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Gunpowder Gertie

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Everything posted by Gunpowder Gertie

  1. The way I read it on the website is that the finalists will be announced Nov 22, and then I guess we'll vote again. I could be wrong however...
  2. Good taste, damn yer Eye- I was lookin' at this one too- just lookin' fer the buy it NOW button... it is truly grand, is it not?
  3. Sounds like folks will take care o' you me friend! Not to worry - I've done the same thing- arrived at events where I only knew folks from a messageboard- and I've never had it turn out badly, yet! Made some amazing and long lasting friends, I have! You will be fine! But- if ye want t' be recognized at any event- think about somethin' that'll be unique to you- yer signature piece as 'twere- and ye'll be alright!
  4. Ah mate - so ye ARE goin'? Good on ye! I'm sure ye'll have a grand time!
  5. It is always sad to lose one in a community..but to lose one so young as well RIP my friend, and Godspeed t' Fiddlers Green
  6. Aye- and, where ever ye go, there'll be vendors who have more and more accoutrements for your costume/garb and yer character too! Lady B is right- as long as ye have the basics- why then ye're ready t' add t' yer character, as it evolves! Ye don't necessarily want t' show up full blown, and then discover some o' yer stuff doesn't actually fit the character what be developin'! Especially if ye haven't yet decided on yer plan o' attack- be it period correct, Hollywood - er whatever.
  7. Aye- wanna bump this- c'mon ye scurvy dogs- keep votin' fer Oderlesseye!
  8. Ahoy Big John! Being a fellow pirate on th' other side o' the coast, I feel yer frustration at a lack of Canadian piratical events! I believe there are a couple o' good events in Halifax- I'd be lookin' there. O' course the Florida events are wonderful- but there is quite a bit, I be thinkin' along that eastern seaboard! With yer size Matey, I'd say ye'd likely make a grand Blackbeard..if nothin else, a fair great swashbucklin' rogue! Welcome t' the pub, mon ami. and ally? p'raps! PIRATE! Again, welcome. There be much in the Pub t' keep ye amused, informed, and dare I say it...compelled. And not to worry, Mate. I've made many a friendship here on the pub, and Facebook, and a couple o' other piratical message boards. Ye'll quickly find others ye know- t' meet up wi' ,sup with, and drink with at any event ye care t' attend.
  9. I'd like to be packing and going..anywhere!

  10. Welcome Mad Zan! D'ye happen t' have a meatpie or a mug o' ale about yer possessions? Ah. no matter- welcome t' the Pub, Lass..always ready t' welcome another mad 'un!
  11. Aye- we got a few more days t' increse yer fan followin' Eye! Haharrrrr!
  12. Rum Rum, yarr yarr yarrrr....

    1. FrancisTalon


      Rum, Rum, Yar Yar Yar

      If you need me I'll be at the bar.;)

    2. Ransom
  13. Me and me crew, the Buccaneers o' the Black Fleet has finished a little project. It's a parody of Lady GaGa's Bad Romance video. It took longer than expected, due to the weather not co operatin', me old video camera kept breakin' down.. but we had a ton o' fun makin' it.
  14. If'n I might be so bold, I heared tell from others what own that blade.stories abound o' the blade snapping off in the scabbard..it happened t' me own mate Black Tess. Sword had ne'er been pulled. Heard tell o' several maties what the same happened. Buyers beware..ye get what ye pay for...
  15. I heard this as well- and I did some research, and apparently it is true. She just underwent about 3 million dollars worth of refurbishment, so perhaps that is why they are selling her.
  16. HAHARRRRRRR! Yer done, ya swab! And I'll do it agin tomorra!
  17. Aye Lad- yer makin' me drool with anticipation...these are grand pieces fer sure!
  18. There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. ..or so said Winston Churchill

    1. Old Crow

      Old Crow

      Outside of a horse, a book is probably man's best friend; inside of a horse, it's too dark .

      to paraphrase Groucho

    2. jendobyns


      I was just trying to remember who said that (the Winston Chruchill thing, not Groucho) So true!

  19. I couldna find it.. I came home Rootjack-less! Wargh!
  20. Haharrr! Aye- after piratin' and pillagin' at the Portland Pirate festival for the day, we also stopped off at a Red Lobster on the way home! Endless shrimp......ahhhhhhhh! to recap: spent time with Cap'n Slappy-on TLAPD- in our best piratical gear, and then finished off the day with shrimp...ahhh- a Pirates life fer me! Best TLAP Day EVER!
  21. Bess or the blunderbuss?

    1. wes1761


      BOTH!!!! I love my Bess, its roughly 35 years old or so. Just got another buss in, never should have sold off my other one. I can get you a Bess (1st model) or a blunderbuss at wholesale through Middlesex Village if needed....I still carry distributor status....

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