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Everything posted by madPete

  1. Wilbur Smith Birds of Prey - lots of pages but reads fast.
  2. spoilsport! if'n ya cain't have a little fun with the lad what's the point? old man!
  3. 21... eeeeesh! aye'd say have a Rum on me, but me doubts you can hold yer liquor yet. Happy Birthday to the young strapping lad!
  4. To me, this sword made by Matt at Baltimore Sword and Knife (made for POD) epitomizes what a cutlass is (or should be) ... See this thread
  5. Aye... celebrate with a bottle 'o cheer Mate!
  6. These are awesome! I Highly recommend. madPete
  7. Nice job Michael! I was thinking about making a map/document case along those lines. I still have a few solid brass buckles left (1" & 3/4") that I used to put on Artillery Powder bags if ya need some and recently Tandy has added some solid brass buckles to their line.
  8. I love it! but it makes me wonder bout ya Quartermaster...
  9. Just finished Archer's Tale by Bernard Cornwell and Crusader by Michael Eisner. Archer's Tale was typical great Cornwell reading. The Crusader was also excellent. Aye what should I read next?
  10. I used the Birchwood Casey Plum brown on my Traditions Kentucky rifle kit. The Browning looks great. Maintenance wise it has been easier to maintain than the shiney finish on my former '61 Springfield. It is more work to apply than some finishes, with heating and such. I'd have to read the directions again, but I remember it was a bit more labor intensive to apply.
  11. Nice kit and Happy Birthday!
  12. Now who could this chap be? Awesome pics! Callenish & Salty
  13. Bernard Cornwell historical fiction is one of my favorite reads. just finished #5 in the Saxon series...
  14. Do we need to get you a sippy cup too ROTDLMAO!! I can just see Callenish with a sippy cup full of warm milk:P Great News Fayma! Whoooo eeeeehhhh!!!
  15. I guess we know why it looks like that ... eh!
  16. tell ya what - I'll test the waters fer ya and let ya knew what they say about it. Seriously, it's pretty sweet. I'd just go fer it. Though its plaid it seems pretty subdued next to some I've seen
  17. All you seadogs and scallywags have a good time there! I'm envious Maybe next year... sigh...
  18. thats 95 more buttons than mine Mickey you are the man! Geez, no wonder ya makes buttons, if ya put 116 brass/pewter buttons on yer coat and fell overboard, ye be in Davy Jones locker! (not ta mention the cost). Sorry Kate, I feel fer ya both... hmm... I feel the need ta draw a comic comin on...
  19. less buttons?!? wot r ya doin with alla dem fancy buttons ya ben stitchin, shootin em from yer flintlock!!??! Has anyone come close to Mickey Souris' count... wot was that 150??? Now that is pure punishment... or long winters:D
  20. At least St Pattie's day is coming up . . . Aye it sounds like bad news, but let's not jump to conclusions too soon... Things have a way of working themselves out given some time... We don't know all the details yet.
  21. At my age, I'd rather forget them. But doesn't stop me from wishing others well... Have a great Birthday and do somethin ya enjoy mate!
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