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Everything posted by Christine

  1. There are certain things you don't joke around with.
  2. Please tell me this is all for fun. Right?
  3. *wakes up slowly to see William, er Wilma standing there* LOL! Oh, geez, forgot about that. We all did it, but nothing permanent. Everything can be easily removed. Would you like us all to help you take it off? Erm, the make-up that is. LOL!
  4. *looks up from the blankets at Wolfy* Nope, no pirates in "Anchorman". Mention it a few times was all they did. Didn't see any pirates tho. *falls back into the pillows*
  5. Nope, didn't work. I followed what you said, the thing was set to the maxium level. This is odd, really odd. It still reads it as if it's on the dvd player. hmmm.... Ah, well, too late to think now. It has been a really long night, I don't feel all that good so going to go pass out. Thank ye and good night. *passes out*
  6. *comes in and falls over onto the piles of blankets of pillows and blankets* Oh, geez, what a long night this was! Went to the movies right after work with my sister. One of our younger residents gave me her movie tickets, she wasn't able to go. They were for"Anchorman". Let me say this, I'm so glad I didn't pay to see that-lol! So stupid, parts were really funny, but other wise, stupid! I hadn't eaten since lunch. So we decided to get Jack in the Box after and then head home. I feel like crap now.
  7. Well, I'll definitely be trying that out later after I come home from work tonight. Hopefully it'll work.
  8. How did you get the computer features to work? I put my dvd in the computer and it still reads it like it's the dvd player. I can't get the computer features to play. I need some kind of decoder.
  9. Great pix there! Thanks for sharing those.
  10. Mmmmm....dark rum, some good stuff there. But gee, do I really want to start drinking at this early hour? I think I'll wait...an hour-lol!
  11. Singing Klingons? LOL! How cool! Do you have any pix of that? That would definitely be a sight to see.
  12. Hey cool Siren-lol! I've done my share of plays, musicals, taking voice lessons and stuff like that. Oh, of course Merry, William be a sweetheart. It can all be removed easily with water. And if he wants, we'll gladly help him remove it!
  13. LMAO!!!!! The dreaded trouser snake, aye! LOL!
  14. Actually I do! Got one when I was in Hawaii, back when I was only 13, but still it'll work! Woo-hoo, lol!
  15. LOL! Ah, cool another musical theatre buff! Yay!
  16. Oh, yes! Be ready to run like crazy and hide-LOL!
  17. LOL! Gotta make him one of the girls if he wants to stay in the girls slumber party. We'll turn him into Wilma Pink Wake. *starts singing....* "Oh, so pretty, so pretty and witty and gay!" LMAO!
  18. Awww...Doc that really sucks! Isn't it possible to still go? I've seen people go in a wheelchair and still have fun. I'm not helping in this am I? lol!
  19. AAAAHHHH!!!! Not that song, scary flashback moment. Sang that at work for a stupid talent show. Me, the 3 other receptionists and our manager decided on an airplane theme. It's cuz our uniforms make us look like flight attendants so we played that up. Surprisingly the boss was cool with it-lol! So we got out there, carrying trays of peanuts while our manager, dressed in a Captain's coat, told a little about the flight. We then all gathered at the front and sang the "Leaving on a jet plane song". LOL! We came in 2nd place. The housekeepers beat us out by bringing in extra help, which I didn't think they could do. Did some big dance number. Oh, well, just glad it's over! *moves over to Wil* Wakey, wakey! Time for drinkin' and partying now! Woo-hoo!
  20. Aye, being sung to sleep by a shadowy figure....how very Phantom of the Opera-like. lol! Though I unfortunately woke up not feeling well anyway. For the past couple of days been waking up with a slight migraine. That lovely time of the month most women dread is coming, so that could be the reason. Blah, no fun no matter what. Advil and those breakfast sandwiches from Burger King have been my friend today. Getting rid of the headache.
  21. *curled up in the blankets and pillows as the song wafts in thru the window* That is so beautiful, wow.......*slowly drifts off to sleep*
  22. How bizarre!
  23. William is loving every minute of it! LOL!
  24. Aye, I second that! *squeezes hugs more and then turns to the big screen tv* Okay peeps, let's watch some movies, curl up in the pillows and blankets and have some food and drink. What say ye to that?
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