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Bos'n Cross

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Everything posted by Bos'n Cross

  1. Well done maste o'keeffe! .....when i saw it, my first though was " oohh no, another chest to lift and fit in trailors!" lol, but sense its going to william, ill never have to lift it.....i refuse to help him after our last encounter..... sell anyone for profit he will........
  2. I concur with mr.foxe and quartermaster roberts(i didnt vote for 'em). Im quite sure those are drawers under his petticoat breeches, owing to the fact that im many many period images sailors are shown wearing their drawers in this manor....untied and easily seen...lol.... as for ribbons on the stockings, i believe what we are seeing is that he has garters on only one leg (our left his right) so on that side his stocking go all the way up to his drawers..but not so on the other side. Also we can now more clearly see that indeed he is wearing earings....but could this possibly be a fashion trend only with the dutch? ..........the slashed sleeves....i find those quite interesting..... iv see images of sleeves that button up to the elbow(as well as the earlier trend of slashed sleeves)....but his whole bleedin arm can unbutton.....makes me want to sew.......
  3. .......you forgot the mantua.......lol........you open a can of worms if you allow stickings and bleedings at inaccuracies!
  4. yeah, how can i plan to copy peoples outfits without pictures!
  5. not sure how i missed that name drop in april.......how are you jim? recovering well i hope...how the mouse treating ya?
  6. Though i already told ya once, happy birthday again silkie......and a happy birthday to young fionn as well.....i think.....
  7. ............apparently we all have "identity issues" and should probably seek help!........
  8. indeed there was a good one that i didnt sttteeaall yet goodie bess!........ AND to Master roberts, your new signature looks good, but it implies that your very own bosun hasnt given up his former life on the account.............
  9. there will be no living with him after this......none at all.......thansk for the great time everyone, twas truly one of my top events this year....great to see olde friends and new.......cheers to a great event!
  10. well darn this week lost us a sizable chunk of folks, i shall miss the company of yee all! <3
  11. great time....rest up bess, we need to do some laundry at the next event!

  12. HEY HEY HEY .............there is no reason to bring me into this..............this stuff is already freaky enough......i dont need to touch it........
  13. A most merry natal day to you Rumba Rue, and many returns of the day!
  14. funny enough im ok with the "aaarrrrrrrrrrrhhhh" jokes, though im personally in it for the history, i some times give in a bit in the hopes that the entertainment might help people remember, so for example: If a kid goes aarrrhh, and i do it back, but then he asks what the heck is wrong with my face(when i have the syphilis on) and teeth, he will then(hopefully) remember when i tell that sailors had a very non nutritional diet, and suffered from numerous ailments. He would both be entertained by the interaction, and learn from it as well (happened at blackbeards,i was very happy to hear the kid go tell his parents what he had learned)......in those moments i am happiest and willing to live a bit with the stereotype, so as to sneak truth in there...after all sadly, people only seem to really care about what they "expect" pyrates to be like.....my clothing already throws them off so iv got to give in a bit somewhere......lol note: that is nnoooooottt saying that i do the stereotypical thing all the time, i pretty much only give in for kids, but i think its also very good that other people aarrree around to do what people really want/ expect, i do my best to try and walk both paths.........well thats enough ranting
  15. One way around the problem(which you had already hinted at) wound indeed be to use tackles....bbuuttt using and extra set would solve the problem of leverage. one pair would be located directly beneath the wheel and run straight aft until they were abaft the mizzenmast, at which point they would splay to tackles on either side of the ship, and then back abeam to the end of the tiller. Its pretty much the same configuration as normal, but with an extra "extension" back to the tiller . I hope that description was clear....... man that was a simpler explanation........thanks double dutch!
  16. i whole heatedly agree with mission on this....... i use this hobby as an escape from regular life, its a hell of alot of fun......i also REALLY enjoy teaching(which i something i should probably look into...)......as for this inspiring me to BE a pirate, that gets a hearty and resounding no.......especially in modern times, i would never dream of attacking a defenseless merchant ship, i myself being a waterman, i would never want such a thing to happen to me........heck even if i had a time machine i seriously doubt i would become a pirate, or that i would even use said time machine.......
  17. HEY SOME OF US LIKE THAT END............thats where the....... magic......happens.....
  18. ..........i swear i was hoping for more aaccttuuaallll information.....teasers are cruel.....
  19. she tried her best, ill give here that...........tis a shame, i feel like people dint even try sometimes...oh well................dutch........no matter what aannyyonnee says...its pc........though not "pc"...but i dont care about the latter.....next time ill only wear rags about my bottom........
  20. dang! he beat me to the baggywrinkle........you could call me Israel if you likes it more..... <3
  21. ....lul.....so deep in thought!
  22. i must say i had some difficulty when i worked the exhibit in norfolk trying to explain to people that pirates didnt necessarily mean freedom. Whats worse is it ended up getting me in a big argument with a woman from the smithsonian..... she went so far as to say that there WEREN'T ANY black pirates, so i not only then had to convence her that there were, but tthheenn go through the whole bit about not everyone treating them the same....twas a difficult morning, but i was quite proud at the end....makes me wonder what it takes to be a historian for the smithsonian.........
  23. a fine addition *edit* DUTCHIE-POO......your a gentleman and a scholar!
  24. well im gonna jump in here on this one.....what the captain of the Niagara was doing isnt exactly a repair, he was making nnneeeewww shrouds. Ideally you would want to get the rigging made on land before hand at a rigging loft,(like he was doing) then make repairs as necessary. Making those repairs is basically the chief job of the bosun and his mates, constantly keeping things tarred and in working order. As far as my sources it would seem that instead of keeping extra actual rigging, they instead had all the supplies to make nneewww pieces. For instance, this is taken from a 1654 account by Edward Hayward (thanks to Ed foxe for the source) Its listed that onboard were many different sizes of lines and cables, and 20 sum odd pounds of marline, which are used in the process of servicing etc., as well as all the tools to accomplish what ever task needed, also listed are spare sails..but NOT spare rigging(except for wooden bits like dead-mans-eyes, blocks and spars), so it would be up to the crew to make new anything that was broken beyond what a simple repair would do, for any larger repair would ruin the strength of your rigging and could cause it to fail.......and no matter when it is...a 65 some foot mast falling down is always at the WRONG time........hope that covered it......
  25. ...........i cannot express......huumm...how does one.......-----> lol ............I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE SIR!! i shall hold my gun side ways and mmmaabbbbeeyy shoot you! im as good a shot as our friends in baltimore!
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