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Bos'n Cross

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Everything posted by Bos'n Cross

  1. callenish you couldnt be farther from the truth.....it would seem that period boat plans a not but a pipe dream! I iv been able to notice...is that the few groups that have small period craft..........usually seem to have a shipwight make up the plans........whether its one of the explorers(john smiths shallop replicas) or just a longboat for one of our larger tall ships....everyone seems to just build them.......
  2. i gots ya beat here in Virginia at 38F .......almost hot enough to go in the pool.......so hot........
  3. i must also advocate colonial williamsburg,,,those things come clean up my thigh.......though i live right up the road and have an unfair advantage in getting them..........get some if yee can!
  4. Have a look here Gentlemen of Fortune a good site to get an idea what your goin for.......also check around in our other forums ....most of us hand sew our own kits......mostly, it would seem, because there arnt too many items available of our period.......for the love of god...please get a pair of trousers lol best of luck.....hope yee like spending money......mmuuhahahahahahah *mad laugh*
  5. i am a morning person.......mabey....
  6. i like these two......."> and
  7. VERY nice patrick.......im loving that hat mate.............reminds me that i need more searls raid gear...lol(whether i end up going or not).........be sure to post pic of the jacket!
  8. i am a man of many fixins.........i can fix heads too........and ankles.....yup........* OH SNAP NO HE DIDNT!*....
  9. i shall continue to prefer cooked oysters..........yup......
  10. i believe our lady brower is correct.......i cannot seem to find where i had it....i have notes that if i remember correctly...cotton was indeed a type of wool cloth....a cheap one......ill look more....im sure one of our more knowlegable pub guests will beat me to it though.........*sigh*
  11. Thank you very much Foxe.......... wonder what colour sad is as well......i appreciate the time you took to make this list...i think i should look at more newspaper adverts...........
  12. J8ksdad is correct...that is simply a two button collar.......and on a side note..if anyone has another reference to double breasted coats before 1730 please post...iv just been through a hundred or so paintings and sketches and come up ONLY with the rogers prints....lol
  13. Has anyone ever seen them in other illustrations, or paintings? Iv only seen them so far in mid 18th century and later paintings...BBUUTTT i suppose they had to be based on something earlier.......id like another picture to go by, before making one.........*goes off to look at dutch paintings*...i shall find more!
  14. Can anybody here read what I write? Really now, with all the help I'll be needing at my place, you don't think I'd offer you a chance at an honest living? Hell man! If'n you're any good, you're invited to ply your trade under my capital until you've amassed enough to pay your debts and establish your own shop! What do you do? I thought you were a tailor or such, but Lady B seems to think you a carpenter. Can you cooper? I believe taxes were Ransom's idea. I'm explicitly outside of any incorporated boundaries, and therefore free from any taxes; neither would I levy any. Allright now, the Lady seems to have the hang of the realm... And what I do at sea is nobody's business but that of mine and my crew! not a tailor...a carpenter i be.....i may one day know some cooperin(white cooperin in fact)...........yee hath escaped my rath for now......but now yee cannot escape my bussiness...and for only 12 easy payments of $19.95 yee can have ya own, black-made cask!..CALL ME NOW.........i also do psychic readings and curses on those that trouble yee..........OH and free from taxes you say........well then you ARE a vagrant...for shame quartermaster.......
  15. HES AFTER MONIES, SOMEONE STOP THIS WOULD BE VAGRANT! ....place isnt even real and hes collecting taxes......im a poor man...who would gladly pay you thorsday for a crust of bread today......cant afford town....guess ill be sold into servitude for my debts....and its all quartermaster james' fault................if this were real...lol
  16. Bottles and Bagsley brewing Co. ......i like the sound of that....beware all ...quartermaster james is gettin ideas...next thing you know there will be some sort of "map" of our little town........on a side note..in that pic of the pirates of the caribbean set, what ship is that in the right foreground..looks to be a sloop....just wonderin......
  17. i sent an email...lol...tellen the whole world mate.......tis a fine thing to have a child....tis an expensive thing too...........
  18. double post
  19. I thank you heartily sir! This is of much help to me!
  20. Happiest of natal days my dear!
  21. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL......... i feel that this pink thing, shall not die....and thank yee silkie <3....i bet i could pull off pink quite well.....
  22. ......lol thanks mary and jim!(except the pink part...ggiirrr) .....and lady barbossa, i think captain sterling would have made a good villain in that movie.......blind as he is........
  23. no not this thing again...isnt this about the same thing as what we do at pip..."i know you from the pub!" "i love you" and be quite toasted the whole time?............oh well...A DRINK...to my many name changes.........
  24. OOOOO lava hand soap,,,well that ddoooeess sound fun....though i didnt have the saop...i have taken sandpaper to a great many areas.........which did a good deal on it...thanks for the lava soap idea though.....i like it.....
  25. hhuummmmm immune to pins yee say....well i have this fid............lol and yee may have to worry about the younger merriweather i swear i caught him oogling the ladies at pip.......oohh to be a younger lad again...all the ladie....lads....what ever...were so pretty in mine eyes........those good olde days(last year i believe it t'were).......
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