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Everything posted by madPete

  1. HEAR YE ... HEAR YE ... The surgeon Mission has committed to at least four more surgeon's journals!!!! Aye... ye be a glutton fer punishment mate! and I'm just helping ye along mP
  2. wow talk about timing for re-opening an old thread... At work we have a custom of decorating people's cubes while they are gone on vacation. We call it vacation hazing and for one individual, the team split up and went to all the GoodWill stores in town and bought as many stuffed animals as we could find that were bunnies. Obviously when that person came back, their cube was brimming with wabbits! Well, our company was bought out 2 years ago and this week (finally) we were packing our stuff to be moved. Obviously with all this vacation hazing over time, we have way more stuff than we can move. So while cleaning out the store room we came across all these bunnies. We hate to throw this stuff away. hmmm... idea. We have a project manager that came in, packed a single crate and went back to a temporary spot at the new place. So being our old wiley selves we packed up a bunch of crates full of wabbits and tagged them for her cube. I can hardly wait to see her face when the crates are delivered to her cube tomorrow.
  3. Thank ye fer yer input... I knew he was making a new one, but was thinking that repairing a chafed shroud in place must be similar - I guess in a storm ye jes hope it holds eh? yeah - who is Reggie?
  4. Yes - Great video. Makes it sink home a bit about some of the dirty jobs on a traditional ship. Did sailors make repairs like that during inclement weather or did they try to keep spares on hand? mP
  5. Welcome to the Pub! Tis indeed a fine place to meet and share ideas.
  6. Thank Ye Here's another I finished 6 weeks ago and the next one under construction ( sailor's short coat) wool weskit sailor short coat under construction
  7. Thanks Eye. A scalawag with patience? Indeed Sir!
  8. hmmm.. garden green beans... nuff ta make a land lubber of ye

    1. Capn Bob

      Capn Bob

      Ah, but ye see...its a good way to avoid scurvy...and besides...making them German style means using Bacon!

  9. no confirmation after signin up... mayhaps me scalawag repute has arrived afore me or, mayhaps they be afraid fer thar doubloons! mP
  10. Aye - A fellow re-enactor and I are planning ta be there as well - just need to find a group to camp with. mP
  11. Nice work Mission, yer sense of humor in the journal always raises a smile. "women glow"... Shannon... If someone asks if you are the winner... say YES!
  12. just started John Paul Jones, a sailor's biography. Read a book about him when I was 11-12... aahh..., fond memories.
  13. After all these years I finally picked up a copy of Treasure Island, can't believe I waited that long to read it. Better go back and read some more of the classics! mP
  14. I got this for Christmas and thought it was a decent book. And that without having read a Crichton novel prior. maybe that's a good thing? The next one will be better!
  15. sposed to be 110 today... but its a dry heat (so is a furnace)

  16. Thank you for the gracious offer Callenish! pretty sure I will be in a hotel. At this point I'm planning a similar trip as last year... fly in weds or thurs, fly out Mon (into Key West this time, the drive from Miami/Ft lauderdale was nice, but forced me to miss Sunday night activities). We even considered the whole week and bringing the family, but that is not looking likely. mP
  17. It looks like madPete will be staying in town this year rather than camping and may have company, though that is still tentative. I do prefer to remain listed with the Mercury crew for this event, can't wait to see you blokes and lasses! mP
  18. That's the link! As a PIP rookie last year, I can say read these threads it covers 95% of what ya need ta know. No one expects yer ta be spot on first time out, but make yer best efforts and ya will be rewarded with the moniker "FB" (it's a good thing!) Can't say this too often - listen to William RedWake.... take care of yer feet and make sure your shoes are broken in and comfortable and Walk everyday the couple weeks before the event. You'll be glad you did. Ask questions, folks here are great and glad to answer your questions., P.S. WELCOME BACK MISSION! WE MISSED YOU (Ya just can't keep good surgeons - especially when they were pressed)
  19. aye... add Arizona to the list of landlocked ships!
  20. says: eyeing goggles and a derby hat ... hmmm

  21. just started Vagabond by bernard cornwell (2nd of the Grail series) about an archer in Englnd 1300 with a bit of the grail quest mixed in.
  22. Top notch! Very nice work mate. I was looking ta craft somethin like this prior to PIP 2009. With flyin in and all, I punted on a lot of stuff and bartered fer a lightweight nylon hammock ta get by. twas the first time I ever closed mine eyes on a hammock - sure beats a cot. been meanin' to get back to this work tho, and you just might have provided the inspiration with those pics... Thank ye Sir!
  23. There once was a surgeon called Mission Against all advice he went fish'n He went on to the keys away from the freeze and was pressed just like he was wish'n Beware of the bloke who may sink ye in the pub he is quick with a winky he'll take yer hat and then chew the fat by now you should know this is Stynky
  24. Powder yer face?!? Rascals! me thinks the wig be need'n the powder
  25. Shrek... "Do you think he's maybe compensating for something?" Seriously, that is one monstrous flag - Fantastic job! Hope to see it flying at PIP this year as well ... (er, the flag that is)
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