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Gunpowder Gertie

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Everything posted by Gunpowder Gertie

  1. I don't think it was whalers..I've seen this picture too, but I don't think it was in regards to whalers in Nova Scotia.
  2. Oi Lady B- I'm naught but a humblepiiiiiiiirate..... perhaps ye'll acquiesce t' my request ... t' have a grand and merry birthday, Lass! Mugs and meatpies all around!!!
  3. Thanks VS for posting this. I am finding it quite fascinating to see the effort and the workmanship that goes into making these old weapons. She's a thing to behold, and that's the truth!
  4. A mug an a meatpie raised in yer honour sirrah!
  5. Excellent work, Mate! Great t' see ye back at the pub! I was wonderin' how it was workin' out fer ya!
  6. Thanks to Quartermaster James, Lost Soul and Maggie for a great weekend..they took us out black powder shooting and we had a great time, learned a lot..and shot a lot.Definitely something I want to pursue!

  7. Ahoy Lass! Happy Birthday! Rumcake all around! ( Used the last o' the rum in the rumcake, y'see- but it seems so appropriate for a birthday!)
  8. Happy Birthday, Eye- me brother in pyracy! I'll lift a mug o' ale fer ya, and hope ye hoist a few in return! Hope it's the best birthday ever!
  9. Oi Chrispy! Well deserved, Mate! Congrats! and congrats also to all on the Pub who were nominated!
  10. Sorry to take so long to acknowledge yer fine wishes..me new job site, and the 12 hour days that it entails, and lack o' the internet seas presently... well, took me some time t' get to me home freebooter computer. Thankee so much fer the wishes, Mates! Makes me fairly fog up me deadlights with a wispy tear, it does. An' rest assured, I shall endeavour t' enjoy a mug o' the rum... and enjoy a bit o' the chocolate cake- and blow out the candles... fer all o' ya!
  11. Avast! Cannibal Chrispy! Have a fantastic day, Mate! Rum all around!
  12. There are no words for the sadness. First the fire, now this. Best wishes to his family, and crew.
  13. That "treasure chest" has shown up for sale in a gallery in New Orleans.
  14. what I did, is whack the heck out of it, whipping a wooden post with it. The straps would curl around the post, and really loosen it up. Softened it up really well, and also adds some authentic wear! And then I just worked it back and forth around the buckle points. And rubbed dirt into it too.
  15. Aye- we be interested, it be time to fly our own flag! We talked before, and me flag is at the bottom o' me message! Just the artwork, not the text as well! Already got a quote too a while ago., unless that has changed! will send you a PM!
  16. aye! What can I say, sirrah! Huzzah! Oderlesseye, the reason men die!! standin' at the gates of hell!
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