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Gunpowder Gertie

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Everything posted by Gunpowder Gertie

  1. I'm reading "The Way of a Ship" by Derek Lundy. ( A squarerigger voyage in the last days of sail) It's a really good read- full of documentary style descriptions of life aboard ship, of storms and the dangers of the sea, and a character based on his own grandfather, who helps to illustrate (in addition to other things) abilities and contributions of his Irish/Canadian ancestors. Ripping tale!
  2. Oi! Ye can talk t' our own PoD! I be gettin' one from him as well! He does good work, he does!
  3. Me crew be on the path o' justice.Don't believe ever'thing yer told. For there be honest pirates yet.

  4. Wow- great find Wes! I was just looking for some period maps of Newfoundland and Labrador- and- there they be! Super quality, too! I think I'll add it to my list of must buys!
  5. Well, as a Canadian , I have to throw my lot in with Peter Easton! Though not well known, he was likely THE most successful pirate. He is a folk hero in Newfoundland, and very famous in the Maritimes, though interestingly, not so much in the rest of Canada. to whit: from Wikipedia, because I am too lazy to write a whole biography, though I likelyy will later: Peter Easton (c. 1570 – 1620 or after) was a pirate in the early 17th century who operated along the Newfoundland coastline between Harbour Grace and Ferryland from 1611 to 1614. Perhaps one of the most successful of all pirates he controlled such seapower that no sovereign or state could afford to ignore him and he was never overtaken or captured by any fleet commissioned to hunt him down.
  6. LOL at you guys! Pimp my Galleon.. <snicker> But- it is a pretty cool idea...
  7. Happy Birthday Sirrah! Rum all 'round! and a bottle of HP sauce too!
  8. I'd be happy t' get a good old fashioned blizzard....
  9. I can't imagine losing my house to fire.. and then to lose your fur kids too? Heartbreaking! I donated, I hope others will too!
  10. Very pleased..and relieved... to hear this Bo!
  11. This be a great thing, sez I! Congrats Eye, sez I! Aye! sez I....
  12. Why do I get the picture in my head of Blackbeard striding across the screen, pausing, looking directly at the camera and saying -in best Warner Bros cartoons fashion- "I've been sick" ala: @ 3:01 in this Tex Avery cartoon
  13. Red Dawn, I am glad things are better with your nephew! Bo- thanks for the update! Stay strong, my friend!
  14. Happy Birthday Mate! Hope ye get lots o' RUM!
  15. Keeping you in my thoughts Bo..let us know the results, okay?
  16. Bo- I know the stress of the situation can make you fixate on the most negative outcome..but please be positive for yourself and your son. Cross that bridge when you come to it, mate. You know the risks..but try and be optimistic, and plan for the best case scenario. We're all here for you, and our thoughts and prayers are with you and your son. Calm seas, my friend!
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