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Everything posted by madPete

  1. Thank you Jill, I may take you up on the offer. With TLAPD, there is a lot happening at that time. I was just hoping to raise interest early on and get the skinny. madPete
  2. From my observations of the pub and PIP happenings, I have about 5-6 comic strips in the works. After reading your surgeons journal over the holidays, I couldn't resist. It will be a fun effort. madPete
  3. Just a taste of what is down the road... oh BTW, any likenesses are strictly coincidental If you are having trouble with the size, try here: Pyrate vs Pyrate
  4. What... no Patrick Hand or Oderlesseye goin to this event? Aye, hope to see all of you that answered affirmatively. Are there rules requiring individuals to be a part of a crew (camping)? As there be a only a smattering of Mercury crew in the West, I'm trying to decide what to do fer this event. Also, are there guidelines or a set of Black powder rules available? Thank Ye, madPete
  5. Nice job on the waistcoat! This be me next project.... takin notes. I was really impressed by the clothing I saw at PIP, everyone seems to go the extra mile. madPete
  6. Nice job on these buttons! If I can ever get past the basic kit, these will be worth a try. Since realizing at PIP that I had zero pockets... I'm on a mission... er... project fixin that. On the other hand, with all these blasted gray whiskers poppin out, an old sea dog may be all I can do anyway:blink: madPete
  7. Hey west coasters (or those close to the west coast), How many of ya plan to attend Ojai pirate fest in September? Not much fer action in Arizona but I can drive to this event (and bring black powder weapons). madPete
  8. oooooohhhhh.... aaaaaaaaaaaah.... That is so sweet. oooooooohhhhhh.... aaaahhhhhh... How does it feel POD???? I was looking closely at Matt's blades at PIP, I don't remember seeing one like that. Matt... you best be firing up the forge! madPete
  9. I guess Mission wants to see everyone else's gifts. Sorry no medical instruments, I try to stay away from those! It was all I could do to stop myself from buying the book in the airport on the way to PIP. Glad I waited... Not really pirate... but I can pirate music for it! madPete
  10. Ave a good one Mate! Twas a pleasure to meet you at PIP madPete
  11. I won't even ask what you had wrapped in bacon on this day! Have a great one mate! I am honored to know you my friend. madPete
  12. ya dont be needin' to twist this bloke's arm... though tentative at this early date. cheers to all the new friends! madPete
  13. Nicely done Mission! BTW... uh... Pink Flamingo Slops... That is a bit much for an Introvert wouldn't you say? Note to Michael and Kate Bagley: I would like to commission a pair of Pink Flamingo slops... In Mission's size! madPete
  14. Just wanted to say I had a fantastic first PIP with the Mercury crew! Thanks to all those who welcomed me and sorry I didn't get to meet you Capt Jim... Some of the better photos from my camera: http://picasaweb.google.com/PeterChaaps/2009_PIP#
  15. Ordered the "Green Seal" gojo online and it came in a couple days back. That's still OK right, that is what they asked for during the first round? madPete
  16. Ahoy, As me conversion from 1860s reenactin be mostly complete, I be new to piratin' and unattached to any crew. Does my attending PIP this year with the Mercury crew qualify? I'd be honored to sign on wit ya. Either way, I look forward to meeting ya'll at PIP and learn'n as much of the Mercury way as I can. Thank ye, madPete Phoenix, AZ (me character is under development, but fer now I'm Peter Chaaps , otherwise known as "madPete" or just "chops")
  17. Two Years Before the Mast - Richard Henry Dana Jr. 4 chapters in - A classic and very good read so far! madPete
  18. We'll be a proud band serving under that flag William... I was looking forw'd to meetin ya Scallywag. Thanks to you and Tracy for the hard work, even though ya have no obligation. We'll set aside a share of the booty fer ya! madPete
  19. Sorry to create a stir on this subject. In the long run we are all more prepared though. Thanks for the replies, look forward to hearing word from the park services. madPete
  20. As this PIP rookie is flying in and camping, I'm trying to travel light as possible (with airline baggage restrictions/charges and all). Am I safe assuming I can find a pair of trees for a hammock? me wedge tent will go over the hammock between the trees which also eliminates needed poles. else aye needs to plan a cot or some blowup contraption as me back don't take kindly to the ground. Looking at photos from previous events, looks like plenty o trees. But with the restriction on number of campers, and the area we will be in this year, will this be a problem? Thanks for your opinion here mates... madPete
  21. Make a list! ... sort by priority ... Get it done! I know how ya feel, my first PIP and I been making linen shirts, waistcoat, rope sandals, breakin in Fugawees and still need to finish a pair of slops. Now... how will I ever fit it all (and a tent) in me luggage?? madPete
  22. No nothing will be mailed! Thanks! I know this will probably be something of a pain in the neck, but would it be possible for those receiving these things to post the names of the folks whose apps you have received from board members? I think the mail is estimated to be able to deliver 99.4% of the material they received, but...you know. It would be nice to have receipt confirmed and all. mayhaps it would be easier to combine the Roll Call, footprints and this thread as one. Since William has gone to the trouble of building a roster, perhaps we could just highlight the names in green if registration is received, along with their tent footprint. Just for the record... Thank You for all your hard work, I know it can't be said enough! madPete
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