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Posts posted by madPete

  1. These really are the bees knees for traveling. They are lightweight, absorbant and period!

    What are they? a lightweight linen towel in sizes from a handtowel up to a full beach towel size. Best in subdued colors or colors that are at least represented in the era

    Who wants a modern terrycloth towel hanging out to dry on their tent line after spending the effort on kit and so forth?


    https://www.westelm.com/products/organic-turkish-tassel-towels-t5370/?catalogId=71&sku=1348722&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=MSN&cm_pla=Bath > Towels&adlclid=ee94fcb07155145974d0981f2e2bd9a5&adlclid=ADL-d8fabf98-02c3-40a7-b79d-8727bea8749c&cm_ite=1348722_458012940

    William sent me a small beige one that is so perfect for traveling.  I found the brighter colors at goodwill, but I'm sure they will fade a bit.


    oh, and some bio-degradable soap/shampoo that we used at Key West with the makeshift showers...





  2. 4 hours ago, Stynky Tudor said:

    Your breeches came out looking great! How well is that linen weave working for you?

    After a recent (blood pressure) medication reaction, none of my breeches fit. So I'm in the middle of sewing extra large breeches for meself - one pair down!



    I'm working on a second pair of linen slops. The material seems a bit of a course weave, maybe even shear. TS, are the breeches you made lined or just bare material?

    Nice and Stripey! Good Job!

  3. 10 hours ago, TudorSmith said:

    Ok, birthday party for the wee mutineers has been accomplished...seven mini a frame tents and all. Proof my lackluster singer is not up for any heavy canvas projects any time soon if nothing else lol


    But cracking on with the garb again.... Jacket body is pieced together, sleeves are getting pinned tonight, hopefully collar too, but that might have to wait until lining Is ready, need to reread the instructions again tonight.


    Fit is mostly ok...felt a bit bulky right over the chest when I first started sizing it, but then tried it on my actual body whilst wearing the shirt and stays, instead of my slightly janky duct tape dress form or modern clothed self, and it actually sat pretty well....well enough I knew to stop frassing with it lol 😉

    It's not a perfect fit but it's really very decent, and again....  I'm portraying a woman wearing men's clothing, probably borrowed or stolen, living aboard a ship... Finely tailored would be a luxury, not a commonality.





    Whoa - Major projects!

  4. Everyone needs kit for food and drink, below are a couple of examples that have worked well in the past. If you can find them at a thrift store, more power to you, otherwise I've tried to help with the links to some products:

    bowl or trencher: These are available new, but the hot score is a thrift store where they can be found for a couple bucks if you are lucky. You can find them at Js Townsend too at a bit steeper price. These bowls come in a few sizes and I've actually collected a couple larger ones for serving, again thrift stores. The one pictured below is a 9 inch round bowl which is a great size for whatever is served, whether its soup, stew or beef and a couple sides. Trenchers are also a good option, but less useful for soup


    SamsonHistorical has bowls also



    A spoon:  forks were not standard utensils at this time but a knife and spoon are. I found a pewter spoon molded from an original mold at Pumpkintown Primitives, made brand new. Pewter spoons are rather difficult to find at thrift shops, but a smaller wood or horn spoon could also suffice.



    a knife: sailors had their own knives for rigging etc. you can use that or bring a specific knife just for eating [Added pics: a common reproduction penny knife courtesy of William Brand]

    A place that supplies period knives: https://olddominionforge.com/knives.html



    mug or tankard of sorts: Theres a few options here depending what you prefer. There are lots of "pewter-like" mugs which are not what you should look for. They are defined by a metal that looks a lot like aluminum and has casting lines. These are pretty prevalent. A pewter mug will have very thin sides and smaller lip. There are also clay fired mugs which are perfectly period. I know everyone has their favorite mug. This is just education, not a "bring only" this directive. There are also wood mugs, I would stay away from copper mugs tho, they transfer heat quickly and coffee is easily spilt when suddenly the mug is too hot to hold, or burns your lips, or worse


    Below is my eating kit with a birch bowl and pewter spoon and tankard (minus a knife).

    a clay tankard

    pewter tankard

    a wood trencher

    various knives of the period










  5. On 7/7/2023 at 10:11 AM, Mary Diamond said:

    Might I recommend: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002CMQJYU?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

    IMHO, it is better by far than others (better protection against a wide variety of little vampires), won’t eat your plastics, is safe for your fabrics, and is available in pump and lotions, as well as a spray to treat larger items (such as tents, jackets, etc.).



    Thank you ma'am for the excellent reference!

  6. AAGGGHHHH! I went to all that work and then left my wardrobe hanging on the closet door! The coats, waistcoats and new shirts all stayed at home. Next time it goes on the pyle so I dont miss it! Fortunately I had slops and socks and one old shirt thrown in by accident.

    Long Beach went well anyway!

    I guess I need to follow my own fly advice when I drive to an event too. Basic kit in a backpack on my back !!!


  7. On 7/7/2023 at 11:22 PM, TudorSmith said:

    Y'know, I did think of that this week, mostly due to helping make 7 kids sized a frame tents for my kids' camping themed birthday party this weekend. But clothing gear comes first on the project list lol

    Yeah you have to consider whats on your plate already!

  8. On 7/7/2023 at 1:27 PM, TudorSmith said:

    Shoes are the one thing that I'm brave enough to wear through the airport (even though Mistress Diamond has me inspired to go through my travels in full kit lol) I have to wear insoles in my shoes anyway so the boots I got for my kit will be no more or less comfy then tennies so better to save the space.


    That works too!

    Mine are a bit tough on the feet, so I have to use the time to good use. I wear some leather camp shoes on the plane that also relieve my feet at night after hours...

    Shoes are so hard to find now too!

  9. On 7/3/2023 at 11:08 AM, TudorSmith said:

    For this I am grateful! My days if thinking that I'd be ok doing a "sleep where ya fall" on a beach somewhere are part of the experience I was planning in my 20s that I DO NOT need to recreate lol.

    I've been in the market for a tent for a while, but the family sized one I'd need for most of my historical endeavors would be too large and unwieldy for the plane and the event this time around. 

    Along with my jacket, a sleeping mat/cot setup is also on the agenda of next to-dos

    Chris' lending the tent was also meant to be a place for the ladies to change. So if you are adventurous, you could always start with a fly/oar tent and air mattress and use the communal tent for changing.

  10. Thanks! Hopefully it encourages others to try their hand. it takes a bit of practice (and I hate the instructions that come with most patterns). When I needed help I went to youtube for instructions, but most if it is old hat now.

  11. I think there's a lot of readers, not so many posters. It takes a while to build that back up. It seems once people get excited about events, they start posting and reading the other forums and posts. I guess we need another Pirates of the Caribbean movie!

    Like you said, too many irons in the fire, so I sometimes pick and choose based on what I'm seriously into at the moment.

  12. On 7/4/2023 at 10:00 PM, Mary Diamond said:


    I’ve been known to travel in my riding habit, with my sea bag carrying my ultralight mummy bag and air mattress, change of clothes (mantua, shoes, et al), toiletries, while a basket serves as my carryon for small personal items and goods I didn’t care to have banged around. Very spare packing, and sleeping in a borrowed tent, but it can be done.

    See ... Here's someone more adventurous than me on flights!

    I may have to consider trying an event with just what I can carry, sounds like a challenge!

  13. On 7/4/2023 at 5:23 PM, TudorSmith said:

    Great topic!

    This is my first pirate event; I have some experience doing SCA event camping so I'm not a complete newb at the concept (and I 10000% agree the overnight experience is an integral part of the adventure) but this will be my first time flying for an event. I had originally thought I would *have* to drive in in order to transport my own tent (that I didn't even own yet), But through the good graces of this wonderful community I was advised there would be a tent I could claim a corner of. Which works out better cause the time commitment of the drive was making scheduling harder for my work/life situation.

    I feel like I have a pretty good handle on how to thin down my normal event camping pack to fit into the two checked and two carry on bags that o get. 

    For one checked i am planning one suitecase for my sleeping kit. I actually just scored an amazing cot that folds down into a size that will fit a suitcase with room to spare. I plan to put a camp mat over it, which will also pack down small to fit. Both are modern but the cover I intended to make for the camp pad will have the look of a ticking mattress, so the obvious anachronisms will be well obscured. In with them will be pillows, blankets etc, and any other camp gear I might need. My list for that is minimal....a small cheap lantern, drinking cup etc.

    Second suitcase will be any overflow gear, and accessories. I have two "prop" pistols I plan to bring and have already been checking with TSA what I would have to do in order to transport them. They are non firing to the point that they don't even technically have a barrel for a projectile to come out of, but at a glance they look the part, so I'm sure security would have concerns and i have been advised to transport them as if they are real. I will be double checking that closer to time as well, and if anyone has any experience on that front I would love any tips or advice.

    Most of my clothing is going into my carry on, any overflow squeezed into the cracks od the two checked bags. I'm planning on at least two to three changes of clothing, if I can sew that much. That might be Also excessive but sweaty smelly clothing is a level of accuracy I'm not interested in. 

    In my other carry on (purse/backpack personal item) would be hygiene kit.... luckily I already use solid shampoo and soap bars so no worries on transporting liquids. Incidentally, i will also be bringing/using a soap that also acts as a bug deterrent, so two for the price of one. I might also attempt to bring a natural bug spray. 

    It's all a plan in progress and flux though. Any suggestions or tips would be well received and I will be sure to pass along any idea I have


    It sounds like you are planning well ahead of time - thats the way to do it, then revisit a couple days before the flight. Also think a bit about the flight back, does anything change or do you have ship something back?

    To be truthful, I would reconsider taking the replica guns on the plane. You will have to declare them because if you dont, they will be found in the checked bags when they xray and they will open your baggage. Besides the rigamarole of checking and declaring them, you likely will have to pick them up separately at a manned station. If it looks like a gun, then treat it like a gun. Because they will.

    I understand wanting to look the part all the time, with a pair of pistols in your belt. But to me its not worth the hassle of flying with functional guns, let alone replicas. But that is your choice.  In the end there's not much use for them except in your belt anyway.

    Usually you can find a spot on a cannon crew, and get trained at the same time. Sometimes you can even borrow a flinter if you know someone.

    remember, you can always hand wash an outfit, if you need to wear it again.

    and YES, put something clean aside for the flight home. Its close quarters on the plane!

    [Probably easier to ship the replica guns in a box.  I haven't researched them yet, but these amazon drop boxes we see all over the place might be an option.]

  14. This will not be complete yet, but I wanted to share some info on flying in.

    10) General area, facilities, and nearby airports

    nearby airports -  I discovered in my search that the major airlines do not seem to go into Mobile. There may be smaller airlines that do, but connections are on you.

    I looked at several nearby airports, notably Pensacola and New Orleans. GulfPort may also be an option.

    We chose Southwest, primarily because they fly into these two airports and they have liberal bag and cancellation policies.

    Southwest offers two checked bags under 50 pounds free and a carryon, plus a small personal bag. Plus being its happening during Hurricane season, if the worst should occur, flights can easily be cancelled for credit towards another flight. Altho I hope this does not happen.

    We chose to fly into New Orleans, mostly because Stynky is driving from the west coast and offered to meet us there. We are likely going to the French Quarter for a meal and then on to the fort (about a 2 hour drive from New Orleans). We also have to pick up a wall tent for the ladies in Gautier. The crew meeting in New Orleans has grown so we will also need to rent a car to accomodate all of us and the gear.

    We looked at Pensacola also which might be a better option for some because its about an hour from Mobile. But its the far side of Mobile for us and we've never seen New Orleans. Flights were quite reasonable and many of us are connectign the same flight out of Phoenix to New Orleans.


    Now I realize the distance from the airport requires some sort of transportation, Sorry - I dont have a good solution outside of carpooling with someone or just renting a car.

    So likely a rental car is needed for this event unless you can coordinate with folks or have a friend that can pick you up on their way to the fort.

  15. 3) Hygiene, what to bring and what to expect – I include the usual items, small enough to pass the TSA and fit in my essentials backpack.

    What to bring:  in your "essentials" backpack:

    Personal medications - if needed, vitamins, pain reliever etc.

    Toothbrush and toothpaste - (it helps to have water in your mug) to brush teeth and rinse in morning and night

    deodorant and other personal items -  necessary (case by case)

    bio degradable soap - . in case there are showers (or sometimes beach showers). This varies a lot from event to event. Sometimes events will setup temporary showers in a grassy section with plastic tarp for some privacy (thus the bio-degradable soap). Sometimes there are limited shower facilities so you might only get one shower for the weekend. Sometimes there is simply nothing. If you can swim, that might be an option also. Or if you know someone staying in a hotel, you may be able to beg a shower. The last case is have wet wipes handy, camping is dirty and depends a lot on the particular site.

    Packaged Wet Wipes - these are handy and I always bring them

    Turkish towels in linen - are period correct in toned down colors so you can hang them to dry versus the modern fluffy towels – They are very liteweight and are easy to stash!

    Mosquito repellent and sunscreen - are a good idea always! You might plan to buy it after arriving to avoid TSA restrictions (Mary Diamond has an excellent reference below for a kit)


    Other Items you will want - If you fly in and rent a car or drive in,make a grocery run on the mainland and buy at least water, most pirates need a rum run anyway! If you didnt rent a car, ask around if anyone is making a trip for ice or something and offer to tag along and help. This may give you an advantage when we talk about “eats” later on as well.

    Period hat  - to screen the sun from face

    Water - there will be water on site, but I've been sick on the water in Key West so be careful. I can't vouch for Ft Gaines.

    A trash bag - to clean up anything you may need to throw away.

    A roll of toilet paper -  can sometimes be a lifesaver.


    What to expect:

    FT Gaines – there are permanent restroom facilities.

    There is a campground nearby with showers that we will be able to use with a token. 1 token per camper for the weekend, tho I'm told you can buy additional tokens at the campground. There could be close to 100 participants,  so plan accordingly. (2am is sometimes a good time for a shower)

    There is a beach near the fort, so you can swim. no beach showers.

    There are a few power outlets inside the fort for charging batteries

    There are mostly B&Bs, I dont recall seeing any hotels on the island (See facilities in a later post)

    Flying to other events - expect no shower facilities and plan accordingly.

    Ask questions, sometimes this spurs the event to make plans

    Even if there are showers they may be so limited or require a reservation

    Expect porta-potties and be happy if there are more permanent facilities.


    Keep the facilities clean - pick up after yourself. All any one can ask is to leave it better than you found it.


    everyone's different so dont take what I say as the rule. I've been to events where there was no chance for a shower

  16. I'm skipping hygiene for now until I get more details about the facilities.

    Eating may also change a bit depending what plans are made so I'll stick to basic stuff.

    4) Eating - Every event is different, but there are always crews that cook for their immediate members. Usually these are the folks that drove and could bring their cooking pots! This is usually undertaken by individual camps. Sometimes group meals are planned by crews, sometimes onsite vendors with food, sometimes a catered meal for participants. In any event you'll be prepared by bringing a period style mug, bowl/plate/trencher, spoon and knife (doubles as a fork), just in case.

    If you are flying in I would plan on bringing cash to buy meals. It's difficult enough to bring tent and sleeping gear in limited luggage space, let alone metal cooking gear. Having said that, there are a lot of options in between.

    Other crews cooking - If you are lucky to know a crew thats there and cooking, and are offered to partake...  jump on it! Offer to help or contribute to the cost or effort in some way. its always appreciated and may get you invited back again. Likewise, if you bartered a ride to get supplies ask them about meals and if you contributed would you be welcomeed.

    On-site food vendors - At most events there are at least 1 -2 food vendors. Can anyone chime in on this particular event? They do fire up the bread baking ovens in the fort, but I've yet to see concrete plans.

    Off-site food vendors - depending on the site, there may be nearby restaurants and other jazzy eaterys. I personally have not been to Dauphin Island so I can't vouch for the restaurants there ... yet! Best to investigate before hand.

    Have rental car or transportation - If you have transportation, you can grocery shop. However I've looked around a bit and grocery shopping should be done on the mainland before getting to the island. There is not a grocery store proper on the island and what is there is expensive. I saw a few businesses specializing in delivering groceries from the mainland. Maybe someone who has attended or is somewhat local can chime in here? I'm told there is a ship store just as you enter the island. It has a grocery section, but is not well stocked (except for beer and charcoal) and is more like the auxiliary section at a bait store.

    I would definitely bring some things for snacks, if not sandwiches, or something for meals to be a bit independent.

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