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Everything posted by captscurvy_nc

  1. 1 and a half bottles of 90 proof parrot bay cocunut rum, a pair of shears and 12 yards of red cotton, 6 yards of black and a box of 300 buttons. Not sure what uniform this is gonna fit in yet but I can't stop working on it. It's 2 am and I just can't put it away. this will be one interesting coat. Wonder if I'll remember making it in the morning...
  2. Wish I could make it this year. I know everyone will have a blast.
  3. I found a part from an antique victrolia at the flea market this week. It has a very unique brass cover over the speaker piece that is about 4 inches wide and it has a perfect indent in the middle in the shape of a circle that hopefully will fit a watch face. Thing only cost me $2 so not too worried if it doesn't work. Want to attach it to a small to medium sized leather bracer with some copper wire trim. I'll post pics once I have the piece all cleaned up.
  4. My cousin has quit the painting business and brought me a ton of painters canvas in varying sizes. Most of it is in good shape with no paint spills and I plan on working on a new tent set up since I can't think of anything else to do with all of it. Going to treat it this weekend to "hopefully" waterproof it. Anyone have more luck with one product over another when it comes to treating canvas?
  5. Just curious did anyone run into a rather "colorfull" homeless man who wears sailor's slops and has a red rider wagon with him? He play's the ukalayle (sorry if I spelled it wrong), horribly, and was found of following us around last time I was at PIP.
  6. Not period in the least but when I needed a replacment lens that size I decided to make a stain glass style lens out of broken rolling rock and heinikin bottles. It turned out great regardles of it not being "correct" and the glass has a very unique glow to it.
  7. No problem. Wal Mart carries them for cheap. I buy the three drawer cabniet one myself. You can also find the clear storage compartments at yard sales and thrift stores alot as well. another tool I found that is usefull when working on steampunk projects is a telescoping magnet like the one you find in an IT computer repair kit. I have dropped little bits of metal and screws and such so many times on the carpet and would never have found them again if it wasn't for this tool.
  8. One thing I find neccesarry in my workshop is clear tuberware containers that are stackable. I hav so many little gears and old clock parts and bits of machinery that they are constantly getting lost or mixed up with my GAOP gear. Also maks for a quick inventory bfore I hit the flea market. I can glance real quick and know if I need to buy heavy on candlesticks or old door knockers and light fixtures or if I'm running low on little decor items like buttons, screws, tubbing or old wires and fixtures.
  9. Best way I have found to learn everything about pirate ships is start with gathering the neccesary knowledge and skills needed to crew on a ship and then volunteer for anything and everything you can at festivals. I learnd more in one afternoon hauling lines aboard the Mekka II at Hampton then I would have believed. It was worth it. Study up on your sailor knowledge and then just keep offering your srvices to hlp crew and you'll be gtting hands on experience in no time
  10. Appreciate the support. I still have no idea how the talks will go this year but as soon as I am told something definite I will let you all know. We were actually thinking of going for the "Pirate Beach Party" theme keeping to histpry of Blackbeards last days in Ocracoke.
  11. Well it's that time of year again, the time when I get numerous phone calls due to my connections on Ocracoke Island about when I am going to organize a festival there. The problem is always the same though. Back in the eighties they had a thing called Buccanner days, didn't really have anything to do with Pirates though, mor of an excuse to get drunk and race dune buggies on the beach. Someone got seriously injured one year and that event has left a foul taste in the mouth of county officials ever since. I may have a better chance with talks this year though due to some new blood being elected to the board. The question is this. If I can get approval this would be a very difficult event to get funded due to teh history of the Bucanner days event. I could provide free camping to anyone cpomming down but getting any type of budget through sponsorships will be difficult. The good thing is the tourist love to tip entertainers (I would make $150 to $200 a day before lunch easily) and there is never a shortage of tourist on the island with ferries running every fifteen minutes during summer season. If we could pull off a succesful event with no injuries and show the town how profitable for them a yearly event could be then I think the following year getting an operating budget together would be no problem. So is there anyone that would be willing to participate hypothetically if this gets approved? Don't think about dates or conflicts, I'll work that out later. I just need to know whose willing to come aboard for (sorry to say this) no pay but at least free camping.
  12. I could give you some more specific instructions if you can post a pic of what you want the hat to look like when it's finished.
  13. steaming it to get the shape you want first is what's always worked for me. Just place it over a pot of boiling water while constintly turning it till the felt get's soft. Put it on and push up and pull out until you get the crown to the shape you want.
  14. Unless there's a drastic change for the better with my grandfather's health, it looks like I will not be attending this year. Really wish I could since I have missed out on so many other events this year but it can't be helped. Hope everyone has a wonderful time this year and I will be back on the road again eventually.
  15. Wonder what the treatment (besides pulling them out, talking about once it starts to show infection) was with splinters. Could the treatment carry a higher risk of infection and death than the actuall splinter itself?
  16. Looking forward to hearing more about this event and wish you the best of luck. Don't forget my offer when the time comes.
  17. if I can afford the gas by that time (still unemployed from my operations) I will definitly be there. It's been a long time since I got a chance to play pirate with you
  18. I remember where I got the pattern from now. It was in the No Quarter Given's Pirate Primer book. There is a bucket boot pattern in the costume section
  19. The durango boots have a very easy seam to follow about three inches above the back of the boot. I took a basic pattern for bucket boot spats and converted it to attach to the boots. The leather is easy to match up in weight and the stiching was easy. Had them since 1998 and there still in great shape
  20. same for me. I had to have my boots made special but they turned out great. Durango work boots make for a great conversion and Wal Mart has started carrying them again.
  21. I haven't been on a galleon before but when the galleon ship was at the Blackbeard festival last year I noticed the same thing. Didn't have a chance to go on board so I don't have an answer. Would it have anything to do with allowing fro storage space below? Don't know just asking. Also Cascabell, when the hell am I gonna see you again?
  22. For me it was Mrs. batkins, my next door neighbor and babysitter. She knew how much I loved reading and when I was 6 she gave me two brown paper grocery bags full of books. The two I instantly started reading were Treasure Island and a copy of The Princess Bride. I would discover later when I got older and she passed away that her memory was going and most of the books were from the local library and she just forgot to return them! Never the less I spent whole days highlighting words I didn't understand and letting my imagination run wild with the parts I did comprehend. So much that my mom came home one day to find about 15 holes in the backyard from a treasure hunt. I actually did find a very rare mercury head dime buried in the backyard around hole 9, but I figured there might be more so I kept going. My parents decided to encourage my new found hobby by enrolling me in fencing classes at a local dojo that taught martial arts and olympic style fencing. When I was 9 I found my grandmothers old singer sewing machine and when halloween rolled around that was when I made my first pirate outfit. Been doing it ever since and wouldn't have things any other way
  23. Well I can know say I know exactly how many piratical weapons will fit inside a guitar case. 2 cutlasses, 6 pistols, three daggers, one marlinspike, a baldric and two belts. Had to pack the weapons in a hard shell case for my trip this weekend.
  24. I have aquired the title of "master of aquisitions" from quite a few events by always having plenty of snack food on hand to give away or "piratically" making food appear when needed. Ask cookie about how I got the tools he needed to feed all of us at the Hampton Festival last year....
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