anyone been on Small World with the new changes yet? I've already experienced it, twice now. I went when they had the sneak preview for Annual Passholders and then just went again on that same weekend. All they did was add Disney characters thru-out the ride. Actually it's the Small World children wearing the costumes of the Disney characters. For example, in England you see Alice in Wonderland and the white rabbit. Peter Pan and Cinderella are also seen as well. The changes are very subtle. If you didn't know to look for the changes the ride seems pretty much the same. There's an added room after the Hawaii part where it's some tribute to America. Looks more like some hoe down with Woody and Jessie from Toys Story. The same song is still there.....getting stuck in your head, lol!
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