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Posts posted by madPete

  1. Number 13 ... A new character... Not so new if you loved Spy vs Spy.

    This character has traveled far and wide, studied all manner of knowledge and has risen to a new plane of knowledge and consciousness. Among her many talents, she is a shape shifter and is all-knowing. Goes without saying that the pyrates fall hook, line and sinker into her traps ...

    Da da da daaaaa ... Introducing Lady du'Ches.

    (that's doo - shay for you snood weasels)





  2. Sure. PM me and let me know how ya would like it...

    The first drawings were scans of pencil drawings, since then I've been using pen. I've been meaning to clean up the first ones so they have a little more contrast and repost the images.

  3. QJ brought up something in the Pirate vs Pirate thread about the pub collection of graphic art (which I truly have no idea what he was talking about - per usual) and it reminded me that there were a lot of graphic artists on this board. Since I learned that in this thread, I thought I'd drag it up again.

    Although I have explained what I do previously, I thought a link to

    might give you a better feel for my job. (Ok, I just threw that in there to pretend like I actually had something to say in here. :( )

    I'm a Database Administrator for a large computer reselling company. And some days my job feels just like that video


    I just pretend to be a graphic artist;)

  4. Not sure saw dust would be very tasty... Needs Gravy! I bet the Evil Bacon Merchant could help. I sorta remember Lob having a facebook page... was that in a journal somewhere?

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