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Posts posted by madPete

  1. OK... I'm getting ready for PiP... I just have a few things that I have to fix for my male Buccaneer stuff, but I also have to make and dress two women by then.

    The Time period that I will be working on is 1669, I know Port Royal would have pretty much any clothing that was available in England at the time.

    So far I have found a few pictures from before the time period, and after.... So I have a kinda-sorta idea... but more and better information would help.

    It would be helpful if someone that has already found a site could post it, so I can spend more time actually making the clothing than surfing the web looking for pictures and discriptions.....

    Wow - as if ye don't have enough to do already just getting yerself ready fer PIP...

    PIP is only a month away... But patrick is up to the challenge.

    Have fun mate!

  2. I think everyone is invited to hang with the Mercury Crew. We're kind of like that. It would be helpful if you posted a photo of yourself in your profile so we know who we're looking for (preferably in garb - we all seem look different in plain clothes - well, most of us).

    As a newbie last year I hung out with the Mercury crew and made many friends. They are a right friendly group... 'cept fer Mission when he's eating corn chowder 'incognito' in the Rum Barrel restaurant ;) No - I won't let you forget that ;)

    Then I met Harry (who is since gone to live in some godforsaken southwest state) and Papa Ratsey and the Sacred Heart Scooby Gang...

    Hey I live in that godforsaken southwest state! well it is godforsaken... at least July thru September. (I just put Harry in contact with my old Civil war group here)...

    Welcome aboard mate! - You won't regret taking the leap and going to key West for this event. I came alone last year knowing no one and camped with the Mercury crew. I was simply familiar with the names from hangin out on the Pub forum and had a blast!

    from a newbie perspective:

    1) Take Williams advice and walk daily from now til PIP - your feet will thank you and you will be able do more.

    2) Don't worry about leaving too much at home. Garb, cash and some eating utensils will get you by in grand style.

    3) Introduce yourself and take part in whatever you are comfortable with, Battles, Walk the Plank, etc...


    see you there!


  3. I doubt the phenomenon is universal. It's weird. It's only on my laptop.

    so what you are saying is, if I post comics on Friday, you are the last one to see them? Awesome! :lol:

    I'll try to post them during the week (or Sunday night at least)...

  4. Hmmm...TMI on the last. B) It's amazing that you were actually able to come up with 10 of them. B)

    Everyone will be relieved to learn that Lob will be going to PiP...he'll be traveling in the diplomatic bag...again. :unsure:

    Hey all ya have to do is read the journal - it is full of raw material:P

    and whatever ya do ... don't let the monkey out of the bag (so to speak)

  5. Wow, I forgot about this topic. I even laughed at some of my own dumb jokes up there! I am thinking even now about walking down Duvall in my pirate togs, grinning like an idiot.

    No, I was referring to Oderlesseye there. ;) (Now see if you can figure out the rest of the people mentioned in #6. ;) Hint: read the PiP '09 Surgeon's Journal for clues...or just read it to get in that PiP mood...)

    This is a fun thread - definitely worth a read of last years journal...


  6. Here is the link for the Surgeon's Journal for the September "Talk Like a Pirate Day" event. Enjoy!

    Note to the five regular SJ fans: There will be two editions of the next Surgeon's Journal - the one for PiP '10. The first edition will be (hopefully - a modicum of sobriety and a good internet connection allowing) updated daily while the event is going on. The second (full edition) will probably follow a month or so later. (It's an experiment to keep all you people who don't go to PiP (shame on you) up to date with pictures.)(Maybe Lob will go with me since Michael won't be there.)(Maybe.)

    er... 6 regular SJ fans. Nice job Mission, with some credit due to the new editors (you do hire good help) :D

    Wish I could have been there. Can't wait to see some of the gang crew at PIP!


  7. Ya know, we could send Lob with you Mission... :D

    ;) I am more of an observer than a participant in the Lob saga. Shay might be able to do something with him, though. You could put him in the diplomatic bag and send him up here though. (That will make sense when I publish the next journal...I should have it done by tomorrow.)

    Lob in a diplomatic bag, fer how long? I don't want to be around when he gets out ;)

    Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure Mark Gist and Lob won't be there. I don't know if Ivan Henry is attending either...he was leaning towards 'not' when I last talked with him.

    sorry if I implied these folks were gonna be in attendance, it's just a cartoon ... sheeesh.. just call me Stynky. ;)

    Oh! For the record, I really wasn't criticizing, I was just noting.

    you should know by now... I will try to twist anything into funny ;)

  8. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure Mark Gist and Lob won't be there. I don't know if Ivan Henry is attending either...he was leaning towards 'not' when I last talked with him.

    sorry if I implied these folks were gonna be in attendance, it's just a cartoon ... sheeesh.. just call me Stynky. :D

    OdorlessEye won't be there either.

    More to come - still need to finish top ten items fer yer PIP kit. oh... and some more reasons to attend Fort Taylor Pirate Festival.

    Also working on some HOT leather items with Mercury logos fer the auction -


  9. ppppeeeettttteeee get a thrum cap! TTHHHRRRRUMMM CCCAAAPPPP i dont want to be the only one......they are ssoooo period appropriate!

    Every hat looks funny on me.

    I have always had trouble picking the right hat - my civil war re-enacting days at least I could live with a kepi, cause I could never find the right slouch hat...

    I do like the Monmouth I got from William - but it may be a bit warm fer florida. How about a flamingo print head scarf ? :lol:


  10. You forgot Stynky Tudor - the man, the myth and the legend. (That's 2% man, 3% legend and 95% myth for those of you keeping score at home.)

    Oh! Do Shay! Do Shay! :P:lol:

    oooh, that sounds like full creative license! :P

    boy are YOU gonna be in trouble...

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