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Everything posted by CaptainB

  1. Welcome to tha crew lad! We Okie's are a spectacularly crazy bunch.
  2. Local update from Oklahoma: Multiple Tornadoes have struck Central and Eastern Oklahoma. Only 7 confirmed dead at this time. Last I saw, Joplin was under the gun again for storms. NOT what those poor souls need at this time.
  3. "An' its all fer me grog, me noggy noggy grog, All fer me beer an' tobacco! I spent all me loot, in a house o' ill repute An' I wanna go back again tomorrow!" Mornin' mates, what's fer breakfast this fine mornin'? Besides fine drinkin' songs?
  4. 4 hours, an' 15 minutes left in 13.5 hour shift... Some one mix me up a grog... please...

    1. Merrydeath


      Grog it is!!.. btw, my beau is from the area, and a long time ren/pirate, goes by Robiere. Just wondering if you know him.

    2. William Brand

      William Brand

      We'll set out a glass and two casks at the Kate.

    3. CaptainB


      Merrydeath: Alas, I do not know yer lad. Mayhap one day I'll run into him!

  5. I be jes' down the road Bo, an' rest assured that I be prayin fer all those sufferin' from these blasted storms. As a matter o' fact, a couple jes' popped up o'er head here. Keep us advised my friend.
  6. CaptainB, Outstanding! So good to know we are not alone. I am in Broken Arrow. You say NE Oklahoma? sounds like you are pretty close!

  7. Here be my garb, needs jes' a few tweeks ta make me satisfied.
  8. Happy birthday mate! Raise yer tankard, an' enjoy yer day!
  9. Good sir, that be the best way ta go! Well, next ta dyin' on a big pile of booty that is...
  10. Welcome aboard mate! Jes' so ye know, yer not the only one marooned far from the sea. I meself be hailin' from a land locked state (though there be many a fine lake fer sailin').
  11. Seems like a good bit of libations. I'll try both. An' if consumin' all of them kills me, make sure ya toss my carcass into at least 30 feet o' water...
  12. Is that tea? For breakfast? What kinda pirate are you? It should be rum, whiskey, or nothin'! Though the croisannt be a good choice... 'Specially if it be havin' apricot preserves on it...
  13. Working in a psych hospital is driving me crazy...

  14. ::pours a pint of whiskey into the coffee pot:: Coffee's goin'!
  15. ::draws some very provacative monkeys in the thick dust:: That oughta stir up a wee bit o' conversation!
  16. Thanks fer the rum! An' I vote fer the cudgels. I'm pretty good with a cudgel.
  17. May a poor wanderer beg a glass of dark, aged rum?
  18. A fine birthday celebration for ye Lady! Raise yer glass high, and enjoy tha day!
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