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Posts posted by madPete

  1. Hey Mate

    Since black powder weapons are not restricted here in the USA (in most localities) ...

    Buy one here and leave it with a friend that goes to events - I know it doesn't work for Canadian events but...


  2. So a slight modification to me list - forgot i needed to finish me hat. Just finished the liner, me fingers are raawww... Now needs some water proofing.

    Yeah I'm wearing a "funny" hat. Guess I'll have some stories and comments from the plane about me hat.


  3. so far chat has been working well for me - been on a couple times this week.

    Thanks for all the hard work Stynky! (though we know ye cajoled some poor soul to do all the grunt work) :D

    Who do you mean - Mission?

    ha "grunt" work - yeah that would have to be the surgeon :D


  4. Oh, calamity!!

    Just got word from Capt. Jack that my custom, one of a kind, much-much-fretted-over pirate hat will NOT be done for PiP.

    &%&$#@%$# .. . half of my motivation to go to PiP has vanished ... seriously.

    How do you mend a broken heart?

    bummer mate... go to PIP anyways, and you'll realize the hat isn't quite as important as the friends ye will make!


  5. Disturbing, mates. Disturbing. :)




    Eager to see what more disturbing stuff will come after PiP for Pyrate vs Pirate.

    ~Lady B

    disturbing indeed.

    Lob arriving in a messenger bag and many other miscreants arriving in one place (meself included). It can only get worse after my second PIP.


    Between the Pub, Surgeon's Journal, Pyrate vs Pyrate, and another half dozen blogs (to be named later)... what happens at PIP does NOT stay at PIP :rolleyes:


  6. Hey all, it's about a week away and I'm still getting things ready. Here's my list of things to finish:


    Foot Wear



    What do you still need to finish before heading down for the family reunion???


    ship a box (done)

    pack a suitcase



  7. Now go fly the big one at PiP...and post pictures.

    Funny that you should say that, because I made a formal request to fly our very flag over Fort Taylor at least once during the event. I should know by week's end.

    and we'll light her up with this at night! :lol:


  8. Ahoy Shipmates,

    My dear PIP family, I will not be able to attend this years festivites. Though I will miss you all my school duties must come first this time around. Much love to you all. Fair winds and Fallowing seas and a safe journy to all.

    Ye SHip's potter,


    PS sending the lads down, dont let wee hamish take o'er the town too much.

    So sorry you can't make it this year Salty.

    Rest assured - The Mercury crew will keep your men out of trouble :D:D


  9. Here are a couple items we gathered from our recently departed mate:

    If ye see something ye like... please save yer doubloons fer the benefit Auction at Fort Taylor!

    Flask with the Winged Mercury crew logo:


    Map Case with a Caribbean map tooled on the body, a serpent on the end cap, and a compass point on the bottom cap:


  10. Hardbody golf bags work for weapons.


    Thanks Mark - I hadn't thought of that.

    My concern is the length of the long guns takes a pretty big case..

    may have to go with a blunderbuss - one more item to add to my list


  11. Mad Pete...I am a distributor for MVTCo...I can get you a Long Land Bess on the cheap!! I get wholesale pricing.....

    DOH! One more thing on the project list... save funds for a Brown Bess.

    sorry - that one is a ways off yet...


  12. wow - That list of projects is a whole camp!

    I usually make a list and attack it. It's amazing how much you can get done on a weekend that way.

    At this point I haven't thought much past PIP. so I'll defer to my pre-PIP list...

    - Build a RedCoat uniform - Rev War or French&Indian - still deciding

    - Acquire a first model Brown Bess

    - Some kind of hat for my Pirate impression (besides the head scarf and Monmouth)

    - An airline case for transporting weapons

    - Build a longbow - to satisfy my forays into the 12th/15th century

    - Build an archery target stand

    - A concrete plan to make at least 3 quality pirate events in 2011 (no small task living in Arizona)

    Projects leading up to PIP with last minute add-ins are occupying my time now. Then add Christmas shopping/preparations to that!


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