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Everything posted by CaptainB

  1. Recruit Means they're more willin' to work for the prize! 12 pounder or swivel gun
  2. Tankard Its got a bigger handle! Cutlass or boarding axe
  3. Awesome song! I canna' deny that I be a wee bit jealous! I wish some minstrel would sing a shanty 'bout me some time!
  4. I also like this one: Where there is a sea there are pirates.
  5. Make it hard why don't ya? Home Brew French Merchant, or Spanish Treasure Fleet
  6. Made a couple pair of earrings over the weekend, thought I'd show them off. Red Jasper, Hand Carved Bone, and pewter Sparrows Black Lava, Hand Carved Bone, and Australian Jasper Total time spent: 45 mins I'm waiting on some more materials to come in, so I can continue making swag, an' perhaps start selling it.
  7. Salted! Especially pork! Chain shot or Grape shot?
  8. I've just started Terry Pratchett's Nation. Looks to be a good read.
  9. On me left arm -- Sword standin' as a Celtic Cross, with me family's motto in Latin above an' below. On me back -- Mirrored Sparrows holdin' a memorial banner (LRH 1940-1989) in their beaks. (In honor of me grandpa, 20+ year in the US Navy, passed in 1989)
  10. Welcome aboard mate!
  11. Hmmm... Indeed, it seems dear Bartholomew had a taste for the bold... Jen -- I will start looking post haste!
  12. I would think that weddings at sea were rare, if not outright unheard of practice. Seein' as how most o' the population was either Angelican, or Catholic, one would surmise that only the clergy of said churches had the powers to marry a couple. Captains were mostly military men, who had little leeway in the matters of marriage. But that's not to say that it never happened. (In modern times, very few Captains have the power to wed people in a legally binding way.)
  13. I've started working in gold an' silver, and gems an' pearls once again. Sadly, I've gotten stuck on design ideas. Any o' you fine buccaneer folk know where I can find pictures of GAoP era jewelry, or related era pieces. Any help would be appreciated. An' by the by, as soon as I finish me Pearl project, pictures shall be posted!
  14. "They vilify us, the scoundrels do, when there is only this difference, they rob the poor under the cover of law, forsooth, and we plunder the rich under the protection of our own courage." Samuel Bellamy, (my rolemodel)
  15. 3 different strands of pearls ordered, silk cord ordered, gold clasp ordered. Now the waiting begins before I can start my newest project.

  16. Ponderin' something... What would you consider handcrafted "Nautical/Pyrate" themed jewelry to be? Art or Craft? Opinions will determine wher I post pics of a few projects I have in the coming weeks.

    1. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook

      My two shillings -

      Foam, popsicle sticks and glue are craft. Anything else is art.

      Post away, anything can lead to a creative idea.

      Jas. Hook

  17. Sounds like a fine bot o' stock my friend... Mayhap one day, I can sample said items!
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