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Everything posted by CaptainB

  1. ::Stumbles in, parched by the endless triple digit temperatures of the Sealess Sooner State:: Barkeep! Something cold, refreshing, and potent please!
  2. I just started on A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin.
  3. Here Here I agree!
  4. Much Obliged! This oughta make any ills slip away post haste.
  5. How has it taken me this bloody long to stumble upon this fine shop? An' here I was posting my simple wares in The Workshop! Tis nice ta know that there be fellow jewelers about the pub! Methinks a photo session of my latest pieces is in order when I get home!
  6. A hammock and drinks it is... And keep that ol' saw bones away from me! Silkie, it be impossible fer me ta use the Neti Pot. Everytime I used one in the past, I felt like I was drownin'.
  7. I be sicker than a lubber on his first day at sea. All I want to do is sleep.

    1. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook

      Lay in your hammock and feel better!

      Jas. Hook

    2. Capn Bob

      Capn Bob

      Don't spare the leeches!

  8. Chandler (aka the Candle-stick Maker)
  9. Do either of you fine "gentlemen" know of a beverage that can clear a man's sinuses, without the risk of setting his head on fire? This bedamned infection has me cowering below decks once again... I'd be much obliged...
  10. It's back! I've been jonesin' fer a new comic!
  11. Aggressive Negotiations
  12. regret... because everyone knows, goggles can blind a man, at least until morning...
  13. An interesting proposition. Iffin' you do pickle me, throw a little dill in. Even the local sea life appreciate a little flavor... (see previous comment about burial procedure in case of grog related demise.) An' I feel bad 'bout comin' in here, and drinkin' all the free booze, so may I offer a light brunch? Spit Roasted goat And some innocent chilies to add to the flavor
  14. Bo, we're a bit less formal when handin' out the title of Okie... All it really takes is gettin' yer Oklahoma driver's license. That, and an ability to gripe about orange barrels everywhere...
  15. Straw? I have no need for a straw... well, unless I need it for a snorkel... The hay is still a good idea though...
  16. William my good sir, you've made me a very happy pirate. I love grog. I do believe I'll be drinking directly from the cask on the left...
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