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Posts posted by madPete

  1. I made an early hammock 10 years ago. Used it at one or two events. The trick is knowing if there is a place to hang it and getting there first. I really should plan to use it more, but there are not so many events these days. the hammock is very comfortable. If I was coming alone to Ft Gaines I would consider bringing it.


    Here's a pic at Utah Pirate festival back in 2013 and thanks to William for taking these photos!


  2. I put this list together over in the Crafting your kit forum.

    We cant vouch for the suppliers, but many of them have been around for a while and at least there is a start for finding some proper kit. Some of it contains later 1700s era shoes and clothing, so you still have to dig a bit. Its pretty hard to find proper kit, but I'm adding more suppliers as we find them. Many suppliers have dropped off in the Covid and post Covid era. Linking to the Pyracy Forum thead here so we dont have to mantain the list in two places...

    LInk to Pyracy topic

  3. 16 hours ago, TudorSmith said:

    Those shirts look so good! The patterns make me exited to cut my next one.


    In other news, just "thrifted" this online. 


    Stamped on the bottom as leadless English pewter. I think it's got the glass bottom which isn't thrilling but it seemed better quality then the new tin/aluminum/copper mugs I was seeing on Amazon for just as much as I ended up bidding on this one if not mode 

    $12 - not bad. Rarely ever see them in the thrift stores anymore, most cast alloy when you do

  4. I've reversed the arms (twisted one end) when attaching them to the body, and there is no fix but to reattach or remove.

    I typically built one coat of outer fabric and one coat of lining with sleeves attached. Then good sides together and stitch all the way around (except neck opening). Flip right side out and then handstitch the neck opening

  5. There is an older thread but its  outdated. Since there is a demand for information, sources and prices have changed a lot since the Covid era. I'm not going to maintain links (but will provide website name in parenthesis when possible). Will try to note the sources that might be more modern or not quite period (target is late 1600s thru early 1700s). Not promoting or recommending these sources. They are "for information only"...

    I would like to stress making your own kit is the most historic and economical option (if you are able)

    If you run across other sources please post them below and I'll add/edit appropriately to original post..

    hat blanks:

       Etsy "shopboswell" - nice heavy hat blanks for reasonable prices (www.etsy.com)

       Veteran Arms - Hat blanks at reasonable prices

    knitted hats:

       Etsy "KnitKriket" - various monmouth and other wool knitted hats (www.etsy.com)

       Js Townsends - Monmouth cap (www.townsends.us)


        Loyalist Arms - still lists the early shoes with wood heels. These are excellent, but there was a long lead time from my memory (www.loyalistarms.ca)

       Foxblade Trading: - various early shoes (www.re-enactment-shoes.co.uk)

       Gossvile Shoes - early open side and colonial shoes (www.gossvillenh.com in US)

       Pumpkintown sutler - Various mens and womens shoes, some are later period

       Js Townsends - later 18th century/colonial style shoes (www.townsends.us)

       Fugawee.com - colonial style shoes (www.fugawee.com)

    Cotton Stockings:

       Etsy "pennyriver" - These are reasonably priced Adult size cotton stockings in various colors, also silk (www.etsy.com)

       Js Townsend - various styles of Stockings in colors, and garters (www.townsends.us)

       The Cloak Drummer sutler - various cotton stockings (www.cloakdrummer.com)

       Etsy "historicalhatlady" - cotton stockings in various colors (www.etsy.com)

    Hand made Stockings:

       Etsy "TheFlyingDeathsHead" - Handmade wool stockings (www.etsy.com)


       Js Townsend - linen workshirt and banded shirt in linen  (www.townsends.us)

       halfpint (on pyracy.com) - Handstitched linen shirts


       Js Townsend - Fly Front Knee Breeches and Front Fly trousers in linen (www.townsends.us)

       Loyalist Arms - Website says inquire about Sailor slops under new products (www.loyalistarms.ca)

       White Pavilion Clothiers - French fly slops in canvas (www.whitepavilion.com

       G Gedney Godwin Sutler - Sailor slops in Striped cotton (www.gggodwin.com)

       Slops By Chaaps - Sailor slops in natural linen (etsy.com)


        Etsy "historicalhatlady" - various waistcoats, later but passable with modified pocket flaps (www.etsy.com)

       js Townsend - 1750s waistcoat in linen, later but passable considering lack of sources (www.townsends.us)

       Slop by Chaaps - Sailor long and short waistcoats (sleeved and unsleeved) in linen (etsy.com)


        Samson Historical - stays, shifts (www.samsonhistorical.com)

    Market Wallet:

        Samsons Historical - linen market wallet (www.samsonhistorical.com)


        "Bucklecastings" on Facebook - various buckles buttons, etc based on dug examples


        js Townsend - has pewter, brass and plain buttons (www.townsends.us)

       Veteran Arms - various styles (www.veterarms.com)

       Blockade Runner - plain penny buttons (www.blockaderunner.com)


       Fabrics Store - various weights of 100% linen and some other fabrics (www.fabrics-store.com)

      Wm Booth Draper - various wool and linen fabrics (www.wmboothdraper.com)

      Burnley and Trowbridge - various wool and notions (www.burnleyandtrowbridge)

    Hemp Rope:

      Hemp Traders - Various sizes of hemp rope (www.hemptraders.com)

    Tents: (sometimes a long lead time - dont wait)

      Panther Primitives - various tent styles (pantherprimitives.com)

      Red Hawk Trading - various tent styles (www.redhawktrading.com)

      Tent Smiths - various tent styles (www.tentsmiths.com)


      Veteran Arms - French and British uniforms tho later 18th century (www.veteranarms.com)


       Rob Gorrell - Makes excellent period lanterns (www.robgorrell.com)

  6. 26 minutes ago, TudorSmith said:

    Finished the lining and started putting it in the shell this morning. Got excited about it, and how close to "done" I was....till I remembered that i still have to do buttons and buttonholes after this is done 😐


    Which, part of me thought I'd just do cloth covered buttons but.....not happening. Metal buttons it is..i think I have enough in my stash but if anyone has s good source on buttons to share I wouldn't mind suggestions.


    After this, another shirt, another pair of slops, some skirts, a waistcoat if I have time....

    Looking good! Whaaat?!? You still have 7 weeks, get on it! (just kidding).

    I used this tutorial to make wool buttons for my Justaucorp. It took 132 buttons(!!) and I was worried about cost and total weight of metal buttons. These were easy to make and are period.



  7. Some new socks arrived today. When I went thru mine before Long Beach, some had huge holes and I gave a couple pair to my son. These were from Etsy Penny River. so far they look pretty nice.

    I found if you wear anklet socks under your long socks, they last much longer! Provides some additional padding too.


  8. 2 hours ago, TudorSmith said:

    It's always amazing to me when the little fiddly bits feel like they take just as long to do as major construction parts....

    1 pocket done.one pocket 3/4th done. Hopefully finish that tonight and get the lining cut. Definitely going collarless on this one.....I'm over the little time sinks....






    Pockets always slow it down, but they are necessary. Lookiing good!

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